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Everything posted by tony28

  1. hi guys im after your thoughts.after seeing a few videos on you tube i have been inspired to make 2 new gaming tables.one will defo be a kythera board with all 7 spires and lots of rocky areas that will block los.aswell as a few other blocking pieces.wanted to do it on a 4x4 for the extra space and also big games.tell me what you guys think and as soon as i start wich will be tommorrow i will be uploading pictures along the way. thanks again for any comments left.
  2. hi eric.first i think this is a great idea and thanks for taking your time for all of us.now i was always a painter and nerver a real gamer.but i seem to have hit the point of no improvement.so i ask for your advice on what i class my best painted piece so far.its seamus and same as the back of his box set colour wise.now i kept those colours cause i thought he looked cool.but i wanted to try and duplicate the light sourcing aswell.please feel free to rip it apart and throw it all back together again.any tips of fine tuning would be much appreciated.so here he is. thanks again for any feedback. tony.
  3. Cheers guys.I was thinking sludge and grime.but wasn't sure how to pull it off.
  4. Hi guys i was wondering if anyone had any good ideas for hamelins base and his minions.I know there are sewers but was thnking of being abit different.so come on guys what should i make?
  5. I agree.I built him last nite and he went together perfectly.no cutting or severe filing.and will only need a tiny bit if gs for the joints.
  6. Dude that'd awsome lol.I wish I could have a space like that.
  7. Some times I do.but for skin ill always work from black.
  8. Hi I use gw paints.I do my skin tones with a dwarf flesh base coat.light wash with ogryn flesh wash.back to dwarf leaving the wash in the resesses and highlight with elf flesh.little bits at a time.and maybe a final highlight with a tip of bleached bone mixed in but used very sparingly.you can see my gallery for how it comes out.
  9. Very nice sir.love the colours.well done
  10. hi guys des anyone know if i was to buy the downloads from world works games either through credit card or paypal does it automaticaly change the amount to dollars or do i have to do something else? thanks in advance,i just never bought anything from overseas before.
  11. I gotta say ratty your stuff is inspirational. I keep an eye out for you next post thanks all you guys. For your opinions and comments.Im not sure.weather to go dark and grim or bright, sure ill get there.
  12. Sorry I'm on my phone.damn predictive text.was suposed to say onryo.lol
  13. @ratty,just out of curiosity what colours did you use for your onetime and gaki?
  14. Thanks for your replies guys.I still can't decide.I was going to try hawks Turquoise highlighted with bleached bone.abit like seamus bu not sure I like it.ratty as usual your stuff is amazing.wish I had the ideas you do.
  15. I was thinking maybe yellow and green.
  16. Hi guys.I seem to have a bit of painters block here and wanted to ask people what colours they think will look good for kirai and her crew.any suggestions people?
  17. I really like the stuff people are producing using the hirst arts moulds but does anyone know of any uk based company that does similar?
  18. Lol I could get them to lure my opponents out of the building lol
  19. Curtis I like my undead hookersal and also the whisky is all mine
  20. Hi sandwich.I would but I don't have him.I have better noir.just wasn't sure weather to take her or not.I read your tactica.wich was amazing by the way.thanks for your input Tony.
  21. Hi guys I'm agter your wisdom.I've mot played tonns of games but ive.played enough and was hoping for your advice on my seamus list that I'm taking to a tournament this week,its 40ss and Belle 4ss Belle 4ss Belle 4ss Madame sybelle 6ss Hanged 8ss Hanged 8ss Copycat killer 2ss Seamus with 6ss cache. Your thoughts are much appreciated.
  22. Rite i haven't had tonns of games but im going to a tournament next week and was wondering what you guys though of my list.it 40ss Belle 4ss Belle 4ss Belle 4ss Madame sybelle 6 ss Hanged 8ss Hanged 8ss Copy cat killer 2ss Seamus with 6ss cache. What do you guys think?
  23. Wow they are great.some loverly bright colours can't wait to see the rest of the crew:)
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