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Posts posted by ThePandaDirector

  1. I have to agree on this one with the OP. I also see the AR value as some sort of price tag on the model. And since Misaki has a so low, naked AR value AND has a lot of good stats and abilities, the question seems valid: why is she so good?

    AR isn't a price tag, per say. Understandably, people get that impression, because in general the more powerful a model is the higher the AR is to ensure they are less reliable and therefore a riskier option. However, that is a loose rule, and the AR is in reality the same as any other stat. A model with a low AR is simply more reliable, if they are then a powerful puppet, then that is an added plus. If you ignore Misaki's AR, then she isn't really that good compared to other Sidekicks, her reliability is part of her whole worth. And like I said with Hooded Rider, and Misaki elsewhere, there's always a counter to even the most "powerful" puppet.

    The problem I see, and what I'm concerned for in the long term, is that people will field certain puppets over others because they perceive them as better, leading to a lack of variety in players' toyboxes. Misaki is probably the worst for this, not because she's powerful, but because she's too balanced, she's a very safe bet.

  2. Just seen The Captain. I like him, he's something we haven't seen in Malifaux yet. Though I do wonder how him and Ironsides fit together.

    The more I look at Ironsides the more I like her. Never played any of these fight games, but she fits perfectly into Malifaux for me.

    I expect it will be Colette at Gencon, but I hope I'm wrong. Molly and Ironsides FTW :-D

    Oh, and I'll be using Mei Feng as Ironsides and Rail Workers as Miners.

  3. Effects do interact with abilities and also stack. So it is perfectly possible to have Hooded Rider gain Powerful +4 from momentum and Pep Talk, then attack at Range 2 due to having Pop Gun attached. This may sound super OP, but it isn't really. It requires a fair amount of set up and can be countered in a variety of ways.

    I didn't spot that on Gremlin. I think it's supposed to read "this puppet", instead of "a puppet". Remember it's still in playtest so it could just be a typo. Wyrd will need to confirm this though.

    Misaki is simply more reliable than some puppets. Having a low AR doesn't necessarily mean the puppet is less powerful, which is clear here ;-)

    Hope that's of some help to you :-)

  4. I've always loved the M&SU, but Ramos never really appealed, nor Kaeris. Mei Feng has been my go to gal for all things construct, but her martial artist element kinda puts me off. Ironsides looks to be exactly what I'm looking for. She's union born and bred, but is understated and badass all rolled up in one non-sexualised package. I love her to bits :-D

    Can't wait to see the rest of her crew. Molly first though :-P

    • Like 1
  5. @Edonil: I'm not a big Batman/comic fan, but I really enjoyed it (and the models are great). So it was more of a demo game (Batman vs Joker and a few ******), so I haven't had a chance to learn the rules properly. Activation is a little like Bolt Action, except it's one dice per turn (two per side in my game of four turns, despite it being four against one), and while you might have one against many, you can choose when you activate. The core mechanic is you get a number of dice equal to willpower, which at the start of the turn you allocate to stats. So atman has a Wp of 8, so I would place them on either movement, attack, defence or special, then when I activate I can spend them. I was able to batclaw my way to the top of a building, before swooping down and knocking a ***** out. Overall the mechanics are really nice, and compact (e.g. Batman's Defence is 5, which is both what the opponent must roll to hit, and how many dice he can allocate to it, whereas the opponents attack is both their limit and what I would have to beat if I roll my defence dice, even if they rolled a 6). Rules are a free download, as are stat cards. I might pick up Bane :-)

    Found out most of my club's DZC players play UCM, with only one PHR, so I might pick up PHR. That way we can play larger, co-op games. But I'll wait to see if the game grabs me first.

    Edit: I forgot that word was taboo ;-)

  6. It seems you and I face similar challenges :-)

    At first I had no idea what the Cog Pit actually was, which was made more confusing by the mention of the Mechanism. It wasn't until you get to the fight crews that I realised what was actually going on.

    I agree that this doesn't really feel like a story, though I get the zoomed out style you've gone for. I think there's plenty fluff that could be cut and replaced with some more anecdotal content of life in the pits. I really liked when you describe the Fight Crews and the constructs, and think this could be expanded on.

    As for the Cog Pit's secrecy, I had the same initial thought as Hateful Dark black. If people can find it, then so can others, others like Criid and Hoffman. You do explain yourself, but I think the agent could make a better deduction as to how such a massive enterprise has remained unmolested for so long. The Guild let Jacob's Pit run, and it is likely just as dubious as the Cog Pit, so I think it seems reasonable that the Cog Pit is a mutually assured secret. From that line of t.bought I can see a web being used as imagery, a web of business, technology and secrets.

    I don't think there's a lot to do to make this work (least not as much as mine), but like mine it is hard to judge it within the confines of Iron Quill.

  7. I always get agitated when waiting for feedback. If I get none I always put it down to my story being rubbish..

    ScrewedUpDice, you've torn my story apart, stage by stage, and left it scared and ashamed in some dark, dank alley of the internet. Thank you. Really. Some people think feedback's all about saying a few happy words of support, others think it's about making creative decisions for the writer. What great feedback does is it opens the writer's eyes to what they missed. You've certainly done that here :-) I was so focussed on not being too thematic and description heavy, that I didn't notice the story made limited sense to anyone else. It was supposed to be a multi-part story, hence some lingering questions, but while I'd defend a couple points*, the majority of your statements ring true. I think the problem I had was trying to tell too big a story in too few words, as even ignoring the lingering questions, there's plenty overlooked because of the word count. I think a simpler story next time :-D

    *The dog is the brute, but I guess without reinforcement the imagery can be taking literally. A point about the interrogation is that Auguste is not giving away anything secret, why go through pain for what's common knowledge? The clockwork girl looks real from a distance and in poor light, her skin flat because of the material. In my infinite wisdom, I chose to hold back the answers to everything, thinking that less could be more, but it seems to just confuse.

    I might post a different story before the deadline, after posting feedback on everyone's stories. If I do get another done, I'd appreciate feedback on it too (I know it's greedy). Feel free to continue sharing your thoughts on this piece.

  8. Kingdom Death is of three kickstarters I'm eagerly waiting to receive (the other two being Arena Rex and Myth).

    Pledged at Survivor level, so that's base game and stretch goals, plus Dragon King, Gorm, herald of Death (Lion Knight, Man Hunter, Green Knight armour kit), Dragon Sacrifice, Rawhide Dame, Kara Black, Candy & Cola and all the Messengers.

    Fancy adding Dung Beetle, Spidicules, Sunstalker Ancient and maybe The King.

    While I've loved the new models released in resin, I'm not a fan of KD resin. I had Flower Knight, Butcher and Lion Knight, but in the case of the former two, I found the resin a bit too warped and brittle. So for now I'm sticking with plastic.

    Trying to resist buying into Darklands more than I have. Got a set of Norse Trolls and they blow my mind. Tempted to pick up a unit of Waerwulfes, since I can preorder them at KS price, but if I'm still reluctant to spend a lot of money on models without a game. Of course, Darklands has a game, need to look into it.

  9. Taking three of the same pawn does limit you (a third of your toy box focussed on one set of tools), so if you did there would need to be a good reason. I can see three Death Marshals working well with Lady Justice, for example, but three Executioners might be overkill (still, could be fun). Taking three of the same out of suit puppet might be risky, especially if it has a high Animation Requirement (I have trouble animating one Silurid, never mind three).

    At the end of the day it's nice that the starter gives you plenty to experiment with. I can't wait for the expansion. So many puppets! :-D

    Edit: No one post, this forum is currently on 6,666 posts. If we wait 66 days then the world will turn cuddly.

  10. By the way, do I need to assemble all 44 models, or are there some that can stay on the sprues, assuming 2 player games?

    Well considering you only really need 8 models per player, more than half can stay on the sprue. That said, naturally you'll want variety, so two of each pawn in your draft pool is plenty to get started. I've found you only need three of a model if a pawn is popular with both players or if you want to experiment.

  11. Took me longer than some ;)

    The Right Man (WIP)

    Auguste Maquet's time was up.

    He had no recollection how long he'd been kept in darkness, arms chained to a pipe with a sack over his head. Between stifled, hot breaths, it hadn't taken long to realise he was not long for this world. Such a fate was surely inevitable for a man like him-

    The darkness lifted.

    "Welcome to the light, Captain." A blurry face seemed to say, calm and well-spoken.

    Auguste's vision focused on a small chamber, the pipe he was chained to leading to a boiler in the corner. The man standing over him was a brute. His deadly bulk was squeezed into a dead man's suit, like a murderer ready for a date with the gallows. The voice he'd heard clearly didn't belong to this man.

    "That's it, wakey, wakey, Captain." The brute said, waving a breaching axe in Auguste's face like a smelling salt. The axe was Guild issue...

    Auguste heard slow, purposeful steps as a second man paced into view. He was smartly dressed, with high boots and a long, wide collared jacket. A lawyer, or perhaps a highborn pimp, it was hard to tell. He judged, or mocked, Auguste behind gleaming spectacles.

    "Jacob Samuels, you know him?" He said suddenly, making conversation.

    "...Ye-yes, I've heard of him." Silence prompted him to continue. "He's the proprietor of Ringside, a reputable boxing club. Good enough for you? Now tell me who you are and why-"

    "Are you aware of Mr Samuels' other... business venture?" The gentleman asked while his dog paced the room.

    "You mean The Pits? Worst kept secret as far as the Guild is concerned. An underground den of blood sports and human trafficking." Auguste felt a bitter taste in his mouth. "Beyond the jurisdiction of the Guild, apparently. Now, you didn't answer my-"

    "Does 'Valkyrie' mean anything to you?"

    "No, I-"

    "Thank you, Captain, you've been most cooperative." The man turned on his heels and went to the door. He rattled a cane on the oak three times, then turned to his companion. "Just the thumb, please."

    Auguste and the brute objected.

    "Wait! I've got nothing to do with Jacob Samuels, you've got the wrong man!" Auguste cried.

    "I didn't drag my butt nowhere for one measly thumb!" The brute turned to Auguste. "I'm gonna chop both his paws off, then tie them round his neck like a necklace so he don't ever lose 'em." The gentleman smiled at an unspoken joke.

    "Time will tell, but I have faith in you." The door opened behind him. "Just the thumb." He said, before leaving. The brute grumbled as he put away his axe and drew a knife.

    "Consider this a deposit." He said as he pressed Auguste's right hand against the pipe. "I'll come for the rest later, don't you worry." Auguste tried to struggle, but only succeeded in entertaining his kidnapper. As he felt the pressure on his hand, he tried desperately to recall his training in dealing with pain.

    When the pain started, he forgot it all.


    He woke in a different chamber; small, dank and empty. His chains were gone, and his right hand had clean bandages. He measured time by the meals he received; thick, hearty porridge in the morning, hot meaty broth in the evening. Or was it the other way round, there was no way to be sure. None of it made sense. Why kidnap, mutilate and imprison him, but keep him well fed.

    He was thankful for the strength though. Time was passd with exercise and meditation, all the while holding onto the hope he could still fight his way out of this. Auguste had won the recognition of his superiors during the Bloody Debt last Winter. After having their pay suspended, the Union had gone on strike under the banner "A bloody day to win our pay". The Guild paid them a red fortune. Auguste made Captain not long after.

    It made sense for this to be a Union plot, but that didn't explain those two men. They looked Guild sure enough, but were they acting on orders or conspirators in some malicious plot. What if the Governor's Secretary had reason to question Auguste's loyalty. He dreaded the thought.

    The purpose of his latest investigation was privileged information. For the past month, Auguste had been trying to map the illegal soulstone trade. Progress was slow, but it was clear the Union had more than one finger in every pie. He tried to recall the last lead he'd found. The Gorgon's Tear...

    The door swung open, and a trio of men rushed the room.

    "On yer feet!" Said one of them as his companions forced Auguste to his feet. These men looked more like the brute than the gentleman.

    He was then half dragged out his cell. They walked through corridors that looked more like alleyways, cobbled floor beneath a grey, impenetrable sky. The air was stuffy, the walls vibrating like a castle dungeon during a siege. His senses told him he was underground, but if that was so the room he entered was a perfect replication of a railway station bar. He was dumped in an expensive, dark wooden chair.

    "Stay here and don't make a fuss."

    With that Auguste was left alone in the most expensive bar he'd ever seen.

    What's that noise? A... Train.

    Through a paneled window on the far side, he saw a train roll into the station. Shortly after, a man entered the bar. He was younger than Auguste, dressed in a smart, dark suit likely tailored in Little Kingdom. As he drew closer, it took Auguste only one glance to tell this was a man not born into high society.

    "I see no one offered you a drink." He announced to the room, attempting to hide his displeasure. "My apologies, Sir." He took a seat, unbuttoning and buttoning his jacket.

    Moments later, half a dozen men and women hurried to deliver food and refreshments, before fleeing as fast as they'd came.

    Auguste stared off against the man. There were scars behind his eyes, signs of a past that cast a long shadow.

    "Do you know who I am?" He said, reclining in his chair. "Please, help yourself to refreshments." Auguste took a whisky, feeling more like he was in a business meeting than another interrogation.

    "Why don't you educate me." Auguste said coolly, trying to hide scars of his own. The man just smiled as Auguste raised the drink to his lips.

    "My name is Jacob Samuels." Auguste coughed into his drink. "Educating enough for you?"

    "So this was your doing?" He raised his maimed hand. "All this... Why? Why me? Tell me!"

    "Let me stop you there. I played no part in your change in circumstances. Be assured though, I will profit from it. So eat and drink, and cherish the time you have left, because your questions won't be troubling you for much longer."


    The Pits. That was where it would all end.

    From what he'd heard from the idle chatter of his captors, Jacob Samuels looked after those who made him money. It seemed Auguste had made him a killing, and Samuels planned to repay him in kind.

    After more food and refreshments, Auguste was led into a warm room lined with benches.

    Alone again.

    A woman walked into the room with a bucket, her gait slightly off; less a limp, more a... stutter. She didn't show any signs of pain, her pretty face a perfect picture of serenity. It took a moment for her to meet Auguste's gaze, even then keeping her head bowed in polite submission.

    "Can I help you?" He felt stupid the moment he said it. She shook her head, forcing a shy smile. She drew closer, water sloshing as she stuttered. She placed the bucket at his feet, looking him over. Her skin looked flat, and smooth. Her dress was simple, yet revealing, increasing the liklihood she was a working girl. She began to pull his top off.

    "Wait, wait, that won't be necessary." He pulled his shirt down, much to her confusion. "You can tell Samuels that I won't be needing your services. I need a priest not a whore."

    "I am no whore." She said feebly in a dialect he wasn't familiar with. Auguste looked her over, a guardsman again.

    "Do you perform sexual acts for money or favour?" The girl hid her shame.

    "To be whore, first must be people. I am no people." She said. At first Auguste didn't understand, until he looked closer. He reached his unmaimed hand and touched her shoulder. Remarkable. He thought to himself. He had seen the colourful, if crude, mannequins during shows at the Star, but this was something else.

    "Mr Samuels ask me to wash you and dress you." She bent down for a sponge, while Auguste took his top off. "And do not panic" she said, her voice like clockwork. "I know basic rites. They mulch your body for feed, but I take care of your soul."


    "You will face a giant today. You will face him in shadow. But do not forget, it is the crowd who are the real giant, and in their shadow your fate will be decided."

    "That's all good and well, Harold, but this ain't no fight. This is an execution, Samuels' orders."

    "Then what the bloody 'ell is he doing here?"

    "You know, as it happens, I've been asking myself that very question."

    "Oh yes, hur, hur, now there ain't no pep talk for you, sonny, now sling it."

    That was the last conversation he had before being planted in front of the huge, iron gate. The last faces he was likely to see, before the gate was lifted, and he stepped into darkness.

    He stumbled forward, blindly. Time passed slowly.

    Then the darkness lifted, rising from the ground, fading to shadow before it could illuminate the bustling crowd above. The figure that stepped towards him was no gentlemen, or brute, or businessman, or clockwork plaything.

    It was a giant.

    The Steamborg Executioner had seen better days, but it was still a towering mass of metal and flesh and death.

    Auguste Maquet's time was up. So he did the only thing he could do. He charged.

    And he died.

    He saw light, then himself dodging the Executioner's fatal claws. Instead of dying, he fought. All to the distant sound of clockwork and cheering.

    His fate was inevitable, but Auguste Maquet still had time.


    Theme: In the Shadow of Giants

    Character: The Clockwork Girl

    Line: "Don't panic, I know basic [blank]"

    Item: Severed thumb

    Word Count: 1720

    Needs some editing down, but I wanted to get feedback first. I originally wrote this story with indented paragraphs, but the forum doesn't seem to like that.

    Hold nothing back =D

  12. Well, I've just started malifaux mentally speaking thanks to Andy in italy, but I also have issues with Wayland.. all my 150 euro order of starter kit ( 2 crews, more stuff for guild and dark debts+ decks and rulebook) has been paid the 12th, and yet there are no emails about anything from them..

    I guess I'll have to pray to have the things in an acceptable time.. super duper wayland heh? :D

    first and last time i buy from them anything :)

    I have an order with them as well (Sonnia starter). There was a problem with them not registering that payment had been made so I contacted their Help desk. They got back in decent time, but now they're waiting on their supplier :-\

  13. OK, from a "power gaming" standpoint, which newer plastic models from the boosters should I buy, assuming I'd like to place 1st at a major convention tournament?

    The boosters? There are no boosters for Unstitched, only first edition. The puppets in the expansion are still in playtest, though if you were desperate, many of them have metal models from 1st edition (from the boosters). I can't really comment on the new puppets as they won't be set in stone and I haven't gotten much lay with them.

    So to reiterate, the only models for Puppet War: Unstitched are the ones found in the starter set.

  14. Welcome to the forum :-D

    An expansion is on its way, I'm hoping to grab it at Salute 2014. You can find the play test rules for the new puppets on the puppet wars website.

    As for general list building advice, you want a reliable core of in-suit puppets (Marshals for Justice, Belles for Seamus). Beyond that there really isn't any must haves, as PW is more flexible and synergistic than Malifaux. You just want to be flexible, and take advantage of any combos you spot. Puppets that do stand out for me are December Acolyte for the card draw and Silurid for his speed and high defence (good counter for Misaki).

    Hope that helps, and feel free to share your lists and battle reports :-)

  15. Finally on the computer (you wouldn't think I owned it =P)

    I've enterered NaNo twice; succeeded 2012, failed 2013. Strangely, I find NaNo prep more useful as a motivation/learning exercise than the actual event.

    Anyway, back to my feedback.

    As I said, I loved the start, and found it smooth and to-the-point. Just being oddly specific here, but the use of "her" in "her weird upsetting way" and "that" in "that giant black mountain" stand out to me, simply for being more interesting than the word choice you'd find in more common compositions of such sentenes. "Her", in the context, sounds familiar, almost nolstagic, like he's instantly been trapped under her spell. And "that" just sounds more singular and ominous, which does help elevate the narrative's otherwise feeble attempt to incorporate the theme.

    Having only read your other piece after this one (I'll post my feedback on that shortly), the second paragraph was actually very enjoyable without any knowledge of previous events. I like how it just ignores the previous event, and before you can wonder what led him to being grabbed, you're flung into the present moment.

    This is the first speedbump I hit:

    "Then I couldn't even speak. I struggled a little where I was, tied to my uncomfortable little wooden chair, but honestly, I don't know if I was trying to escape or if I just wanted to entertain her for a while with my contortions. Why would I want to do that?"

    The bit that got me was "I stuggled a little where I was". It took me awhile to figure out what was going on. Why is is suddenly strunggling? Why just a little? The second half of the paragraph helps you understand what's going on (he doesn't know why he's struggling), but I think it could be worded better nevertheless. But do keep the last sentence, I like how that gives the reader a "oh I see, huh, interesting..." moment, but if you can get rid of the speedbump then it'll be a smoother experience.

    I like the use of picking out the key words wih bold, italic, purple. I usually don't like colour in writing, but it works here.

    "There was an open metal box on the table."

    I know what you;re doing, and it makes sense, but it's poorly placed, and while to the point, that directness highlights it in a way that feels out of place.

    "She held all the cards - who was I?"

    This bit didn't make much sense to me. I get the first part, but the random "who was I?" makes no sense. I'm guessing he's sayig "who am I to challenge her, to fight back?", but it doesn't translate that way.

    "I hid my face in my newly-freed arms"

    I agree with edonil, "newly-freed arms" sounds weird.

    "hunched over the table in wailing agony and shame."

    This just hits a flat note for me, I get no impression of "wailing agony and shame". I think this paragraph as a whole is worth expanding on, even if you have to cut down the memories more, as I think that the end could benefit from a little more build up, a drum roll of emotion if you will.

    I think he should realize it was his knife by touching it, the sense of it reminding him, but possibly in a way that makes us question if it really is his knife.

    The end is fine, the cutting of the thumb could be a bit more vivid, but the rather dismissive way it comes accross is good, which would contrast nicely if you expanded the previous paragrap I noted, to show that he's passed through the storm of sanity and is flying through the clear skies of insanity =]

    I'll finish with the memories, as they are a seperate part of the story in some sense. But as I said before, that's part of the problem. Though the mention of flophouse made me jump to the conclusion Margarita was a hooker, both memories are well composed. I prefer the second, as it has both humour and a healthy dose oif regret and shame, which links it to the rest of the story better. I think the first could emphasise the emotions of jealousy and rejection. A quirky idea would be if you subtly linked Margarita to Pandora (the smile is key there I think), then have the protagonist take confusing pleasure in causing her woe, which links to the part about Pandora frowning and smiling. Then perhaps the second story is reversing the positions and placing the protagonist in Pandora's shoes, though in that case I might be tempted to switch the order of the memories (going from feeling woe to causing it). Just thinking aloud (maybe needs more "thinking" ;)), but I don't think it'd take too much work to integrate the memories better.

    Anyhoo, that's about it, I think. Hope that's of some help to you. Feel free to ignore everything I've said =D

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