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Everything posted by Twizz666

  1. you say all this and yet you play Lilith's crew... they almost count as vampires themselves... blood counters, Lelu's meelee "vampiric bite" and "drink blood" I find your entire post quite hypocritical, Q'iq'el... personally, i don't want to see "classic" renditions of these or any monsters in this game. but if they choose to do so, you can bet they put some thought and time into it, and it is truly what's best for the game. Edi: and for the record... i love werewolves.
  2. my brother and i talked about a character who could shapeshift, but couldn't control it. He could come with two models and at the start of his activation he had to take a wp test, or even just flip a fate card, and if he loses he takes the beasty sculpt with abilities like teddys 1ap charge but on the closest model. you know, stuff to make him dangerous to his own crew just as much as the others. If he passed the test though, he would remain "human" (more or less i suppose) and have be more like marcus. It's all just talk though. Truthfully, as long as they keep doing their thing, I don't "need" to see anything in this game. The stuff they come up with is quite fascinating.
  3. Well, i'll tell you what i was told. and honestly, i'm glad i listened. if you want to play the hag or levi, do not start with them. Get used to the rules with someone a little simpler. most people prefer lady J or lilith, but marcus is pretty easy to handle. that being said, start with a group you like to look at, and who would be interesting to paint. cause that's just as, if not more, important. The hag can be really fun to play. i like her style a lot. Like the others have said, a lot of people give you a long sigh when you pick her. she's sneaky, and her crow ability lets you get away when you need to. she can also use the top card from your discard pile once every turn. that is very handy. I don't know a whole lot about marcus, but i know he's most likely going to be my next master because colette has me looking into the arcanists quite a bit. and i love the beasts. so, i'm guessing this didn't help much to pick one... but as i've found... it's really hard to pick only one. =]
  4. This stuff looks great man. I dig the body part counters, as everyone has said. =] also, your dog looks pretty great. keep it up!
  5. I liked the second one Omen had. =] but i will be spending more time killing him than using him.
  6. These look really good. I like them a lot. Keep us up to date as you finish more. I'd like to see them.
  7. I don't suppose there is any way to change my screen name is there? I mean, without starting a new account that is. Mine was funny at first, cause my cat, (Twizzler) is pretty much Satan himself... but now i just feel it's a little inappropriate. If i need to start a new account, then so be it, but i was just hoping maybe i could do it without losing all my posts. thankies in advance. =] jeremy
  8. this stuff looks great! i don't think the lighting is bad at all... compared to other pictures that is. I'm really diggin on those bases. I do like wyrd's pre-made bases, but scratch built ones are just so great. Kudo's all around Extro, these are wonderful. I can't wait to see the rest on them
  9. I did this and nearly lost my index finger about a month ago. I was working on terrain at 1 in the morning, exhausted and running mostly on caffeine. I wish i could blame anything but my own stupidity.
  10. Collodi looks freakin cool! i cannot wait for him. Sorry if i've misspelled his name... my book is all the way up stairs and it's 4am. I'm also excited to see molly. her art wasn't even remotely close to what i thought she'd look like. (not in a bad way mind you) The stitched would be on here, but i saw someone painting them at gencon thursday morning. She was nice enough to show it to my brother and i. =] they look just like Oogie Boogie!! I love em.
  11. Hey, that sounds pretty great. We're looking at starting our regular weekly nights in September. I'll make sure to keep you all up to date. Maybe We'll be up there at your next tourney. I'm guessing October-ish? =]
  12. We're starting here in a few weeks, but we'll be at Hometown Comics here in greenfield, IN.
  13. Welcome to the forum! My brother Danyru and I both live in greenfield, IN. We've been looking at trying to start a Malifaux group here in town and have acquired Monday nights at our LGS for Malifaux! If you're ever in need of a game, hit us up. We never have enough opponents. =]
  14. I accidentally came up with a way that seems to be working. I ordered two sets after seeing they were like the spiders, so while i was drilling their feet, i also drilled my bases i'd made. I put a nice blob of green stuff under the base and set the dancer on her base like i was attaching her for good. then after about five minutes, i pulled her off. The pin came out like it should and the green stuff left a hole for the pin in her base. I let it dry all day yesterday and now it must have shrunk just a tad because it holds her pin just fine but allows her to be removed. This is just a thought, and i have no idea if the green stuff will hold up to the pins being removed repeatedly. But i'm betting it lasts until you can afford another set of Coryphee. =] i hope this helped.
  15. As i said before on your other board... this is quite fantastic. I'm loving these. =]
  16. This is great stuff man. I'm working on a sewer as well, but i didn't divide this one up. I decided to tackle the whole thing at once.... as slow as it's going, i may have mad a mistake. this is looking great. i can't wait to see the rest of it.
  17. This is very true... in the worst way. haha. I've never even done well in a match with unpainted minis... Also, ddot mentioned Vajello metallic paints... apparently they are the best out there. I have one from P3 and it's... less than desirable. I do like their regular paints though. also, this is where i first started to learn how to make cool bases. Look around on this site, they have a ton of stuff, from easy stuff to waaay over complicated www.terrainthralls.com/Tutorials folder/Bases/Bases.html EDIT: well, apparently you'll have to copy and past the whole link, because it decided it wasn't all the same one... I hate computers. lol
  18. Rob Zombie fan, eh? Good. =] Well, I'll start off with the basics. Yes, Personally I prime all my models. When i first open their packages, I trim off the "flashing", wash them off to remove any mold release that might be left, then when they dry off, I spray prime them. I use black for just about everything, but i know others that use white instead. It's personal preference. I would refrain from dipping though. I'd be afraid of losing the detail, especially in the faces. Depending on the colors i choose for the fig, i like to start with base coats, then highlight, then i'll wash the model with black or a darker color. once that is done, i do touch-ups, then blending. *a tip i've found helpful is to start with the eyes, then the face, then the rest of the mini. I like to have clean bases, so i don't glue my people down until they are painted. Instead i clip a pair of Vice grips to the tab under their feet. this way, i have something to hold on to while i'm painting, instead of rubbing off all the paint trying to get a grip. As for the bases, the way i do it has become pretty simple for my brother and i to knock out a whole crew's bases in a day or so. Cut a circle out of card stock (the box your crew comes in is perfect) The circle should be the same size as the cutout in the top of the base. Then i use "green stuff" to mold whatever i'm doing for the ground. A hill, Pumpkin patch, cobblestones, whatever. Let that dry. Now take some regular elmers white glue and paint it on everywhere you want grass to be. Put the base into a small cup of sand. Shake off the extra and let it dry again. prime this, and paint it like dirt or if you don't have grass, paint it like stones or streets. However you like. then take a small amount of glue again, water it down a bit this time, and spread it where you want the grass. Use something like this (http://woodlandscenics.woodlandscenics.com/show/category/FineTurf) and apply it to where you have the glue. and SHADAISY! you're done. glue your fig down and you're done. obviously you can add all kinds of things, fences, lamps, bodies. it's all really up to you. I hope this helps.. it's awful long, and i apologize for that. lol Most of all, have fun with this. If you need anything, hit me up. I'm glad to help
  19. This is a great teddy. I like the green a lot, and the base? The base is awesome. Kudos sir, blows mine out of the water.
  20. Wulfen has a good point here, but i usually prefer that. Usually i take the Executioner with Perditia mainly to lure everyone else out of cover. Then, while everyone is freakin out that "mr. bigclaws" is coming, nino and the gang stand back and open fire. I know it's kind of an expensive waste, but it's worked for me more often than not. =] I'm not sure if that's useful to you, cause i've never played with or agains Soniia so i don't know how her crew does with ranged combat. I hope it helps though
  21. This is gonna be Colette's. Just instead of "diamonds" we'll call it, "soul stones" [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afYrGJMhM_w&feature=related[/ame] and of course, Seamus [ame] [/ame] I can probably figure out more, but i wont ruin it for the others.
  22. Wow man, kudos here. I agree about the "woop woop" always thought that was a little odd. And the ice golem... wow! he looks great. i can't wait to see them painted. Also, the Gamin. I don't really like the gamin so it'll be cool to see them doing something else. again, wow. great job
  23. I've found this to be true as well. But my brother and i came up with a good reasoning. Nothing good ever happens in this game. You may think that red joker-damage flip was great, but you know the Gaming karma God will surely line that black joker up for your master's defense flip. =] that being said, i love it. I don't really play the vicks much, but my brother does and he said you should look at taking more Ronin. He likes their harmless ability and uses it to his advantage a lot, plus, if worse comes to worse, he can sacrifice them for replacements. Other than that, i agree with just about everyone else.
  24. I like him =] I definitely agree with you that the graveyard bases make a difference. I picked up the set for my Nicodem crew and i love them. The paint also looks really good. 10th mini you say? wow i'm jealous. keep it up, and get us the pics.
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