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Iron Skies

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Everything posted by Iron Skies

  1. Frees me and Steve for the second team. Which shall be referred to as team random
  2. Ok, got some time to give a run-down on the Hoff. I'll try and answer this how you have set out your questions however as I do not play Ramos and my only experience with him comes from playing against Mythicfox and his Ramos crew alot of my views come from playing against him. 1. How do they both compare. Both of them on their own have very low mobility however Hoffman can hitch a ride on any construct that is height 2 so long as they start in base contact. This does give Hoffman a mobility advantage but it is very easy to overextend with a Hoffman crew and end up with no master. Ramos himself has a ranged offensive spell that will be his primary damage output and does mean that if he is on his own he won't be all that helpless (Armour 2 does help as well!) Hoffman does not have any ranged offensive spells and his primary damage output comes from machine puppeting friendly constructs to attack. Without a construct near him to pick him up/machine puppet Hoffman is very easy to kill. 2. Pros/Cons. Both. Pros : Very good at supporting their constructs either by healing/defence buffing (in the case of Ramos) or removing any bad abilities that they may have (Hoffman with maintain machines) Cons : Slow, Wk3 and both having low defence Hoffman. Pros : Can hitch a ride with any Ht2 construct and then use machine puppet to make them engage. Can assimilate any LISTED ability on a friendly construct. The more friendly constructs that are close to him the higher his cast becomes. Gets rid of bad abilities with maintain machines. Machine puppet! CB6:rams with critical strike on melee or ranged attack from a construct Depending on the constructs taken can either make good ones better or steal their abilities and make himself incredably powerful. Dampening, no blasts, aura's or pulses within 3" of him unless it's his activation Can gain fast but makes a construct slow. Cons : VERY crew dependant. If he is ever cought on his own he's dead. Protected by machines - you can have assimilated armour 6 bazillion that you have just made however if he gets hit you HAVE to take the basic armour of a friendly construct within 3" (Which will usually be 1 or 2) Close in spell power, longest range spell being combat mechanic (Heal) No ability to make new constructs Ramos. Pros : Armour 2! One of the highest casts in the game Counterspell, can stop a spell by ditching cards. Casting expert. Extra cast action Can gain scrap as a 2 action. Able to make spiders and electical creations on the same turn. Offensive spell that ignores armour Pneumatic grip Cons : VERY low DF and walk. Despite having a high cast his summoning spells need at least a 7tomes to work. No movement tricks without SnowStorm Again, crew dependant but can hold his own a little 3. Preferred While I have the Ramos box he's still unassembled. Prefer Hoffman
  3. I mostly agree with the competitive feeling on avatars though I really feel that's because they have not been played enough to formulate them to the strategies and schemes. There are those that are along the lines of 'Ok avatar and lose/fluff the game (ie the dreamer)' While several (Particularly the Hoffs) are great as a late game manifest when you have hopefully completed your schemes/strategy etc and who's manifest requirements are something you would accomplish with them during the course of a normal game.
  4. Will have a full reply in the next couple of days regarding Hoffman but in summary. Situational booster to the constructs is the way I have been playing him. Getting picked up by different constructs as they move into position for him to machine puppet. Spells good for objective grabbing (overide edict) or if surrounded/near spirits (open circuit) find I don't use combat mechanic that much and just blow up scrap counters instead.
  5. Put me down for a Harrogate team, will work out team-mates and get back to you on that Jo. We might have two teams worth coming down
  6. Hi guys, Thanks to the success of the Ice Breaker at the RAFA in Harrogate we will be hosting another tournament on the 29th of April (It's a Sunday) Again the venue will be capped at 20 people. Format will be the same as the last one (35 ss fixed faction ranked) following gaining grounds Entry fee and prizes looking to be the same as well. http://www.mythicfox.com/malifaux/hwgc-icebreaker-2012.pdf Same venue and set-up at the ice-breaker so going to put James' rulespack up as a filler for now. Yes there are some typos More will be posted later in the week! Watch this space and pm if interested Cheers - Adam Entrants list: 1. Boyzie - Adam B 2. Scurry - Steve S 3. ukrocky - Craig 'Insert name you know him by here' J 4. AdrianMills - Adrian M 5. Joel - Don't know your name yet 6. Rhinobuster - Paul Hansel 7. Stryder - Ant Hoult (Please note that random Pavarotti disease has been on the increase in the area)
  7. Trawled through the rules manual and pg53 says that if a spell would effect multiple models the resist duels are flipped in any order their controller wants. (Yes I know pulses on pg 20 says it effects all models in it's area at the same time so not 100% on the timing myself)
  8. Well you can start a game with up to 8. Each time you use a soulstone you have to down it Collette players would get smashed
  9. If we had somewhere we were staying in the same building I propose all soulstones being shots
  10. Might be sober as well. Then again I might get crucified for bringing the hoff
  11. Havn't been talking to Craig at all? That's his method of success!
  12. I'd say jovial and having the metal age of a 6 year old but that's just me
  13. In a stetson! With a pop gun! Got a new nightmare model there
  14. Is the smack talking over? Also can all my decisions be made by a giant talking bee?
  15. Haha, the way I've been going with him you won't have to worry about facing me
  16. Let CRABLACH COMMENCE! *Cue music* Gone away from the hoff-turtle and instead gone with the hoff strikeforce
  17. Sadly playing Guild Jo so he'll be in my case. Been playing with Perdita more than the Hoff recently though
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