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Everything posted by AvatarForm

  1. THank you for your replies. The input and discussion around it has helped me immensely. I believe I will now be able to field 3 lists for an upcoming tourney, along with satisfying my hobbyist itch and not requiring multiples of the same sculpt. Eg. Vanilla Lillith - starter box + cherub and young nephs Druidic Lillith - includes 1/2 waldgeists for illusory forest and terrain shenanigans (blocking beatsticks and LOS) Alternate - including silurids and minsions from other crews Should be a hoot. Will make a modelling diary and post pics where appropriate.
  2. Damn! Masters and limitations, but Im sure once people have had a chance to swing her around a bit, she may prove as lethal as Levi, who, with his limitations is quite nasty!
  3. http://www.wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=13815 Refer here for a complex, but viable strategy
  4. Very ionteresting strategy... though who are you using as Master? If its Som'er, should the gremlins be 'out of faction'?
  5. If either of you do not sell, Im in AUS and looking for one. PM me.
  6. Hi all, I am a hobbyist, moreso than a gamer. As such, I would like to create a crew for Lillith that can be displayed and played with. This being said, I am not a fan of running duplicates, unless absolutely necessary, hence have not chosen Som'er or Ramos, masters who require mutliple swarms of minions to be viable. Could I please ask your assistance in creating a 30-35SS list that is viable (not power-game, but wins sometimes) that does not have too many duplicate minis so that I can paint it for display also? Please PM me, in addition to posting here for others to benefit. Thank you in advance, Cameron
  7. Hi everybody, Since I cannot seem to pick one up on EvilBay, nor can I persuade Erik to post me one for $$$ (and my State only has Henchmen in the extreme South), I have been forced to ask here... Is anyone willing to split with one for my Som'er crew? Pretty please?
  8. I think this makes Ronin balanced now... before, Vikkies crews had the obvious upper hand, now Vik players will be more of a challenge than an uphill battle for my Raspy!
  9. Love it! Would like to see it painted... Its a shame, but Scale 'O' is not eays to come by in Australia... Any recommendations for US suppliers?
  10. Nice work... any chance of WIP shots or a materials list? Wouldnt mind creating a few of the pieces for displays... though not so sure Im motivated enough to create something that large...
  11. Looks to be a good start but the pics are too small to see detail and your flash has flooded out the natural colours.
  12. Pipeline paints... and WINS! Love your work all the way down here in Aus... How do P3 paints compare with Vallejo? I use Vallejo mainly for the quality and cost/quality as opposed to GW paints.
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