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Everything posted by AvatarForm

  1. I play Rasputina, I always hold the Black Joker cos when I discard it I get more cards!
  2. Along with titles hand picked from my own collection, those suggested and approved have made the list currently 9.6hours long... Please keep up the suggestions!
  3. Oh, in being very awesome, he is railroaded like Zoraida and Leveticus... damn!
  4. THat's awesome... If you wish to be just plain nasty, get a Killjoy up in that crew!
  5. Very nice mix of the two kits. However, there is alot of room to add details and jazz it up a bit. otherwise, it is just a simple half-half. Why not add a little more character to it?
  6. How do you feel like basing them? There is no right and wrong when it comes to theme bases in Malifaux. There is appropriate size, but that is about it. Sure, Seamus and his belles may look "thematically" correct on victorian cobblestone streets or in a graveyard, but Pandora is everywhere... Mine are in a rose garden, as my Pandora crew are painted in an Alice in Wonderland theme. However, arcane glyphs would be awesome. You can buy pre-cast arcane glyphs from a few suppiers out there.
  7. Very nicely themed crew mate. Especially like the use of Neran the Scary and the Pixie Tricksters from Rackham.
  8. The sculpt itself isnt worth more than $USD30 to collectors. So most likely less to gamers.
  9. Just wanted you all to know that I just watched the entire FMA boxed set again tday... Brilliant!
  10. The Prodigy - Piranha Already on my list. Keep em coming... especially with YouTube links so I can have a listen.
  11. Anyone? As per title, can anyone suggest up-beat songs for when I head back to the gym? My old playlist is worn and tired...
  12. 3 questions: When is GenCon? What is the Ltd Ed mini? Anyone doing a group order to AUS?
  13. Introducing our newest member - Quinn Enether, Human Psionic Quinn was born into a relatively wealthy family, and lived a comfortable life. His father had been lucky enough to invest in one of the new technologies that had sprung up in the city of Ostlyn. Known as the ‘Steam Engine’, it was a combination of magical energy and emerging technology. Such an engine allowed for massive lines of production, allowing for textiles to be churned out at near-fantastic rates. By the time Quinn had turned 18, Ostlyn had been transformed from a quaint semi-city to a bustling mecha of industry. It was around this time that Quinn entered in Dartmorth University. Being the bookish type, Quinn followed his love of history and attempted to obtain a major in the subject. It was also around this time when the dreams began. They were inconspicuous enough in the beginning. Quinn would fall asleep, only to awaken in the darkness of some sort of void. Lights, most likely stars, glowed brightly from unfathomable distances. Quinn would float for a while, contemplating what these dreams could be. He knew they were dreams, strangely enough. Every morning, he would awake, and the void would become a nagging memory drifting at the furthest corner in the back of his mind. Whenever he attempted to remember what he had dreamt, a sudden flash of pain would deter him from his efforts. This pattern repeated itself for months. Quinn would sleep, float in the void, awake, and forget what he had dreamt. One night, however, something changed. While dreaming, Quinn noticed that one of the lights had been growing stronger. A few nights later, and Quinn realized that it was an object floating out in the void with him. Quinn decided to try something new – instead of floating, Quinn pictured himself moving towards the object. Night after night, Quinn continued this practice. The object in the distance grew, larger and larger with each night’s rest. Features began to become clear. Whatever it was, it was crystalline in nature, and slowly emanated a dark red light that pulsed with an almost organic regularity. A few months more, and Quinn realized what it was – some sort of massive Gate. After almost a year, final exams had finally come to Dartmorth. Quinn spent many a sleepless night studying, pouring over his books. One day, during a particularly dull lecture, Quinn nodded off. Immediately, he found himself back in the void. But this time, his view had become dominated by the Gate. Quinn studied the massive structure. It was truly titanic in size – many times the height of even the tallest of men, and so wide that Quinn was not entirely incorrect in assuming Ostlyn itself could pass through it. Then, something changed. A flash of red light seemed to split the massive door in two, down its center. Quinn found that he could not move – his eyes were fixed upon the slowly widening gap that was forming. The crystals that formed the Gate pulsed faster and faster, until the light was almost blinding in its intensity. And, with a final burst of red light, the Gate was thrown wide open. A single, mind-defying large eye stared at Quinn. A voice, or something that resembled a voice, boomed from the Gate. Wheels within wheels within wheels have begun to turn, it intoned. The Heroes have been awoken, to set right was has been made wrong. Now is the time that I desire a champion of my own. Quinn’s mind reeled, his sanity almost fleeing in the face of such an impossible sight. But the voice continued, its orders almost seared upon Quinn’s psyche. Go. Find these Heroes. Aid them. And when the time is right, open the Gate again. And with a sudden pulse of energy, the Gate shut and Quinn was flung back to reality. Quinn awoke with a gasp, which he quickly stifled, lest the professor discover that he had been sleeping. It took a moment for his addled mind to realize something was wrong – the lecture hall was as quiet as a tomb. Quinn looked to his right, and gasped again, only this time from sheer horror. The student next to him had her face it in a silent scream, rigor mortis setting her features in stone. Blood, coagulated, flowed in gooey lines from her eyes, ears and nose. Quinn looked around, his horror and gorge rising in unison. Each student held the same pained expression. Each had died a terrible death. The professor laid upon the floor in the front of the lecture hall, his hands curled into terrible claws, and the same expression plain on his face. Quinn panicked and began to run, only to be staggered by a headache the likes of which he had never felt before. Images and words flashed across his mind. A crystal gate… an all-seeing eyes… Wheels within wheels within wheels. His thoughts a mess, Quinn fled to his room, packed as much as he could into his backpack, and fled Ostlyn. He laid low for a few months. When the local authorities did not come after him, Quinn assumed he was safe. And so he began a search – he traveled to local libraries and repositories of knowledge, looking for anything that mentioned a crystal gate. It was during this time that Quinn began to realize he could actually hear the thoughts of others. He experimented with these new abilities. He could remove memories from those around him, rendering himself invisible. In one instance, when a gang attempted to corner Quinn in a dark alley, he used his powers to tear their minds apart, leaving them writhing on the ground, mewling in terror. His search, however, proved to be a failure, until something odd happened. One night, while leaving the tavern in which he had stayed, one of the serving maids handed him a letter, saying it had come in after Quinn had retired for the night. Quinn tore open the letter, dreading whatever information it held. To his surprise, it was unsigned and short. You seek knowledge about the Gate, it said. Meet me in Farnsborough. You will know who I am. Convinced that this was the start to realizing what had happened, Quinn tore the letter apart and began to make his way to Farnsborough. It looked as if this was the path he had been looking for over the past 6 years.
  14. Pathfinder is what 3.5 was supposed to be. It is great, however, depending how new you and your group are to DnD you could always begin with 4.0 then revert to 3.75 when you feel comfortable.
  15. Hi guys, this was nicely shared on another forum and I thought you would all appreciate it here. Use google translate: http://aliaume.jimdo.com/technique/faire-un-mur-de-briques/
  16. As much as I enjoyed Pokemon when I was in school, these days they are simply a rinse and repeat of previous editions. If you wanted that you may as well play WoW, at least this way you are in an MMO and interacting with others slightly more socially.
  17. You can order all of those from Maelstrom with free shipping, aside from Dorothy.
  18. Mr Chocobo, Would you care to narrate our adventures in the epic Epic of epicness thread? I am a poor narrator and find my time limited to give the narration the respect it deserves. Please let me know.
  19. Hello all! How are you all today? A friend directed me to this video today and it honestly brought a smile to my face. It is filled with black humour, but it made my day. I hope you too can appreciate this short film. I am not sure what rating this is, though it is not particularly graphic and I would assume that kids see worse on TV everyday. [ame=
  20. That's awesome. I have been attempting Bamboo wall panels for the Kirai crew. have you any tips on how I could achieve your effects?
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