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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. What Tauwolf is describing is pure, unadulterated Kevin Dallimore. If you can find a copy (or order it through your library's Inter-library Loan program, check out the Foundary Miniatures Painting and Modeling guide. His 3-color technique actually got me turned on into creating an illusion of depth and texture even when it's not sculpted. EDIT: Example - I'd bet just about anything that those pants don't have all those folds sculpted:
  2. Your description is fascinating - I'm really excited to see what you come up with. I think the biggest limiting factor will be the size of the "canvas". Fitting multiple layers of separately-blended shades will be a challenge (vs. multiple layers, or one overall blended "layer"). The single best piece of advice that I've heard for this is to NOT add white to highlight. Adding white can reduce the hue saturation for many colors. Instead, try and find fully-saturated lighter shades to add to your base color for highlights. Re: paint thickness, just thin the paint and get used to painting the same area over, and over, and over again.
  3. Just got some tracking info: the fate decks are on their way, and should be here by next Wed. The scheme decks are due next week as well, but I haven't received any tracking info or status updates.
  4. A man after my own heart! I'm not sure that it qualifies as smoothly blended midtones (I don't blend much!), but I favor a very graphic and cartoony style: Example. Kevin Dallimore doe a nice 3-color look that achieves a nice cartoony effect. If you want some other examples (with a mix of styles, but some very cartoony looks mixed in), check out the entries in the latest Lead Painter's League. Edit: Here are a pair of cracking examples of what I mean re: the LAF stuff.
  5. Count me as another one interested in Rules Marshall input!
  6. Glad you like it! I'll try and get the sewer out to Dark Tower games soon. I always reckon that determining terrain effects are up to the players involved. I forgot how high the tombstones physically are - some are pretty tall, eh?. Were it up to me, I might treat them as Ht 1, Covering, Severe. It'd take an extra inch to move over a grave row, and they provide cover. Hmmm... because there are so bloody many gravestones, I might even suggest to an opponent that you only receive cover if you are in base-to-base contact with one of the grave bases (vs. within 1 inch). Up to the players, though, really! I've been playing a lot of Infinity these days, so I may be going a bit crazy with the amount of cover available. It may also not hurt that I don't play any shooty crews.
  7. OK folks, I'm getting set to place the production orders - orders are now officially closed. Thanks for everyone's support! Hopefully, I'll have the final cards in my hand within a couple of weeks and can get them sent off in advance of the tournament. At the latest, it should be a day or two before the 28th (though, if it gets that late, I'll get really nervous!). Because of the interest generated, I was able to get the fate deck plastic-coated. The scheme deck should still be good quality (similar to Magic cards), but the fate deck should be extra-durable to stand up to lots of shuffling. Now, all that's left for the tournament is to write the scenarios, the narrative, and maybe (likely not) get a bit more terrain done. Given the interest, I'll plan on putting together a more detailed post for folks interested in producing their own cards for tournament give-aways and the like. Once the dust settles, that is! I'll update this post as stuff comes in!
  8. I'll be excited to see pictures of what you both come up with! I can't take credit for the individually mounted gravestones. Someone over on the Lead Adventure Forums had done something similar (though not on such a large scale) and I just kind of went crazy with it. While I like painting miniatures, I really, really like building terrain. Something about creating little worlds that really does it for me. I like trying to come up with a combination of something that's visually interesting, flexible to allow for variety, and that provides for interesting tactical challenges in gameplay. Wish I had more time to do terrain!
  9. Hey Folks - Just a heads up - I'll be placing the manufacturing order this weekend, so I'll need to have orders finalized with payment submitted by Saturday (say, by 9:00 Pacific time). Thanks for all of your support and interest so far. It's totally gratifying to see how much people enjoy what we've done! Jim
  10. Correct - If you got a response e-mail from me after ordering them, you've got some reserved. Otherwise, the 2011 cards are gone.
  11. Sorry, but no. Glad you like them, though! That was my first foray into Inkscape, and I learned a lot making them.
  12. LOL, silly USPS! Despite the fact that we are literally 20 minutes away from the Canadian border, USPS lists the flat rate shipping to Canada as $13. Alternatively, which part of Canada are you in? There are plenty of folks from BC coming down for the tournament who might be able to mule for you.
  13. Holy cow, thanks a million, folks! For those of you that have ordered, please make sure that you got a response e-mail from me (that way, you can doublecheck that I've received your info). The paypal account will be listed under the name Kacy (he's the Warhamster's treasurer), but the response you get should be from Jim Graham (that's me). 2011 Decks are all now accounted for. The 2011 decks are in a plastic case, the 2012 and Scheme decks are just shrinkwrapped. Card size is standard poker size - 2.5" by 3.5". The 2011 decks are bulkier because of the case, but I can fit 8 of the other decks in a small flat-rate box.
  14. PM replied - however y'all want to work out a group order is fine by me (it makes my life so much easier - thanks for that!). Cloussaeu, if you need me to refund what you sent, let me know. Alternatively, if folks want to specify that I should have their decks shipped with yours (and you guys can work out how to share shipping), I can do that as well. Alternatively, y'all could fly me out to Britain for a weekend to play Malifaux and deliver them in person.
  15. Absolutely! That international shipping is a bear. Main reason I'm doing it is because flat rate priority shipping allows me to ship quickly and easily, without having to weigh things.
  16. :1_Happy_Puppet2: I want to save SOME surprises for tournament attendees, but I reckon the jokers would be OK to post ... tonight when I get home.
  17. Evil corporate overlords are evil. Info on ordering the decks is up in the trading section now. To get some cards, click THIS FINELY CRAFTED INTERWEB LINK.
  18. The final production order is either placed, or about to be placed - as such, orders are closed. Thanks for your support, all! The 2011 decks are all gone. If you've already paid for one and gotten a response e-mail from me, you're OK! Due to popular demand, I'm offering this year's Walpurgis Cards to folks who are interested in obtaining some, but will be unable to attend the tournament. For folks wanting more info on Walpurgis, see here: http://www.ordofanaticus.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=30&t=11114 There are 2 decks available: 2012 Fate Deck, and 2012 Scheme Deck (the 2011 Fate Deck is no longer available). The cost for each deck is $10. The 2012 Fate Deck has not yet been produced, and I’m not going to print extras. Therefore, once the decks have been ordered (likely in a week or so), no further orders will be taken. Additionally, there are limited numbers of the Scheme Decks available. Once Things are sold out or orders are closed, I’ll edit the top of this post in big red letters. PLEASE CHECK BEFORE YOU ORDER! Also, please note that no one is making a personal profit in any of these. Rather, all of the proceeds go towards the Bellingham Warhamsters, a wargaming group in Bellingham, WA. We use the money to put on cool events, provide prize support to tournament participants, and the like. These decks are intended to be cool give-aways for tournament attendees, and we just offer them for sale to mollify the masses (and to serve as our wargaming version of Girl Scout Cookies). Ordering Info: Shipping will be USPS Priority only. The cost to ship will be $5.50 in the US, $17 internationally for as much as I can fit in a small flat rate box. If you order more than can fit there, I’ll let you know what extra you owe for shipping. Alternatively, you can avoid shipping charges by telling me who will pick up your cards for you at Walpurgis on April 28th and 29th in Bellingham, WA. Decks will ship on or before April 28th. To order, Sorry folks, orders are now closed! send payment via paypal to bellinghamwarhamsters(at)gmail.com (of course, you'd be wanting to replace the (at) with @ ). Along with the payment, include your name, e-mail address, how many of which decks you are ordering, and either your mailing address or the name of the person attending Walpurgis II to whom I should give the decks. Remember, $10 per deck, $5.50/$17/$0 for shipping (US/International/pick-up). Example: John Citizen 123 Some St. Anytown, ST 12345 johncitizen@email.com 2 x 2012 Fate Decks ($20) 1 x Scheme Deck ($10) 1 x 2011 Fate Deck ($10) Total Cost: $45.50 2012 Fate Deck * These have been designed but haven't been produced yet, so I'm not 100% sure how the printed cards will look. I'll be receiving a test deck before submitting the full order, but I can't guarantee the final look. If it turns out horrible I’ll just refund everyone’s money. * The face card, suit, and joker art is by Nathan Lough, a local here in Bellingham, WA - he generously donated his time on this project for the greater good of the Bellingham Warhamsters, our local gaming group. I designed the cards. I no way is any of this intended to be a challenge to Wyrd's copyright or intellectual property. Rather, it's just some inspired fan-art. * The deck is 54 cards, designed to look like a roughly-printed deck of playing cards. The face cards are profiles of Malifaux-inspired characters. Scheme Deck The scheme deck is intended as a reference tool. Basically, it's a deck of 54 cards. There is a card for each of the schemes (color coded for the master and faction specific ones), with the text of the scheme and a common back. That way, you can put unannounced schemes face down in front of you, and announced schemes face up. I reckon it'd be handy to have them in front of you rather than writing them down or what-not. There are also double-sided cards for each of the strategies, with the text of the regular strategy on one side, and the shared strategy on the other. Stylistically, I reused the look and art from last year's cards. These images are from a test deck – the final cards (on order) should have the color of the Neverborn cards corrected so that they read as purple rather than blue. 2011 Fate Deck The 2011 Fate Deck is no longer available - it's just shown here for completeness sake, and because the pictures are pretty! The Joker and card back art are by Ravyn Schmidt, a Bellingham local and the purveyor of Advanced Deployment. I designed the cards, with the rest of the artwork either drawn by me or cobbled together from clipart sources. Card Backs (That'd be a hamster skull and crossbones): Hodge Podge of cards: Rams: Crows: Tomes: Masks:
  19. OK, got some more work done on tournament stuff. Finished up another terrain board and got some photos taken of the scheme deck: Here's the sewer board. Just about everything is moveable, so there's lots of room for variety, with blocks, junk piles, and bridges that can create walkways over the water. Should be a pretty fun board. Here is the sample scheme deck. Basically, it's a deck of 54 cards. There is a card for each of the schemes (color coded for the master and faction specific ones), with the text of the scheme and a common back. That way, you can put unannounced schemes face down in front of you, and announced schemes face up. I reckon it'd be handy to have them infront of you rather than writing them down or what-not. There are also double-sided cards for each of the strategies, with the text of the regular strategy on one side, and the shared strategy on the other. Stylistically, I reused the look and art from last year's cards.
  20. And if I told you that the only way to get a set was to come out to Bellingham to participate in the tournament (and that it was already full, with a waiting list)? :lucifer: I'll post a thread in the appropriate section shortly, and will link here. I'm not planning on ordering extras, so there will be a limited window of opportunity. Mostly, they're meant to be something special for tournament attendees, though using sales to fund the prize table for the tournament is always appreciated!
  21. Art for the face cards is finalized. Here's a sample, one from each suit. The artist is Nathan, one of the local gamers here in Bellingham. He's also the one who sculpted the plague doctor (which, coincidentally, arrived from the casting house last week). Suffice it to say, the rest of the face cards (and jokers) are spectacular!
  22. Just doing my weekly update. The gallows are finalized and in production (and, yes, models with 30mm bases can stand on the stairs). I received the proof deck of the Scheme Cards, but there was a misprint - they printed the wrong back. Otherwise, they look pretty good. I have a corrected deck on the way. I was planning on tweaking the purple on some of them a bit, but I should be able to place the final order next week. The numeric cards for the Fate Deck are all done. Nathonicus is fervently working on the art for the face cards and jokers. Once I get those, I'll make it a priority to get those cards done so I can get a test deck. Here's a look at the art and style of the other suits: Note that the crow symbol is the crossed spades/feathers, but the Ace of Spades always gets something special. Lemmy says so! Also, I think we have a final design for the card backs. This may change, but right now I'm pretty excited by:
  23. We usually sell some decks in order to help fund the prize table for the tournament. If the cards fall that way this year (har, har!), I'll post something in this space.
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