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Posts posted by rancor709

  1. I'm not convinced one way or the other if the solitary belle herself is the problem or if the problem is a hidden universal issue where taking say x number of anything over turns the system balance. Such as taking x number of dogs has the same issue as taking x number of belles or x number of Punk zombies. The belle has an out-liar  casting stat which is at the games soft mathematical cap, I say this because the Stone upgrades that boost stats hard cap the boosted at no more than 8. So there are really 2 questions at work here, 1 is a cast 8 on a movement spell that targets wp too strong on an individual model basis? If yes adjust the stat, If no is there a critical mass of said ability that it fundamentally alters the game state and the game math to a point that the outcome is never in doubt? If Yes what is that critical mass and adjust the rarity to be below it. 


    Having played with belles a lot, I can say I dislike the belle horde, I can be more effective with just 2 belles than I can with 6 as I have greater variety and interest in playing that way. However I firmly feel and said on many occasion I believe there is a case for larger amounts of rarity in the game on most if not all model types. I think fundamentally taking a large number of anyone model type in a single list creates a large skew result.

  2. I wonder if the problem isn't really Belles and there high Ca action, but the concept of spamming anything good in any game? I used to play a sci-fi army scale game and left it because at competitive play you would see the same things picked over and over again.

    I have always felt like a game wide cap of "all models are Rare 4" would go a long way in addressing a few of the balance issues in the game... And then give models like Bayou Gremlins and Malifaux Rats an ability that negates that.

    We see no issues with Belle Spam in New England because no one plays that, but I am getting tired of Spider Spam because it's around.

    100% agree there should be a universal rarity cap it solves a lot of problems that only exist when people do silly things.

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  3. I start with the basics of a duel and movement. And then well begin the demo as they select activations I then go over things they can do whilst they are engaged and can see how it works in a game situation. I tend to run lady j vs Seamus which shows off a lot of the system very easily over the course of the demo

  4. Technically There is no such thing as a generated zero ap. Call out box on pg 37


    zero ap action.

    Some models will have actions that have an AP cost of 0. A model may only take one of these free actions per turn.


    No where in AP generation does it state you generate a zero ap. However specific ap are mention as is the ap difference between minions and masters. The call out box to me demonstrates that unless you have a listed zero, or a granted zero action, you don't have the ability to take a zero action.

  5. Whisper from beyond is a weakening spell not a finishing spell. The hanged are a fear model there also 9 stones. They have a cast stat of 6 definitely strong. but there are many ways around this ability. Condition removal, Model removal, DMG spells, weapons that ignore incoporeal. Its not overpowered, there are lots of ways to get around it, any condition removal will stop the no healing bit, and taking out the hanged takes our a 9ss minion. Its good, but most things in this game are.

  6. Yes, you have open to you, All the units in your declared faction. All models with the Mercenary characteristics and all models that your master allows you to hire. Some masters may have extra hiring options.


    the crew is all paid for out of your Decided soulstone amount for that game. So a 35ss game you would get your Leader for free, and then pay the ss cost for each model and upgrade. you would pay 1 additional 1ss for each model with the mercenary characteristic that you take outside of your declared faction. Any remaining ss from the hiring say you only hire 33ss worth of models that remaining 2ss would be added to your masters starting cache up to a maximum starting total of 7ss

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  7. My great hope is they add something to the game more so than becoming  duel sided upgrades that are better than the upgrades already available for x master. I'd like to see them on the table and for at least a bit of time. The 5 turn game may not allow for that to be the case. 

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