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About ComaSinkhole

  • Birthday 10/07/1983

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  1. Go Rasputina. Things may look grim now, but she is totally going to make a come back.......... Any minute now.
  2. I also generally do not listen to music while playing. However, if I want to get into a Malifaux mindset I reach for nick caves murder ballads.
  3. Hey hey. I am also from NZ (I'm in wellington). I have got my guys through http://www.minaturemarket.com/ Not sure if the postage counts as crippling, when I ordered mine it was the best I could find in my seconds of searching.
  4. Yes, some sort of tournament would be good. It could be quite an amusing comedy of errors due to the lack of actual games the participants managed to play before.
  5. Hey hey. I just moved to wellington and am looking for Malifaux players. I have only played a handful of games (before I moved) but it is a freakin sweet game and I want to play more. Any people in Wellington looking for another player?
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