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Everything posted by HPSoundwave

  1. I have this inkling....that soon the flame war will start, the trolls will gather and this thread will be banned. So sad.....
  2. The one with the stripes on his stomach it says thug life, on his right shoulder it says 1% left shoulder is a barbed wire tat and on his spine is a cross The other one has 2 snake tats on each arm Both names on the bases inspired by simpsons I am gonna retake a bunch of pics again and try the white paper again the deamon was the only one that came out good the last time I tried it. I just finished a Teddy today which my friends said was extremely creepy. I plan on painting another teddy....but when i do that I am gonna do it in pastel colors and base it off a care bear. I am also right now working on the Ortega Crew...got perdita mostly done.
  3. More of a gamer well the nephs I wanted to look different and there names say why. Darkness was the big horned dude from legend and he was nothing but red and black. Problem is I suck at taking pictures they all look better when the camera captures them right.
  4. Don't mock an inexperienced roleplayer, you were there once yourself buddy. Plus your arguement has serious flaws. Almost no one in Malifaux is just experienced in Malifaux. Leveticus did not spend his boyhood hobbling and losing wounds on the streets of Malifaux, neither did Alyce, Viktoria, Seamus, orany of the other characters we know and love, they had some experience on earth so making a character thats new and on the same level of an experienced malifauxian is possible. Character X was a little late to the train ride over...it happens. Make sure character X doesn't have any gremlin hunting, neverborn killing xp and lacks the intimate knowledge of people like Ramos, Perdita, Lilith, Leveticus and McMourning. Thats all thats needed in that situation. Which honestly with all your RP experience didn't you think that would kinda be an obvious solution? and Curator....all the name drop....seriously? I mean I just want to state that to me it just seems sorta geek pretentious. I mean not to knock you down a peg but I honestly couldn't really care that you gamed with Gygax and Arenson. I mean do not get me wrong thats cool and all but I am pretty sure there are game designers out there who havn't and have come up with some pretty great stuff so it doesn't really make you any more credible or important then anyone else.
  5. what about warmachine what do the forces in that game thematically what are they like and how do they play?
  6. I think the best place to start a statline build is to look at all the basic human models. Guiuld Guards, Austringers, Governor's proxy, The Ortegas, Sameal Hopkins, Nurses, Mortimer, Sebastian, and all the other Unique minion humans and the regular minion humans and see where the statlines are similar and such and build from there to make the potential for a player to make a character who is an average human or above average in one aspect but below avaerage in another. And set them up to eventually become masters and minions to each other.
  7. Some more people I know actually play hordes and warmachine. I am thinking of getting into it, but heres the thing I want to play circle of Oroboros and I want Gaint wolves and werewolves can it be done and how, what do I need to get aside from the basic rules. As for Warmachine Proper I play CSM for 40k aswell as guard and wolves, for fantasy Dark Elves and empire. For Alkemy I play mainly Jade Triad and Avalonian. For Battletech I play Clan Coyote and Draconis Combine....so seeing all this what do you believe my play style for warmachine would be best suited for since I know nothing about it?
  8. I couldn't be at Gencon so I just ordered the book last week. I have yet to get my confirmation on delivery...which totally sucks but I do understand alot of you lucky wyrds got those books and they probly need to print more for the demand of those unlucky enough not to be able to buy from gencon. But the more you all talk about it the more I cannot wait to have my copy.
  9. I will say my only criticism is they look too rotten. I mean in the books it says seamus figured out a way to stop the decomposition issue, and he seems to have a want to keep the belles beautiful sorta like that doctor that did the work on that little girl in the florida keys way back when. I mean for anyone else they are awesome....theme wise thought I would not say they are seamus' girls.
  10. Gensuke I like the cut of your jib on this. I mean I feel his system is moreor less a system to stat outa D&D movie almost. I think exclusive playing of D20 is really the basis. I mean as you have said I have played standard whitewolf, exalted, deadlands non d20, Mutants and Masterminds, tri stat, shadowrun. All of those systems are different from d20. Earlier I suggested deadlands asa place to start. Since it has rules that involve playing cards, It has similar monsters and things and though not exact a similar setting style. But for some reason everyone thought that was too simple and began suggesting other shite.
  11. Okay well I am posting the best of my pictures for both crews. Some are a bit blurry hence why 2 pictures will be posted so the details of one and the details of the other show through together. Baby Kade Terror Tots my desolation engine Bub steampunk abomination Armless Jack and Solomon Leveticus Rusty Alyce this is my first convict gunslinger. Unfortunatly you cannot see it but on his stomach it says Thug Life, on his right shoulder it says 1% like the biker patch. young Nephy Lilith baby Kade made boom boom Darkness Beezelboss one of my hollow waifs
  12. I am just waiting for the little e-mail that says "your fedex tracking number is" and I will have my book. Then on labor day weekend I am driving out to the warstore and buying so much wyrd that they'll have to place a major order with nathan. I can wait on things. Been waiting on SC 2 for 12 years, now I am just waiting on a war chest with all three campaigns. The waiting makes the receiving all the more sweeter.
  13. Curator....you are far too merciful my friend. My PCs many times have to fight in fights that are above them sometimes below them. It isn't a challenge unless you bleed for it. The other thing is you seem to use a combat is the only way to get xp, what about skillchecks, solving riddles and whatnot. I mean a pure hackslash game I get where you are coming from why would you get skill points. But dungeon crawls arn't just sidescrollers of hackslash, they involve climbing, spotting, hiding, moving silently, ambushing, planning even knowledge checks which is what raises skill level. as for playing viktoria....why would you want to play in an RPG a preset character. Almost every RPG starts you off as a scrub fora reason. However a GM at the beginning of the game can say hey everyone level 6 starting characters. All role playing books are merely guidelines.
  14. so it is basically Malifaux 2e, +new army books in the case of the new ressurectionists, arcanists and mercs, and hopefully campaign rules.
  15. The new book does it contain the errataed rules or is it just an army book for the 4 armies?
  16. dude I love it. It is great again this is another piece of terrain which would be cool to run a room clearing mission through.
  17. so do gremlins make white lightning or green lightning?
  18. So I really think Predators is a sad movie. I mean it's all about a family who go out on a hunting trip and get killed....sad.
  19. I still go to my local crack dealer....I mean GW store...lol. Istill play but I completely scaled back to play non GW games. Though I am totally sad about my loss of Night Lords...Now there is nothing that makes my Company of Batman Marines special like last edition's book. And all I have to say is thank god my Dark Elves had like 11K before this new edition all I had to do was buy one battleforce to get my infantry up to snuff. I would love to get into hordes myself I am definatly liking the Ouroboros. Mainly because I love werewolves and wolves. My problem is I do not know anyone who plays it. I got into Alchemy and only 4 other people play that, malifaux and I only know 3 others who play that. But hordes it is a big 0.
  20. I don't know that sounds awfully simple....can you word it to be 300 pages long and then further break it down into 50 books?
  21. Unfortunatly my picture taking is generally hit or miss and i know Kade came out blurry. Honestly I tried using some stuff to make it less so
  22. I like how other then the red she is very noire in look, but the red makes this stark contrast which at first glance gives it a look of unfinished but you look closely and it looks good.
  23. Well things like that happen. After reading what I posted I hope I didn't come off like a total dick. It was really a constructive criticism....though the internet sometimes makes for conveyance to be skewed.
  24. Awesome stuff. You know with the hacienda you know what would be a cool scenario doing a guild room clean game. Like the guild stormed the house and they are trying to clear it of arcanists, ressurectionists or whatever.
  25. Nice work....but the water doesn't seem murky. as they live in the bayou you think the water would be murky. Otherwise spot on.
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