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Everything posted by izikial

  1. yh im thinking peackeeper to play tag with, i dont have my book 1, could you tell me the peackeepers armor, i like a hunter to move round with hoffman, between it and the peackeeper i can pull anything i want in range of a open circuit or a critical ss torch attack, im not keep on taking much arcanist stuff, esspecial as it cast more, i feal a bit like im beaing cheated, i really like ryle, on a sever and a trigger he gets 3 damage flips witch you can eather use to cut through low wound armord things like spiders or hard to kill stuff, or if you can get all your flips high you do 12 dg witch isnt bad for 1 ap.
  2. I know there is already a thread about the hoff, but it dosnt really go into how he plays and list selection. Im finding it hard to undersand his synergys, every time i think i have found something good i realise is dosnt work, (canceling ryle's not a friend thing and using shiled wall and overprotectiv together). so a few things to start of. 1)what lists are peaple liking. 2)witch totem do you prefer,(i know its not the favorite, but i prefer the mobile toolkit, its a good target to slow, you can make it move to the hoff ready for his activation, and it can heal without having to cast a spell or kill anything) 3)what constructs do you keep near him, for the armor and all the other bonuses he gets 4) just how are you playing him i know he is good, but i need showing the way, at the minuite i cant unlock his potential. I look forward to your views
  3. hi guys how are you geting constructs to keep up with hoff for the ca bonus and the like, but still atacking and that , drawn to metle will let him stay near 1 but if you want any more near him you have to move them indipendantly, over protectiv hapens in the end phase so you cant get the shild wall bounse on a turn you over protectiv into contact and hoff wont get any bounueses untill the turn after cus it hapens at the end, how are you guys geting hoffs hariem to keep up.
  4. shield wall is a all action in my book, not a 2 does that mean that it can be done slowed?
  5. is detonat scrap any good, i have read it like 10 times to try and find the good point but i cant, the only thing i can see is to get read of excess scrap counters, but its short range and verry little damage, also does it hit hoff and freinds if there nearby
  6. when i first read through the book, i thought candy had just become a lilitu, enjoying the pain and being more grown up, did you notice also that when it happen lucius is refranced as transphorming, witch sounds cool, i think they should do a comic, cus i need anothere fix, i couldnt put the story down also side note, ramos can make anything his best to date being the leviathan, and the hoff can make anything live without the need for ss, im thinkign ramos might want to get the hoff to power the leviathan, or the hoffs powere sauce that poweres the mechanical atendant unless thats just his will to
  7. If you give a guardian slow so the hoff can get fast, and then still use its shield wall, also as the hoff likes beign close to loads of constructs, i was thinking two guardians and steam borg next to him, you pull hoff with the steam and uses its steam cloud to cover your guys wial you sheild wall and stuff with guardians
  8. ok thanks,that makes it better than i thought
  9. hi guys little question, is drawn to the core a sumon so he has normal ap but has slow, or is it a transfomation so he has what ever ap are left.
  10. i thought with cards at the end of the turn you go back to max hand sise, this will negate the extra 2 from the first turn sac. what are peaple finding more effectiv, night terrors or alps? and how meany ss dose hamlin liek to have in his cach
  11. thanks dude the rats thing makes sens, i like what your saying with the night terrors, just looked through stuff again, and there isnt much point in starting with a stolen, none of the sacrifices are worth doing first turn, and all having one lets me do is take one more action first turn, and i dont think its worth 3ss to take one more action in the first turn, othere than night terrors, i thought about either alps, just swarm the enamy slow them make more alps, witch will give me more to sacrifice or more rats. or canine remains, onyl 2ss lets me take a few of them, who can run up give it a shot get killed and become rats, as they arnt slow they can easaly keep up. i havnt played any games with hamy yet, what do you all think.
  12. as far as lists go, i was thinking for 35 ss (its what i normaly play) hamlin 5 rats 10ss nix 7ss rat catcher 5ss stolen 3ss obedeint wretch 2ss this leavs me 8 ss, what do you guys think i should fill this with, my game plan is using the rat catcher and rats to rush the enemy, maybe nix with them to heard them, and just kill and blight what ever i can, wial hamlin and the otheres are runing up, when the rat wave dies hamlin mopes up the rest, sacrificing at least one stolen a turn maybe two on the first turn, they then turn into rats for more blight, dont really see what the wretch is good for, maybe just the draw thing, but i could kill her for a rat. three rulse questions, things that refrence the next action is that just like an atack or a spell or for the rest of the turn. nix's drink spirit is that a perminant buff. and lastly, the talent nihialism makes insignificant thinks not insignificant at the start of game, so could and insignificant thing be given the deilivery scheme or not, because when you pick the scheme the rat would be insignificant.
  13. hi guys, is the -2 ca on his bleeding desies added up each time, like the second time it trigers you are at -4 and so on
  14. hi jus a quikc and easy question, some of levictus's poweres dont let him kill him self, so when he is on one wound left, can he not cast them, or does he just not take any more wounds, thanks guys
  15. well, i jus bought levictus, im going to get hamlin when he gets a master mini, and try them in a brawl, i dont expect to win but i do think it will be fun to try thanks guys
  16. yeah i supose but i like to make very themed crews so id perfer to use hamlin based models, but i do see your point
  17. ok thanks guys, i like hamlin but he seems to limited for me, and like levictus was, hes another master with no modles, thanks again guys
  18. hi guys this is a follow up to my question on the levi hamlin tag team, is there anyone who hamlin works well with, my only thought was either pandy and her kids or lilith and hers, what do you guys think
  19. thanks guys, they are my two favouret masters and id like them to be able to play together, but thought i best cheack befor i make to much of an investment
  20. firstly, hi guys can hamlin and levi brawl up together, if so how does the limited choices work with them do models have to fulfill at least one of the crytiria of each master, eg insignificant (hamiln) and construct (levi), or jus one of the crytiria of either so its just hight one. also i hear hamlin has to spend 1 more ss to hire out of faction, but i didnt think levi did, how does that interact. thanks dudes.
  21. just a quicky, if i convert a modle using malifaux bits, as long is its clear what it is could i use it in official malifaux events, secondly if i convert usign nonmalifaux modles eather on there own or mixed with malifaux miniturs could i use them in official malifaux events. thx guys
  22. thanks guys i dont know wich way to go. levi can only die from deaths lesons and desolation, does this mean when he is nearly dead he cant cast the otheres or he does but takes no wounds
  23. i really like levictus, but im having trouble building a list because there is so much choice, i have a few questions, in 25 ss games, othere than alyce should i have no more big hitters, also is jack daw actualy good with livictus or is he very situational. also spas seem a bit rubish, insignificant, usless in combat. so, my idea so far is start with alyce, some necropunks, some rotten bells and a canine remains. then add in jack daw then bette noir, depending on the amount of ss you are using
  24. ok guys i see your point, it was jus a thought but i would be missing out on allot of synergy and cool effects, jus to play a wild card list
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