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Everything posted by daemonkin

  1. Yep, your basing brings the whole gang together. D.
  2. Nice work. Look forward to seeing the Viks painted up! D.
  3. Does scenery count as painted models? If so then I have got a nice hill, otherwise it's just the 3 Ortega boys still in WIP stage. Will get photos up and get the Ortegas done asap. D.
  4. Nice! Good detailing on the Neverborn logo D.
  5. Damn you Geckilian! I manage to get some paint on my Ortegas and you go and get the entire crew finished along with all your other lovely models. Well done! D.
  6. Ooh that's a good one! From a purely personal POV I would give the Silurid priority but I couldn't say which from RAW. D.
  7. Don't Damn me, I was turned onto them by someone else on here. Damn them! They are very nice but they are not inserts, they are the entire base. I picked up 30mm, 40mm and 50mm versions for Zee. I've bookmarked the Fenris ones for some of my other models, Damn you! ;-) D.
  8. Last night had a 25ss game vs Von Schill. Shared Slaughter with diagonal setup with a heavily townscape-d board. Admittedly I did things wrong like leaving Executioner in the open for Von Schill to take down with the seeker (finished off by a freikorpsman who activated after Von Schill. My list was Justice, Judge, Executioner, Governor's Proxy and 2 guild guard (my death marshals just arrived) Some list tweaking should cover some things but I just wondered what people's strategies are against these guys - they are tough, have armour, a load of special abilities and both range and combat (not so much with 1" melee range) D. PS on a side note can the librarian cast the healing spell more than once in an activation? If not where does it say in the rules as we could find no mention of once successful cast per spell. DD.
  9. I like the Fenris Games graveyard bases. May have to pick a pack of those up myself. Not so keen on Micro Art stuff. I picked up these for Zoraida and friends D.
  10. Does that then mean that if a HT1 enemy model is behind a HT2 friendly model (from the firing model's perspective) then the firer cannot legally declare it a target and could also potentially be out of range according to RAW? D. PS Never thought we would have to use RAW and RAI in a non-GW game.
  11. Does exactly what it says on the tin! Excellent work. D.
  12. Come Thursday I may just take her for a spin! D.
  13. Ah, can that be done every turn? Never looked at Necro Machine's stats as I never thought I would own Molly. Who knew? D.
  14. @Timelapse: What is 'Mortimer undead'? I amy have missed some trick there. D.
  15. The actual model for the Dead Rider has put me off him. I was planning on using a Drune Raider from Confrontation as my proxy Dead Rider. I am looking forward to seeing what the Pale Rider looks like when finished. D.
  16. Thanks Guys, Didn't read in much detail Bete's abilities and spells. Will have more free time soon to ponder over list builds. Nico with summoning RN would be very nice especially if Vultures can collect corpses for me (I think so anyway). I've also got a flock of Night Terrors ready to launch so should be nice to see how they all operate together. A nice undead beast army with Nico at the head. Bring on Marcus! D.
  17. Hi Guys, Just picked up the Rogue Necromancy and Bete Noire, both are lovely models, been waiting for the former since I seen the sketch in Book 2. Anyone had any experience with running the Rogue Nec with either Seamus or Nic (my 2 Resser Matsers)? Also Bete seems expensive for not many wounds. Thought maybe she would have Spirit at least? D.
  18. I wrote a review of the Malifaux bag on my blog: The Undercity All in all, great bag but would possibly pay extra for customised load out. D.
  19. Just a quick one. Had a belle just waiting to be finished and started the 3 Ortega boys this morning: Better shots to follow. D.
  20. Great blog. Just thought I better comment on it at some point. Funny guy! D.
  21. @Adanedhel: Thanks for the info. I have not read all of Book 3 (reading it in little bits when I can) so I appreciate your input. Thanks! I like the Animosity and Affinity rules. They make more sense this way than Master-specific although it may become outdated if another master similar to Hamelin comes out then Iggy will need his Animosity changed. No? D.
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