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Posts posted by rancor709

  1. I had suggested something similar early in the thread.  I think avatars are a place to bring additional thematic elements to a crew through an upgrade and essentially a give take that is balanced around the gains and loses from the set.  Again as this would allow for great narrative campaign style play and be viable in more of the base game without creating new masters or other such interactions.

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  2. No limit to the amount of enforcers you can have in a crew outside if said enforcer is rare 1 or not than you can only have one of that type. Like you can only ever have one coppelius on the table at anypoint but you could have 3 teddies and 1 coppelius no problem should you have the points or the desire. But you do have to remember the enforcers you have on the table the less minions your fielding which means if make them suffer is in the scheme pool you may be bleedign points to your opponent if you fail to include one minion.


    Pandora's aura wants as many wp checks as possible to get maximum value, things like coppelius works absoluetly fine with as he brings with him Terror which means the opponent has to make a horror duel which if fail is a failed wp Test which also is a failed horror duel which sets off Coppelius aura. His attack doesn't affect wp but his ability to generate alps who also force a wp test synergize well with Pandora.


    Tuco is just a great model and his inclusion with purpose in a neverborn force is rarely a bad decision.


    Also great inclusions with Pandora are beckoners who attack the wp stat, and the always popular stitched together

  3. Very happy to hear major overhaul to the avatars design concept. Last interation was fighting with one arm and one leg tied behinds our back and we could only make kicks. As a concept the big hulking cool looking bases is neat, but I definitely want playability and utility over things like sizzle and wow factor. Not saying there isn't room for both, but something I'll take as an opiton over something that breaks or is unusable in general play. With proper thought and a realistic design goal with the avatars I think will do wonders for them. 

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  4. And you did, lol A 6-2 Victory to the Forces of Rancor ressers Powered by Seamus. Point Tally Rancor-1pt for Reckoning, 3pts for Protect territory (announced) and 2pts for Vendetta Sybelle on Nekima.  Aaron Mama z-2pts Reckoning


    Game Keys Aaron Black jokered Dmg on 2 seperate occasions on 3+ negative flips. Bad Juju being a near non factor in the game due to slowness. early damage on zorida keep her from being aggressive or overly mobile.  Seamus crew had some good dmg spikes at key intervals, Belles ability to points deny through lure was critical. Nurse went off and killed Nekima.

  5. Draft for Malifaux
    Each Player will Freely Select a 9ss or Lower Henchman to lead their Crew. Crews will be drafted from Crew Packs. TO will generate Crew Packs detailed Below. Each player will open their Crew pack and select one card they will then pass it to the right. Repeat until all cards have been distributed. This creates your pool not a player must be able to  must be able to field a 35ss crew which will be lead by their henchman, however The players may “splash” their primary faction with up 3 out of factions minion models or 1 out of Faction Enforcer, if a player splashes, they may utilize upgrades from either faction primary faction i.e faction their henchman is selected from or from the secondary faction. Note all other restrictions still apply to the upgrades. You must have a separate drafted card for each model you are fielding or summoning. I.e Unless you have drafted a guild autopsy and drafted the Spare Parts upgrade you may not summon a guild autopsy. If a guild autopsy is in play and you didn’t draft a second guild autopsy you may not summon a second guild autopsy till the one in play has been removed. This is intended to be a fun format, that is outside the normal competitive rules the idea is to encourage interesting crew design and list building from odd model combinations. In other words don’t take draft 2 seriously unless your trying to just have serious fun. Also highly recommended for story encounter style event.
    How to build a Crew Pack-
    The Crew pack is the key to the draft and where a lot of the fun besides playing will be derived from as such take great care when creating your crew pack. Here is how you do it.
    There should be one pack created for each participant. Each participant needs to declare their primary faction.
    What’s in a pack? A pack consists of 2 minion cards for each declared instance of a Faction and 2 Random enforcer Models. It will have 1 Upgrades cards per Declared faction, the Upgrade cards should not refer to a specific model by name. Add 3 Minions from any faction(s)  not represented in the pool. If all factions represented simply add 3 minions from any combination.
    Example: I have an 8 person Draft. 3 Declared Guild, 1 Declared Arcanists, 1 Neverborn, 2 ressers, 1 Gremlin.
               In this Instance my pack for each player should be contain
               6-Guild Minions & 3 Guild Upgrades, 2 arcanists minions 1 arcanist Upgrades, 2 Neverborn Minions 1 neverborn Upgrades, 4 resser minions & 1 Resser Upgrades, 2 gremlin minions 1 Upgrades, The pack will also contain 2 enforcers from any combination of Guild, Gremlin, Resser, Neverborn, gremlin, The more randomized you can make these the better.
    The Drafted cards represent your pool of models from which to build crews for our henchman leader for the day. You may change crews each round but not leaders and crews must be generated from your drafted pile. Each crew will be 35ss The gaining grounds rotation will be used for each game.  Schemes for each round will be provided prior to the draft. 
    • Like 3
  6. What are you specifically bringing in your crews? That way I can better tailor advise with models your familiar with. Fetid has it nailed in the general tactical sense. Some other options particularly. Some options not covered. Position better the Rogue necromancy is a very large base, some cheap plentiful expendable guild guard or other such model, deployed along routes that afford angles to the big man might be wise. The two can play this game card, Hunters chain weapon threatening if he does bring it close that you bring it into killy things. Another bit, avoid grouping your models, if your bunching up, your playing to mollys strengths not yours.  

  7. I find that decembers acolytes do fairly well without a lot of hand support. As do Metal gamin as several of there key abilities just occur and there zero action is ca8. It could be argued that nearly all the resser minions perform fairly well without hand support. But looking it most minions can do there job without a lot of hand support. I'm primarily a resser player so those examples spring to mind quicker as I know they do for you as well Math.

  8. I would personally prefer something like pmf to be on company webspace. As it allows for greater use of already existing art and graphics. Allows for a more central community hub off the main website. And gives greater endorsement to the work the community has already done on pmf. New players are likely to find the forums before they are the current pmf. Having it integrated into a site already likely to draw new players is a win for both sides.

    Make no mistake the content should be fan generated but the content should also be easy to find.

    • Like 1
  9. There are so many competing design ideas with the avatars that I truly believe you can't make them work within the confines placed on them. Personally I'd either like them to just be show pieces for us old times peeps that have them, or simply be a different upgrade style with no model attached. But I agree with Gorbad, if you wish to maintain them then they are different master entirely and balanced as such.

    • Like 1
  10. you'd have to define the terrain but it. In that instance by the rules as presented within in the game. It appears to stack and you'd double your hard cover. Fluff justifcation you could be leaping to either side of the wall thus making it harder for your opponent to guess where to trail his shot toward left or right. Again the instances would be rare and the implications are I've been doing it wrong for a long time, as I have played it hasn't stacked and was going to argue as such but I wanted to be sure and thus a check of the rules kinda just blew my mind. So my vote is definitive clarification or at least a its already in the rules nod.

  11. It is possible for terrain to have Soft and Hard cover attributes. The terrain would need to be defined before the game but it is entirely possible for certain masters, factions to grant or to create areas that are considered soft cover. If this soft cover were to  also be in an area of hard cover I do believe rules as written you would be able to benefit from both instances as they are 2 different types of cover and in absense of an answer outside of the rules as presented would rule it that way for a tournament.


    Again as to double soft, or double hard cover I'm actually inclinded based on the wording of pg53 of the big rule book call out box stacking.


    "All other effects in the game which are not Conditions always stack unless otherwise stated." as the rules do not state that soft cover doesn't stack and cover is an all other effect that isn't a condition it would be default stack which means  :+fate  :+fate  on guns got a lot better

  12. It can be a helpful tool in seeing how and what on the larger and smaller averages tends to be being played, and tends to be placing in events. The fact we also get an idea of who is best in a local area, and if enough larger travel events occur with consistent faces we get an idea of who travels and performs well. But the primary interesting bits are the faction information which we in the US don't have nearly the tracking due to lack of awareness that the UK does. They have a nice years worth of data that has been a lot of fun 2 look at and I hate for the US to miss out on adding to the data.

  13. I fervently disagree on the shikome are bad hire for 8. they are a bad hire for Kirai or Nicodem the 2 masters that can summon them. Outside of that in a poisoned capable crew the shikome is well worth the 8 stones for the mobility and the hitting power. Just as hang can be at 9 stones for masters that can't hit them. 

  14. And we are back. In this episode Adam and Joe catch up on what we've done post gencon. We talk about some recent topics namely we'd like to see growth as a whole within the community not only in numbers but in strength of play. We discuss shaking the beta mentality and embracing ways to get more competitive in your play. We talk some anti-Kirai talk and about things in general that will through you for a loop first time through. And we end with some fluff recommendations on the good old fashioned


    Find us at www.cheatedfatesradio.podbean.com

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  15. Here's Mine


    1.)Chiaki- condition removal healing and strong movement is all good all the time.

    2.)Kang- Making your army Horror proof and giving it bonuses vs Undead and constructs at ranged is just mean

    3.)Illuminated- Arguably the best 7 stone minion in the game

    4.) Wastral- cheap speedy unit with some fun triggers and healing potential

    5.) Izamu- His hitting potential within the 10t faction is a nice beat stick to bring with pretty much any of the masters. 

  16. It will always be a shooting attack as the relevant stat you are using for resolution is SH. You are resolving a shooting attack that has a close attack ability. So yes snowstorm would get his bulletproof vs you but a model with a ML attack defense trigger wouldn't target it.  Close attacks  :melee  simple refer to the style of attack and guide the rules for resolution. SH/ML/CA are all stat types that are used for the resolution of Close, Ranged, and cast attacks. 

  17. Weaker showing than normal but a Lot of regrets sent ahead of the date as it was still pulled 6 intrepid souls through the breach and on to the fields of Glory.


    1st Place John M-Guild Masters used Luicius, Hoffman and Lady J

    2nd Place Mark W Outcasts Masters Used Von Schill, Von Schill and von Schill

    3rd Place Alan D Ressers Masters Used Seamus, Mcmourning, Molly

    4th Place Tony T Guild Masters used Perdita, Perdita, Perdita

    5th Place GT Neverborn Masters Used, Zoriada, Jacob Lynch, Jacob Lynch

    6th Place Bud Ressers Masters used Seamus, Seamus, Seamus


    Thanks to All who attended and thanks to all who swung by


    Next Tournament will be in late October Stay tuned for Details Carver's Culling

  18. Hardcore is not a balanced format it is a fun format that is built around speed play and crazy bits. Personally its a format I enjoy I would do a few tweaks to it that I think forces a more balanced approach to it and levels out the format. But its a fun format not so much a competitive format.

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