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Everything posted by Thoughttrauma

  1. Thank you for the clarification on that.
  2. does Johan cost 6ss if hired by Ramos or 5ss, his model states that he costs 1ss less if hired by union members, but mercs cost an additional ss if hired by non merc masters. Thanks.
  3. is there a card for the individual "spider" included in the swarm package?
  4. I do not know if this question belongs here or in the minature forum, I apologize if I posted this question incorrectly. Are the steampunk arachnids a separate model or do you simply buy a swarm and place an individual "spider" on a 30mm base? Thank you.
  5. thanks for pointing out the totem issue and for the opinion of the list, I appreciate it.
  6. so Rasputina(2ss) molemen(3) 9ss Myranda 7ss Convict 6ss Essence 2ss Ice Golem 9ss 35ss total
  7. so I am thinking, Seamus Copycat 2ss Bette 9ss Grave Spirit 1ss Belle x2 8ss Convict 6ss any advice?
  8. the owner of house that you are playing at always wins?
  9. what I mean is, is the increase in armor from Rasputina worth it for the molemen?
  10. will do, sorry for any confusion.
  11. greenstuff_gav, thank you, that is the type of list I am looking for.
  12. is the desolation engine and auto-include for Leveticus? even with the errata stating that it must be purchased? Thank you.
  13. Molemen and Rasputina? is this a viable combo?
  14. Would a "first strike" beast list be effective against Perdita? I was considering razors and cerebi, but I am open to any suggestions. I just cannot seem to get close enough to without being shot apart. Thank you.
  15. anything that would distract my opponent from making good decisions
  16. these are the only models I currently have, my opponent has the perdita box, so we have about the same ss points.
  17. Thoughttrauma


    I have the first scrap tomorrow ve Perdita, I have Leveticus, joss, bette and Alyce. any advice?
  18. Rhubarb is a weed, would you eat poison ivy pie? I did not think so.
  19. 2. defeat any who stand against him.
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