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Everything posted by JMGraham

  1. Awesome. Simply awesome. Not only could I not imagine a better use for said dolls, but it can only stand to give your terrain a more nightmarish quality. Some in-progress shots, please. We need to see the look on Beiber's face when he's half wrapped in floral wire.
  2. Ravyn from Advanced Deployment makes those. Pretty stuff, great quality.
  3. Started assembling in earnest. Models take significantly more scraping/filing work to remove the mold lines than I expected. Some of the areas are a breeze (the smooth, low-relief style of the minis is an advantage here), others are a hassle (the billowing cloud of smoke issuing from Jakob's hand), and some are a nightmare. SOme of those plastic pieces are very, very thin, and I'm constantly paranoid of breakage when removing the sprue connectors and scraping mold lines. So far, so good, haven't broken anything yet! Hard to say yet, but they also feel like a smaller scale than the metal minis. I'll have to take some side-by-side comparisons. The number/letters on the sprues help with assembly, figuring out what piece is what. The female Illuminated ALMOST had me beat, but I think I figured it out. The gap down the middle of Hungry Darkness is insane. Looking at the mini, I can see several places the split could have been placed that would have made it much easier. "Right down the center" seemed a poor choice. I'll be interested to see how the studio paintjob manages this gap. If this sounds overly negative, I'm leaving out the part that I think everything will turn out all right in the end.
  4. Thanks, Peterdita! @stochastic - I've got a Lelu, Lilitu, Coppelius, Insidious Madness, and a Alp or Insidious Madness proxy finished, but not photographed. They were kind of a rush job to get stuff off my table for the new models. Not entirely satisfied with them, but they're done. Next up, I'll be doing the entire Dark Debts crew (box set, Beckoners, Depleted, Graves, & Tannen). For the new models, I'll try and take my time!
  5. Thanks! I actually paint everything like that. Way back when I got inspired by a block-painted Tomb King army I saw at a tournament, and started exaggerating my highlights to emulate it. Things have kind of naturally progressed from there and gotten more and more stylized. It's a style that really suits some folks, and really turns others off. I can say, though, the impression on the table-top is a bit more relaxed. Distance blends the colors and the high contrast really lets the details of the model stand out from about 3 feet away. Gack! Good catch on the yellow eyes! That was the first model of the crew I had painted, and I had originally planned to incorporate yellow in the crew. It turned out to be one color too many (I'm a fan of a limited color palette to try and make for a cohesive-looking crew), so I dropped it everywhere else. Must have missed that one. Will correct it shortly. I started cleaning Messrs Graves and Tannen last night. Not many mold lines to clean up, but I'm trying to be thorough.
  6. Really good thoughts, here, but I have to disagree a bot with this last one. When I paint, I rely ALOT on the sculpt itself to help guide me. I tend to paint in pretty broad strokes (literally, not figuratively!), and rely on the sculpt to help me make choices about where to shade, where to highlight, etc. Heck, a good, high-relief sculpt is a joy to paint - the shadowed recesses hide from your brush, ink naturally pools in the folds, and the parts to be highlighted feel like they lift themselves up to the brush. High relief sculpting is much more forgiving for beginning to moderate painters. With low relief models (like the new Wyrd plastics), it depends much more on the painter to decide where to add folds, creases, and highlights. It's more of a 2-d painting than a 3-d one. You can add relief through painting, but it requires a different set of skills than painting a high-relief model. Still, I'm up for a challenge! I'll be getting a new brush for this crew, though - I can't be as sloppy with them as I usually am.
  7. I'm paid! I'm paid! Any participant list so far?
  8. Really interesting. Monochrome (with maybe one accent color) blows my mind when I see it done right, but scares the crap out of me when I think about trying it myself. The trick is really creating different values. Joe Sturge did it well enough with Warhammer Dark Elves (http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=68278), but I still look towards the old Warhammer Forum painting contest as a great source of inspiration (http://warhammer.org.uk/phpBB/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=24747) Unfortunately, it's an old contest, so many of the image links are dead. Please, make sure you photo-document your experiments and post them here! One last thought - Curse of Beers did some great stuff with mostly-monochrome, as well!
  9. Never thought about that, but I guess that does make it unlikely to see any of the models sold separately. That's unfortunate. I edited the initial post, so you should be able to see the full-sized picture by clicking on one of the pictures above.
  10. Thanks! The bases were fun to do. I mentioned this on another thread, but the bases ended up getting picked up and cast in metal by Black Cat Bases (click here for link), who have some pretty interesting stuff. I wish I hadn't already based all my models, as their castings are a lot better than mine. Mine are resin, and full of voids and gaps. The metal ones are much, much nicer.
  11. I've found a very potent 25 ss base to be: Zombie Chihuahua Canine Remains 2 x Crooked Men 2 x Rotten Belles Convict Gunslinger The Chihuahua and Remains get carved up into body parts the first turn (netting enough body parts to make a Rogue Necromancy), The Crooked men, Belles, and Gunslinger make up the core fighting force. Taken together, they are very nice at isolating and ambushing enemy models piecemeal. Lay out shafted markers, lure an already-activated enemy model into the shafted markers (and into range of the gunslinger), lay waste with the gunslinger if anything is left. At 35 points I often add Bete Noir (if the opponent has a kill-your-own-models-and-summon-stuff type crew) or Jack Daw (if I'm feeling competitive), or something strategy-specific. I think in general, McMourning does his own thing separate from the rest of his crew; he doesn't have lots of synergies. Generally, whatever would make a good stand-alone Resser crew will fit well with him.
  12. Yea! great to see Jakob Lynch with some paint on him. All look great, but that Christmas Tree Waldgeist is inspired!
  13. Yep, Overall I'm pretty pleased. From what I've seen, the Hungering Darkness might stand to be hit with some conversion work to add some detail (Chaos Spawn Sprue, I'm looking at you!). Otherwise, I'm excited to get cracking on them! @ Darios - Absolutely, I took the pictures for the use of the community. Repost away!
  14. With the completion of my Dreamer crew and the arrival of my Dark Debts crew, I figured my Neverborn might warrant their own (appropriately named) project log. "Seamus and his Living Impaired Ladies of Negotiable Affection" just doesn't seem the place to go to see pictures of Neverborn models. In a mad effort to clear my project table for the new Neverborn, I pushed through and finished my Dreamer crew over the past several weeks. In addition to what's shown below, I also finished an Insidious Madness, the Twins (Lelu and Lilitu) and a proxy that can work for either an Alp or another Insidious Madness. Didn't get them photographed yet, though. The Dreamer and a Daydream: His dear friend Teddy: A couple of Stitched Together (who were really fun to paint!): Lord Chompy Bits: Another Teddy and two more Daydreams: The group shot: I'll be working on the Dark Debts crew next, and will try and get some in-progress photos up.
  15. Got my order in last night and thought I'd post some (very large) sprue pictures for folks. Overall, I'm happy with them, but do wish there was more detail on them. It's a much cleaner aesthetic than I'm used to in my minis. Hopefully it'll suit itself well to my cartoonish painting style, though. For starters, I have to make a couple of comments: 1) The packaging is HUGE compared to what's inside. Without being able to handg them the same way as a blister pack (unless stores add their own self-adhesive plastic tabs), and given the fact that the product takes up much more shelf space than a typical blister, I reckon some FLGS will have trouble carrying the whole range (as our FLGS does now). It seems they'd really have to commit to some specialized shelving. As an example, here's a peek inside the Beckoner's box: 2) The other issue I hear about is a lack of crispness in detail, particularly on the Dark Debts box set. My impression of all of the Neverborn except the DD Box was that the detail is generally quite crisp and well-defined. There's not as MUCH of the detail as there were in the metal sculpts, but what detail there is crisp and solid. The DD box, however, is a lighter shade of grey and looks much less well defined than the others, more “mushy” and “softer”. As an example, here’s a Depleted (top sprue) over an Illuminated from the DD box (bottom sprue). I’m not certain if this is a mold issue, or if they just got the plastic formula wrong for those initial casts. The plastic formula definitely IS slightly different for that one box set. OK, on to the sprue pictures. I didn’t resize the images at all, so they are pretty huge. I’m HOPING the Wyrd forum does it’s usual reduced-size but click to see it full-size thingee. If not, you can browse the full-size pictures in my gallery here (sprue pics start after the sunsets; warning, they're big): http://www.ordofanaticus.com/gallery/v/Ordos/JMGraham/?g2_page=10 EDIT: You should be able to see the full sized pictures by clicking on each image below The Beckoners Mr. Tannen Mr. Graves The Depleted Dark Debts Box Set
  16. Thanks for the report! Well described, and congrats on the victory. I must say, however, in defense of McMourning - I have a hard time imagining a worse minion selection (and scheme selection). McMourning is the most flexible of the book 1 Ressers - he's capable of so much more. Envy, I officially invite you out to Bellingham to drink delicious craft brews and plot how McMourning can take over the world. In Envy's defense, that house rule seems to have prevented a tie!
  17. Really nice job on the stockings, paicularlythe second one. Nice and sheer! I also like the brilliance effect with eyes. I've yet to see the Darkness with the join-line appropriately dealt with. I'll likely go to town with resculpting mine, adding more spikes, appendages, mouths, eyes, and the like. A shame... It seems like a great concept.
  18. A group of us (myself included) will be coming across the border for this. Looking forward to it!
  19. WIth the upcoming Malifood event up in Vancouver, I thought I'd make a display board to cart my crew from table to table. I tried for a "Ruined Mad Scientist Lab" vibe. First, I started with some 50mm objective markers to use as set decoration: Then the board itself: And populated by McMourning and friends: I may add some other machines and gizmos eventually, but it's a start!
  20. This is Malifaux, not the Emperor's Imperium! There is no "uniform"; rather, our imagination is our limit. IMO, studio paintjobs are pretty examples, not a prescription. I reckon one is best suited painting things in a manner one finds pleasing to the eye, irrespective of the source of the inspiration..
  21. Camo green. Crap. My pot of Camo Green is almost empty. Any idea if the Vallejo game color equivalent stacks up well?
  22. Thanks! I bought up a bunch of Snakebite Leather (the main color of the Stitched) when GW changed paints, so hopefully I'll be well supplied for a bit. It's one color where the Vallejo equivalent is much less vivid, and the new GW version isn't on, either. I'll be sad when I run out of it! The bases were sculpted and cast in resin by myself (though cast a bit poorly - you can see the voids left by bubbles. I reckon the voids might eventually bug me enough to go back and fill them). The bases ended up getting picked up and cast in metal by Black Cat Bases (click here for link), who have some pretty interesting stuff. I wish I hadn't already based all my models, as their castings are much, much nicer. They're having a 20% off sale for the next month, as well. A better look at the base inserts:
  23. I've been excited about the new Dark Debts models, but I'm forced to sate myself by finally getting some paint on some of my Dreamer models. The Dreamer and a Daydream: His dear friend Teddy: A couple of Stitched Together (who were really fun to paint!): And the obligatory group shot: While I'd love to paint some more of my Dreamer crew, I'll likely start work on a display board for my Ressers.
  24. Thanks! What I *really* want to paint next is the Dark Debts crew, but I reckon I'll have to wait a bit for that (unless someone at Wyrd sends me a surprise, after which I'd devote all of my painting time to finishing them up in time for a Malifood event on Spetember 15th ). I may give my Dreamer crew a shot, but I'm really struggling to land on a color scheme of which I'm fond.
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