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Everything posted by Uriel

  1. Well, I just ordered my first minis, and for the Outcasts it is Gremlin Box Hog Caller Mosquito Piggies Hans Hamelin I already have a 4 pack of Gremlins that I bought last year, purchased for use as Goblins in an RPG. I also ordered some Neverborn, so (If the game is big enough), Hamelin can bring in some muscle,I suppose. Thoughts? -Urielblue
  2. Well, I'm going from having never played the game, but I just ordered the following from the FLGS Lilith Box Set Young Nephilim Malifaux Cherub I'll have a chance to buy more (I almost went with Pandora as well, but decided to get some Outcasts, so as to have 2 forces for Demos/To get folks into the game...), and Pandora Box+Teddy is what I was thinking of. Maybe with the Bad Ju Ju as well... I can always add in Mercs, obviously, and I have ordered the Gremlins Box,little Piggies,Caller, Hans (My fave model) and Hamelin. I also have a 4 pack of Gremlins that I bought last year, to use as goblins in an RPG. Thoughts? -Urielblue
  3. Or Chronopia or Warzone...man, I miss those games. -Uriel
  4. Eric, are you the company man who lives in the area? I talked to someone a year + back about doing demos at Gamescape here in San Fran, but he was busy with wedding plans at the time... Gamescape is THE FLGS in the City, and at least one of the 2 minis guys is jazzed about the game. We have been using some of the figs in my HARP game for a bit (He uses a Judge as his PC), and would love a chance to show folks your game. -Uriel
  5. Any plans to attend Kubla Con here in the SF Bay Area? -Uriel
  6. Well, first off, hello there. I started picking up these beautiful figs year before last at Gencon, then being a diehard Confrontation player, as well as someone who is always looking for cool minis for his RPGs. With the demise of Confrontation in all but name, I figured that it was time that I finally found a new game for my loyalty. I may play a bit of Alkemy and Anima Tactics, but Malifaux is the game that has really caught my eye. At least my Confrontation figs have found work in my RPGs... So, I am heading to Gencon (As always, until I pass to the Great Beyond, I suppose...) in August, and I am going to try very hard to have my grasp of the game, as well as some painted figs ready for it. So, now I just have to figure out which factions I want to play...I am down to...All of them! (I collected for 11 Confrontation Armies...dammit). -Uriel PS: Which factions are affiliated with which color decks? I'll pick them all up, but I was just wondering...
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