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Posts posted by enderwiggin

  1. Feeling the Stranger Things vibe for sure, hoping the smooth-looking interior is a face though for that NB twist.

    I like the old Huggy though for character's sake, but this is certainly a great model. I didn't realize the old, ridiculous, tadpole had grown on me that much. :mask

  2. It shows great character to post losing batreps imo. Thank you for the insight on some of the Euro scene, from us across the pond. The only way to get better at higher level play is learning from mistakes, so you've definitely benefited from the tournament from what I can tell. :+fate

    I was wondering how, the Collodi gunline would do in a tourney scene since I've heard relatively little on it's impact and it seems to work otherwise (though it is a tad light on runners in my version).



    With regard to mannequins, I think the mentality is usually "1 more SS and my master gets a semi-permanent buff that doesn't take an upgrade slot and the replacement gets good actions to support the crew" i.e. Effigies. That's how I look at it anyway.

     I do admittedly want to try a go-for-broke Collodi swarm list with max changelings/mannequins/effigies, a dopple, trapper, and then a few upgrades. Comes right at 50 SS with 12 activations, but besides the gunline stuff the killing potential is weak as piss. Obviously if you get stuck in the ball then that changes things to a risky thousand paper cut death scenarios.

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  3. Ronin are available for armor penetration. They are very much worth their points and with the available means for pushing/fast the TT have both an affordable and usually solid investment there. Everyone always forgets them though. With all the card draw and possibly free focus they can do some great tricks!

    Shooting CA is something I agree TT needs, though I don't necessarily think it needs it in the form of blasts (just while we're stating opinions). While TT's actual SH options are among the best in the game, I fully back that Yan Lo is nothing to hold up to as much. I would not have minded closer ties to Gremlins with Wong being the bleedover and Brewie going full bayou, but that's not an option now really. Put it this way, Wong can't have the only mystical Asia magic book/scrolls/charms around. 

    TT have scheme runners in spades though. You guys are fine there. 5 cost is the standard cost for a decent runner in my book.

  4. I think some of the old standbys are also still considered strong (Ramos/Lillith/Criid), but it'd be easier to start arguing tiers and going faction by faction tbh. Across factions, I think it gets much harder. I'll echo that Reva and Sandeep are strong though, I'd add Nellie too though in the new ones as the top three new masters to consider. I'm just more glad I'm not hearing Levi kvetching all day every day now.


    Support has been coming stronger in the form of models/upgrades for a number of masters though and happily I'm finding a more level playing field to be forming in many cases. I think a meta where you can reasonably use multiple factions to great effect is desirable though, so I'm okay if we all have differing opinions.

  5. I ran a no-master list very successfully in the last campaign I played strictly because of the increased cost of running a Master. In addition everyone wanted to bring their avatar, which although free, gives up advantages yet again to the Henchman ran list.

    With campaigns giving advantages to certain masters (Viks/Lynch) that absolutely make them worthwhile, for most I would recommend the hardiest Henchman (or most utility-leaning) hench that you can afford.

    • Like 1
  6. I like #3 because otherwise it's pretty garbage for the AP that is used.


    #1 is right out because of the reasons listed + it leads to ever-stacking defensive stances if you use someone like Lazarus to invoke the Defensive measure after Collodi's activated and the model in question goes defensive first (so the overlapping condition timing would happen). Since that is silly and abusive, I go with #2 as the fairest.

  7. 1) Doppleganger, copied so many useful actions this year. Mainly Lazarus and a Vik of Blood coming to mind for important games.

    2) Widow Weaver, I hated the webs until I bought the model and embraced the love.

    3) Hungering Darkness, what can I say best free points I ever spent. He's led me to over a dozen victories all on his lonesome by turning the tide.

    4) Lilitu, when spending seven SS means you get actual value for your stones instead of a Beckoner.

    5) Stitched, points:value make these guys phenoms. Plus, it was funny when one of mine gambled poorly with itself to the equivalent of 24/23 dmg. (Failed, severed myself, HtK, succeeded/healed 1 dmg from Collodi, Reactivate, failed, red joker myself, then failed again for severe. I couldn't even be mad at the gambling losses of that Stitched that game.)


    Master Tier MVPS

    1) Lynch

    2) Collodi

    3) Dreamer

    4) Lillith

    5) Pandora/Nekima

    • Like 1
  8. Just now, James Gus said:

    Well, I've convinced one, but judging by the "-1"'s on my posts, I'm not convincing the player base as a whole! Haha!

    Not to ruffle any feathers but it's just people giving their opinion on a post without having to write anything. Take it for what it is, but don't get too wrapped up in that. One thing I suggest to many players (if it's a friendly game) just flip to see who "wins" the argument if there's no clear consensus and take it up at a later time after the game and preferably over jokes, beer/pretzels, etc.

  9. On Monday, November 14, 2016 at 3:22 PM, Vorschlag said:

    I run stitched when I run a Zoraida doll factory with the widow weaver.

    Gamble your life on a vodoo doll is excellent as he can concede meaning straight flip for 3/5 4/7? (don't have my book with me) which cant be cheated, but could be "arranged" with crystal ball etc and because it's going through the doll there's no risk to the stitched and no defensive tricks able to be applied.
    When wisps come out this may get even worse thanks to the ability to summon two dolls a turn if your not going for a doll-centric crew.
    The doll dies creating a scrap marker and the weaver can then summon a wicked doll or save up for teddy.

    Wicked dolls also hand out + flips to stitched when they act outside of their activation which is nice with Zoraida throwing around obeys.  

    Yeah it's 3/5 4/7 straight.


    Mama Z isn't big in our meta so I never saw anyone pulling things like Stitched or double FgF on the dolls. Geez, something to be wary of if I see her across the table.


    Edit: Mea culpa, corrected.

  10. 23 hours ago, James Gus said:

    This is an excellent point which both of us playing missed but I'm not sure it changes anything.  He climbs down 2" (with his walk of 5) and takes 5 wounds of falling damage dropping off the last 5" of the tower.  Still lands in the exact same spot as if he had just jumped from the top in the first place.

    There seems to be some equivocating between "making the move" and "planning the move."  The rule just says move the model it's walk and end up as close as possible to the Belle.  The walk move cannot end closer to the bell than the base of the tower.  While I understand the top down measurement, if I move it's walk by falling, it ends at the base of the tower because he dies.  If I move it his climb and then a fall, he lands in exactly the same spot he would have ended up had he fallen, so the fall doesn't get him any closer.  Either way, he's moved his walk and ended as close as he can.  And while Lure doesn't say "avoid hazards" it also doesn't say "mindlessly jump to your death."


    I agree with your viewpoint if the Belle is at the bottom/only room to base with her. Since you still control the model (albeit with the limitation to get as close as possible with the movement), then you can take any route that gets you in B2B whether it takes you 1 inch move/fall 7 or 4 inches of movement/fall 5.


    Edit: I think Solkan's last post (as of this time) quoting Lure make it clear that the owner of the Lure controls the model being affected, so it's a rather one-sided argument now in favor of the Luring off the edge, even if from top-down there's no difference in "closeness" the Lure model doesn't have a choice in the route/avoid the trees if you're playing Belles. XD

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  11. On Tuesday, November 22, 2016 at 6:03 AM, Twg said:

    When I first started to play dreamer I would often over stretch myself in trying to hire the best models I could. On the 1st turn this is certainly possible as you don't often need your high cards for other things (I usually hire in the twins and a daydream to replace the one I sacrificied). In later turns I often go hiring stitched and insidious madness as you only need moderates (9-10) to hire. Insidious' are great scheme runners and stitches are great for summoning as you can summon a stitched and heal it above the hard to kill and then gamble away and hopefully get reactivate. This on 2 stitched is nasty, but will have varying effects dependent upon your opponent. Don't over extend the dreamer and keep atleast 2 nightmares within 3". Another thing is don't let dreamer stay on high waking. Get Chompy out, hit something, and then back to dreamer and heal and summon some more when your back down to zero waking.  

    Almost exactly how I play him now. I do like the team of Coppelius and Doppleganger though and those two, usually with the Twins I summon in, can usually take care of a board quarter (half when the whole squad is there) on their own.


    My very first Dreamer game ever I summoned 20 points on the first turn alone (twins + stitched), afterwards something like 31 more points over the next few turns. Tons more stitched, some nightmares, and ole squigglytentacleface/coppelius. I won with a score of something approaching 4-5:2, certainly nothing top-tier.

    My most recent game, following a leaner mix of summoning and supporting, saw a return on VP of 10:2 with the game essentially called on turn three in favor of me.

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  12. I tried to love BBS, I really did. Until I was told pustule worked on the ability, not condition. For me, when I was running Lynch/Collodi it turned into a lackluster option since it couldn't heal and although the condition is nice on Masters/Illuminated, without the healing it's 7 stones for essentially Black Blood "upgrade" on a few models. It's not a great schemer/brawler/support (especially without a true BB source or growth options), and with Lynch can't even really grow my Tots since it can't keep up with their movement once the ace is in hand...

    Collodi is possibly going to get another crack at making one work, because I'm being tempted to run Lilitu and Lilu in a Props list for him, which means a BBS might see a return simply to keep those two healthy and/or provide focus/def at least for Collodi to steal as he rampages (plus he gets BB to keep the little swings at bay).

  13. There's the Guildy with a hammer, don't remember the model name though (I don't use him).


    As for the hammers being lost... Depending on how much you read into it Shifting Loyalties had them as unlimited availability upgrades, stuff like Those Who Thirst are definitely restricted in that case.

  14. On Friday, November 25, 2016 at 9:50 PM, Norken said:

    With the way scoring works in this game, I'm not sure why you need to do anything at all.  This isn't Warmachine where they make a slight positioning mistake and everyone is packing up their models one wombo-combo later.  Every game of Malifaux lasts the full duration and if you are just better than them, but they play well and you play poorly in a given game then the score will be closer than in a game where you play well and they play poorly.  This assumes the weaker player doesn't just do something like focus their entire efforts on only one of the strategies or schemes, where their aims is a personal victory in learning to score full points on just that as a step towards learning to pull off all three at once in the future.


    Giving yourself a disadvantage just seems like giving yourself an excuse to lose without it actually counting, which is ultimately rather passive aggressive.  I always hated listening to GW players saying stuff like: I only lost because I didn't bring or do X like I would have if I REALLY was trying to win.

    Ultimately, it goes to how well you understand yourself as a player. I used to be one of those GW players you mentioned where, yes, I'd handicap myself to both have more fun and to get better.

    My reasoning was that for every model I didn't bring, everything else had to pull more weight, or (given the turn/target limitations) be played to a greater effect. Some of my best games that I've won were hundreds of points under my opponents. I played mainly in 3rd-5th edition 40k (pretty much all armies), but one of my most memorable victories was a 1500 pt Tau list vs. a 2K Salamanders drop list. I simply mounted up my hybrid Tau and rode away from the slow army (after I disabled or destroyed all their vehicles). I shot them to death at a slow piecemeal rate. Utterly boring game, but memorable in terms of list qualities.

    My other most memorable game handicapping myself was 1200 pts Tau (I liked their playstyle) vs 1850ish Chaos (player accidentally left a squad in reserve to the side until too late). I lost. However, that game was a nailbiter until the final round and I had three distinct opportunities in the game that I should have played better. I have no indication that (had I did them) I would have won, but I was very satisfied at my level of skill in that game given the points differences involved.


    I quite like the idea of cheating being restricted when playing a handicap, but usually with new players it's more beneficial to play a teaching game first. Simply have the cards face up from the get go, and explain everything that you are doing and, more importantly, why. The game is not hard to learn, just hard to find the master(s?) you'll be happy with. Because you can stop buying masters at any time. Just like me. Any time now. XD

  15. Please PM me if the new site does require a monetary amount I wouldn't mind kicking in a bit. Wikispaces behavior is pretty trashy, but if that's our best option then that's that. I can also help copy+pasting everything over so long as you don't mind me doing it at odd times during the night due to my job (or me burning a few hours twice a week on my days off).

  16. 2 hours ago, solkan said:

    No, if you gained Reactivate during the End Phase you would NOT resolve any activations.  Because models can only Activate during the Activation Phase, and that's just passed.

    There are tricky sequences where the last model that can activate ends up causing other models to be able to activate, so that the Activation Phase gets a surprise extension, but the Activation Phase and the End Phase aren't going to overlap.

    If a model somehow managed to gain Reactivate during the End Phase (like Joss being reduced to 1 wound due to conditions and/or Black Blood), in the most favorable interpretation that Reactivate is just going to sit on the model until the next turn.  In the least favorable interpretation, that Reactivate expires in the same End Phase that it's gained.


    I must be thinking of one of those kooky situations then. Written out it would make sense since the models dinged from other conditions normally wouldn't. For the life of me I can't recall what that situation was, but I did preface the bit with "iirc", I just didn't this time. ^_^

  17. Lead Adventure is one of my favorite boards that I like to visit and pick up tips (or models) from. Seriously fun group with a great archive of people's projects (Fallout boards for miles, for example). I wish I had the dough floating to pick up multiples of all of their Ratnik minis for some Post Apocalypse games. Maybe next years tax return.


    Great paint jobs btw, it helps show those lovely pigs expressions and they fit in pretty nicely. Are you finding them to be properly in scale to the other Mali figures?

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