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Jason Henke

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About Jason Henke

  • Birthday 06/08/1970

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  1. Thanks man! Please tell me it worked for you. ) A little AAR (After Action Report) from my first game tonight: The session was fun tonight. A learning game for me, hectic, crazy, but fun. I really think I played Nico's boys right and did OK. I lost my Punks quicker than I intended...I intended to use them as strikers and Imperial Guard if you know what I mean. Unfortunately, one of the victory conditions was a race to a thing in the middle. Som'er Teeth and his Bayou buffoons were too quick and made off with it in the end. The punks went down trying to engage, but a big butted boar (I'll be having BBQ tomorrow--for a friend's bday--and getting my revenge then) pounded in and "a might right" scrum was had. I went down and lost the game in the last round, but Nico and Morti had lasted though out the fray and hordes were being raised successfully. The big bad boar got his butt paralyzed but not until he had side slipped through the horde, over ran one mindless zombie speed bump and managed to put a whacking on ol' Nic before I could saunter Nico back and freeze some pork up for the hordes to gore. In the end, it was a leaping goblin with a mighty, mighty boom stick that ended Nico and the fray. Good times. Have to look up the rules on LOS and partial coverage. I get that you can be seen at any point LOS hits your base, but not getting partial cover (at the least) for the cliff I was mostly behind...well, that seemed off. Still--the main thing--fun was had. Things went boom and I was in the fray. Not too shabby. Now, it's back to work for a bit, some brews, some unwinding and reading up on the Seamus pack that came in again. Need some range and speed options or countering options for my Resurrectionists . We did advance in fog and Morti dug up a good army. The dark Wizard will be back. It's hard to keep a good man down. ) Night all, forget about the bed bugs, it's the things under the bed and in the half opened closets you don't want to bite. --Jason Henke
  2. I have embraced the grave. Last night, I finished up the building of my first Troupe: Nicodem's boys. How'd it go? Well, keep in mind that I'm returning to miniatures after a 20 some year absence. Sure, I loved them, painted them, and used them when I was a kid, but I avoided 'em for a very long time...time, that was the key. Money...that was a key too. So much time, paint, gluing...work. I want to play! Anyway, I've been pulling 60-70 hours a week since Oct. 6 months of it so far and I'm booked until June. When phase 2 hits, I'll be on the same damn grind until Aug. or Sept. Aside from the interesting and disturbing realm of Malifaux being of interest, what pulled me back into a time sink when I don't have any time? The chance to disconnect from my demands...from the health scare, from the work demands, from the hex of modern cubes. For a moment, I can clip, glue and eventually paint. I can uncork in a zen state. I won't be able to do it much, but it's really the equivalent of tying fishing flies. I need something like this. Honestly, we all do. Is that a waste of cash? A waste of time to a girlfriend/boyfriend/or wife? It can seem that way, but it's what will allow me to be human, to be me, to re-balance and maintain sanity. What sprung a need for this? A co-worker reached a breaking point. He went in to see a mindbender. They said you need a hobby...not necessarily a game, not necessarily a sport, but something you do to disconnect. Something that isn't work and you can't let it become that. So, at first, he tried wood working. bought the rigs, the tools, sawed wood down to hell. Imagine if Pinocchio's pop didn't give a damn about the end puppet and was just buzz-sawing wood to cut it, see the wood dust rise, and pile up...that's about how far he went with wood work and it did help...then they said you really need something you enjoy. Out of the blue, he took up ping-pong...god bless him. Me? I've always had games and good groups...but my work has been seriously hampering that. I needed something at home I could just zen out too....an activity to distract the mind, calm the being, and open the spirit. I decided it would be minis. I always liked them as a kid and wanted to build the scenes, paint them up, put some terrain together...build the wooden castles. A real hobby you know? Like the guys rebuilding the world in scale around little electric tracks; imagining the vistas sprawl out before them as they watch it roll by in their mind's eye with a gentle chugging rocking motion fading under little puffs of dream steam. So, how'd the first go at my new hobby go? It went a bit rough at first as some of the contact points of the miniatures I had were a bit...small. The glue would not hold. The bits fell apart. My stress rose. I didn't remember that being such a bitch when I was young. It wasn't. So, based on the advice of some good friends and long time mini-players, I picked up 50 bucks of glue, accelerate, etc. Went much damn quicker last night. Went well. The squad is built and ready to roll into the fray tonight. The dark Wiz fits me I'm told. Cool. Let's learn how he rolls. Then we'll look into the rest of the death eaters and branch out. It's going to be fun. I should get destroyed tonight, but one thing you should know: I'm paying attention, I always learn. From painting to tactics, I'm coming. A slow, shambling zombie pace perhaps, but I'll get there. And, I'll eventually bite you in the ass. ) All the best you goons, Have a great night, take care, and have a damn good time! --Jason Henke
  3. Totally understand Bex. Anytime we can hook up and shoot the Shi# is fine by me. We're hoping to grow the events, maybe get a league running...just keep it in play and in view. P.S. I'll take any and all painting tips I can grab from you. Have ya ever tried priming with Gesso? Have a good one Bex, please drop a line any time man. ) All the best, Jason Henke
  4. LOL. Horshack does know. ) And, he's invited tomorrow night at Ginkgos or when we set the store date up. Shoot me a note Bex. It was nice to meet ya today. All the best! Jason Henke
  5. Posted my intro thread here: http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=11161 New to this Wyrd little world. Twisted little imps one and all. Love it. And the ride to date. Have a great night all. --Jason Henke
  6. So, here's my question...what pulls a long time gamer (with too many games as it stands) into such a twisted little world? The babes? :rasputina Sure. There is that. The Gore, the twisted, dark ass little world? The minis? kind of... But, the game play, the small squads, the cards...that's the main reason. The main draw. I'm from Minnesota in the U.S. We have a number of folk ready to go, putting together a meet and greet (and a everyone learn at once) night at a local store...and I'm looking forward to it. Drop a line anytime, say hi, chat. I'm friendly and not shy at all. You can find me in a number of game spots around town and online. I'm a long, long, long time gamer who plays all types of games. Big smile, big laughs, fun, laid back, and just looking for a good evening. One day, we'll square up and throw down. That will be a blast. I'm learning to paint again, learning to build again, falling deep down the well. Right now, I'm playing the Grave Diggers, and while I love the gunslingers models--I just can't do these Facist dogs...I'll have to stand against them and defend the home world (probably go for the Neverborne) or go for the freedom of the Outcasts--the Viktorias look pretty damn interesting. Though I truly love Lady Justice and Perdita's clans, I've got other priorities...First up will be learning my faction (Nicodem) and picking up some zombies and then Seamus with his dead molls (there's a punk band personal reason for that one...). Personally, I'm looking forward to meeting you and striking up a friendship. Have a great night all! That be my introduction, the follow up chats will need ya to say hi. All the best, Jason Henke
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