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Everything posted by Raven28256

  1. I don't play Circle. I have no interest in playing Circle. But...I want that mini.
  2. I think I'll join you two...I've been checking my FLGS almost daily for a week now and they haven't gotten ANY of the new Malifaux stuff in...
  3. Here is Triumph http://twitpic.com/2btkxr I somewhat disagree. While I'd have loved to get a "true" character 'jack for my Retribution army, I'm happy with Discordia. Then again, that is probably because Discordia is by far the best of the new character 'jacks based on what has been spoiled. I do hope that they don't make a habit of this...I'd prefer having a brand new, unique sculpt for future character warjacks like in the past. Now, I do agree with the Battle Engines. The concept is cool, but I generally play at around 50 points. I really hope that this doesn't herald a ridiculously large scale Warmachine game spin-off. I've played 100 points...too much crap to manage for my tastes. Plus I don't like standing there playing a single miniature game for 5+ hours.
  4. There have been lots of juicy bits of information flowing out of Gencon about new Warmachine/Hordes goodies, most of it for Warmachine: Wrath. Warmachine: Wrath comes out Spring 2011 and it is the first new Warmachine expansion since Mk II launched. Some of the highlights of the set so far: -Wrath will supposedly focus heavily on the rise of the Retribution of Scryah and its growing war against the human nations of the Iron Kingdoms. Privateer Press staff throughout Gencon have been hinting that we will see House Vyre's own unique twists on Myrmidons and the other strange arcantrik weaponry that they employ. -Seems like there will be several new warcasters per faction. A slideshow presentation earlier today showed, among other things, two new Cygnar warcasters. However, it has been said that we "should not get too excited about getting new Epic warcasters in Wrath." -New "upgrade" character warjacks. These were on sale at Gencon and will be on the Privateer Press online store until the con is over. Instead of completely new, unique sculpts, these character 'jacks are sold as "upgrade bits" in a blister for $10 that turn a warjack of the proper chassis into the character. They aren't as unique or powerful as other character 'jacks, but they are cheaper and still cool in their own rights. Cygnar is getting a character Defender called Triumph, Retribution a character Manticore named Discordia, Cryx a character Reaper named Malice, Menoth a character Vanquisher named Scourge of Heresy, and Khador a character Decimator named Torch. -New model types: Battle Engines. These represent massive, non-warjack machines of war used by the factions. Details on these are very slim, and their scale is still unknown. Three were shown off as concept art in a slideshow: Cygnar Storm Strider, Khador Guncarriage, and Cryx Wraith Engine.
  5. I'm still waiting for my local gaming shop to get the bags in before I decide to pick one up. I really need something for my Malifaux stuff so it isn't taking up space in my Warmachine/Hordes bag, but I want to make sure it has plenty of room for expansion. I only own about 40 points of Rasputina and the basic boxed set for Lilith, but I like so many of the crews that I can see myself needing a lot of space for my Malifaux stuff down the road. I want to pick up decent-sized crews for Marcus, Ramos, more stuff for Lilith, Kirai, Collette, Lady Justice, Sonia, The Dreamer/Lord Chompy Bits, and some mercs eventually.
  6. Like pretty much everyone else here, I got into Warmachine/Hordes after being burned by GW. I got frustrated with GW back when I played 40k, and just quit miniature games altogether. About 8 months ago I started building up my Retribution army in Warmachine because the game has effectively dethroned 40k/Fantasy for most played miniature game at my local store. About four months ago I started picking up Skorne in anticipation of Primal Mk II. I love the games, and they are actually my main miniature games (I love Malifaux, but it is still new in my area with only a handful of other players that are really into it right now). The big difference between WM/H and Malifaux is scale, and you activate all your models at once before handing it off to your opponent. Warmachine/Hordes CAN be played as a small-scale game with just a few miniatures, but it is designed to be played at around the 35-50 point ranges, which generally consists of one Warcaster/Warlock (Master), several Warjacks/Warbeasts, several squads of infantry, and several independent warriors called solos. As such, you'll need to buy a lot more stuff to play "average sized" games. Another thing to remember is that Warmachine and Hordes can be played together. They use the same core system, but just have a different way of handling Warcasters/Warlocks and Warbeasts/Warjacks. In Warmachine your Warcaster has a set amount of "Focus" that they regenerate at the beginning of your turn. They can use this to cast spells, buy extra attacks, "boost" attacks (Add an extra die on their attack or damage roll) or they can leave it on them to boost up their armor. They can allocate Focus to their Warjacks to allow them to buy extra attacks or boosts as well. In Hordes it is the other way around. Warlocks don't generate "Fury," the Hordes version of Focus. Instead, their Warbeasts generate Fury when they boost attacks or buy extra attacks or charge, or so on, and the Warlock must pull the Fury off the Warbeasts at the beginning of your turn so that they have Fury to do the same things that require Focus in Warmachine. However, Fury left on your Warbeasts after you leech causes a Threshold check, and if they fail then the Warbeast goes insane. So Warmachine is more about resource management, while Hordes is risk vs reward. If you want to get into a larger scale miniatures game, I'd recommend Warmachine/Hordes over anything else. They have a great system, the games are cheaper than other large scale miniature games, and I love the minis. I must warn you though, don't get into the game if you are the type to complain about things being "unfair" or "cheesy." While WM/H are more balanced than, say, 40k (Where newest codex = instant win), the games still have plenty of stuff that may seem really overpowered. However, this is balanced out by other things being ridiculous. There is a saying among WM/H players: Nothing in WM/H is overpowered because EVERYTHING in WM/H is overpowered.
  7. I used to use Games Workshop's greenstuff, but recently tried out the Formula P3 putty made by Privateer Press...and I don't think I'll be going back to greenstuff. I find the P3 putty much easier to work with. It isn't as sticky, but produces similar results as greenstuff. Maybe it is just me, but it also seems to form a slightly stronger bond when it dries as well.
  8. I wasn't sure where else to post this, so I'll post it here. I have a bit of a request. I just picked up Lilith's crew and I'm in a creative slump as to how to paint them. I was wondering if those of you who have painted your crew could post pictures so I can try and draw some inspiration from them. It might be a week or so before I get around to painting them though, I just started on my Skorne Beast Handlers for Hordes.
  9. I was actually looking for online stores, besides the War Store. Just as some alternate places to find cool stuff I may not have seen or heard of before. I actually have tried my local hobby/arts and crafts places, Michael's and Hobby Lobby. They don't really have anything all that great, both of their modeling sections are pretty dead and a lot of the cool stuff that could be used on bases are too big or just unfeasible for that use. I did find some nice bird houses for cheap that could be used as terrain, but the scale might be a bit iffy. And, unfortunately, we don't have any museums with that sort of stuff. Although, some of my family has been talking about taking a day trip to Galveston, Texas sometime over the summer and they have all sorts of shops along the "strand" that sell cool stuff I could use on bases or other terrain features. May have to go with them on that trip. Oh, and I do have a local gaming store that I frequent a lot. It is where I play Malifaux, Warmachine, and Hordes. It is just that it is a pretty small store, with a lot of the space dedicated to the actual miniatures themselves as opposed to terrain or terrain-building materials. The store owner will put in special orders though. I can't believe I never thought to look at a hardware store though, especially since I play an undeniably steampunk game like Warmachine.
  10. Pretty much what it says in the title. Does anyone know some great, reliable websites to get nice terrain-building/basing materials? I'm talking trees, flock, maybe some cheap crystals or something to replicate gemstones, stuff like that. I know about The War Store, but I'd like to see if anyone here knows some other great sites I might not have heard of. Maybe also a website that sells some awesome custom dice or other gaming supplies.
  11. Thanks. I play a pretty wide variety of video games. I own a decent gaming PC, a PS3, 360, and Wii, though the Wii hasn't been touched in ages and the 360 just Red Ringed on me and I'm waiting for Microsoft to send it back. The main genres I play are RPGs, shooters, and RTS games. The game I'm currently playing the most is Brutal Legend for the PS3, and I've been alternating between MAG, Supreme Commander 2, and Demon's Souls. I'm going to pick up Alpha Protocol when it comes out in a little over a week, but I really need to change my pre-order to the PS3 version just in case my 360 doesn't come back by then. Oh, and I just picked up the Lilith starter today and we played a few games at the store. Got another guy interested because of the smaller scale and the fact that the game has zombie hookers, a demented Care Bear from hell, and a possessed baby carrying a knife that has an ability called "Kid's got a Knife!" I'll paint up my starters and apply to be a Henchman in the future, but I may put it on hold for a bit. The next Warmachine/Hordes league starts in two weeks. For those who don't know about Warmahordes, the leagues tend to last nearly a month. Since our local game store has nearly 20 Warmachine/Hordes players, it might be VERY hard to squeeze in any Malifaux during that time. Plus, I'm going to be pretty busy getting my Skorne together for the event. After that I should have plenty of time to host some events though.
  12. Raven28256


    Hi everyone, call me Raven. I've been lurking the forums for a while, but just now decided to register and start posting now that I'm getting into Malifaux. I've known about Malifaux for a while, but our store just recently started carrying the game. I actually asked the owner to get some starters and rulebooks. My local store mostly plays Warmachine/Hordes, but we have almost as many 40k players and a good chunk of Warhammer Fantasy, with a few people getting into Flames of War. I liked the look of Malifaux's minis and the smaller, skirmish scale drew me to the game due to the faster pace and (More importantly) smaller money investment. I'm still in the process of getting people to start picking it up so we can have a decent player base. I only own Rasputina's box so far, with some blisters on order to add to my crew. I've only played maybe three games mostly because, besides myself, we only have three other players who have picked up starters. Three other guys are about to buy starters though. Once I get more games in and have a better handle on the rules I think I'll apply to be our store's local Henchman. Anyway, besides Malifaux I'm into Warmachine and Hordes. Been playing Warmachine for nearly six months and have around 80 points of Retribution. I just started picking up a Skorne army in anticipation of Primal Mk II and only have around 20 points so far. Besides miniature gaming I'm really big into video games, and the two hobbies are constantly competing for my money and time. I own a good deal of Magic cards, but I don't buy much anymore (Mostly because I don't like the newest set at all) and only play every now and then. And finally, I read a good deal too, mostly military/espionage nonfiction and techno-military thrillers, fantasy, and some sci-fi.
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