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Everything posted by copydawg

  1. Lol! Going bonkers and doing crazy stuff in the office is a depressingly common sight, since it's an advertising agency. But I did get a lot of those blank stares when I was smirking devilishly while staring at ms word and danced at the toilet stall :squint:
  2. EricJ : Yeap, the model itself is awesome, the abilities even more. For the time being, I'll probably gonna get teddies or 3 for starters. Peterdita : Beware the far seeing eye of Wyrd and their grasp upon your soul! :worship:
  3. Can't stop thinking and giggling at the office when I heard that my Nightmare Version of Dreamer & LCB finally arrived! Everything's safe and sound... and sexy Dang it's big. I know it's probably not such a big deal... in the states. In Indonesia, getting an item from overseas near Eid al-Fitr is a heart pounding, high risk gamble. Well, that's why I'm here. Just wanted to report to the good folks at Wyrd that I got my baby I would also like to tell the world that Indonesia's Malifaux community is alive and kickin'. We're having a Dice Con at October, a tabletop miniatures convention with lots of combat and dice throwing (or in Malifaux's case, card flipping). Malifaux, Warhammer 40K & Warmachine/Hordes tournaments will be held there. If you're around the neighborhood, be sure to drop in and participate. Oh and Dear Wyrd Games, please release the Stitched Togethers, Daydreams, etc asap, I really can't wait to play with this hunk. Thank you. That's all for now. Copydawg out
  4. Sozoa, I've already sold all my OnG due to their horrid book. Only got a couple of chaos left. Unless they make 8th's army smaller in scale, there's no way I'm starting again, not after Malifaux. In WHFB (or any other games for that matter), I've always been a loyal partner. But in Malifaux, It's hard NOT not have an affair. Especially with someone as hot as perdita With Malifaux's low MSRP, in time, every faction & guild master will be common IMO. I have a bloody memory with ranged too. My seamus crew got wiped out by LoJ & her death marshalls, while I only managed to kill a judge. (The guild player's winning condition is treasure hunt, while mine is slaughter). It was mostly my fault for not using cover. But still, it really shows how strong ranged is. I just got my copycat killer, wanna try it out asap to find out how seamus, convict & the totem fare against the guild. About their theme and flavor, I'm with you man. I once got a chance to choose a new guild master,.... ended up choosing good ol douglas mcmourning. The ressers have such an irresistible charm. Common or not, it's my favorite
  5. Here in Jakarta, my buds at the LGS mostly play Guild & Arcanist, with neverborn & arcanist following closely and ressers at the bottom of the list. AFAIK there were 2 LoJ players, 1 perdita, 1 sonnia, 2 rasputinas, 2 ramos, 1 pandora, 2 lilith, 1 som'er teeth (being played for hilarity's sake), 1 viktorias and 1 mcmourning. I'm playing seamus & have a mcm crew myself Most of us here unanimously agreed that long range (whether through shooting or magic) is the best way to go,.. at least for the current rules. Pure melee and war of attrition are also viable, though not as brutal as long range. Me? I stick with the Ressers because I love their flavor. Their crazy band of undead hookers and zombie mutts are the sole reason I play & love the Malifaux world lol. PS: VC, daemons & the 7th ed rule itself are the sole reason I quit WHFB.
  6. Hi guys, the nick's copydawg coz copycat is a bad cat. It's always better to be a hot dawg rather than a cool cat. The name's marvel. I'm from Indonesia, got dragged into this game (willingly) by my friend ivan the unsatiable (xankriegor in this forum). I'm a copywriter, working for a local advertising agency. Creativity has always been the most important thing in my life and it holds especially true for my line of work. It's also the thing that triggers the chemistry between me & Malifaux, especially the Ressers. Zombie whores with their bald zombie mistress, katana-wielding-nitouryuu punk zombies, zombie pups, everything is just beautiful... in a twisted way. The gameplay itself is intriguingly innovative. I love the way the schemes, soul stone system and the different abilities work. I already got a seamus box, along with the grave spirit, convict gunslinger & punk zombies. Currently waiting for mcmourning and his pups. Can't wait to let 'em rip in my LGS and can't wait for the crooked man. Keep up the great job guys and see ya around in the forums.
  7. Completely agree with you. When WM/H first hit my LGS, it was all the rage. But after our T.O. / official got too busy with work and other personal issues, the game died down as quickly as it rose to fame. The same thing happened with monpoc. Both LGS owner / organizer and players needs to be active. With the store promoting the game, starting tourneys, giving disc during store events / tourneys, while the gamers participate in events / playing fun skirmish games of their own. Only then a game can be popular. Currently my LGS is running a Malifaux "league" this month, if all goes well, I think it can really cripple other miniature games played here.
  8. In my LGS, most prefer tcgs and think that miniatures are too expensive (WH proved that right). Only a few of us played WH. Around a dozen or two are playing / have a WM/H army Well, Malifaux kinda changed the scene. a lot of people (there are even those who probably never even played miniature games before) eagerly jumped into the game since the starting army is so cheap. They are still playing WM/H and a tcg or two, but Malifaux's impact couldn't be taken lightly. People are playing it and throughly enjoying it. I'm pretty sure Malifaux won't kill anything, but it's sure as heck will be one of the top 3 game played everyday
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