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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Now, I don't play Arcanists so please bear this in mind. You may wish to consider swapping out 1 Acolyte for something else, Hoarcats if you like them at all wouldn't be bad. I love the Acolyte model, just haven't ever even seen someone talking about fielding two of them. As for the outcasts, I too do not have a convict gunslinger, far too easy an answer. If you want to stick with a spell-casting playstyle then Hamelin is your man. Hope you do indeed take the plunge. It is great fun, and makes a refreshing change from throwing buckets of dice...
  2. It was the first summer after the re-colonisation of Malifaux and after the initial fear this brought, a wave of optimism was sweeping through the human inhabitants of the city. A summer celebration was planned, a festival for all those who had ventured through the breach. Everyone looked forward to the carefree weekend ahead, even the Guild seemed more relaxed in their ways than normal. Little did they know that the great musician Jimmy E. Quinox - booked to headline the event - had diverted much of his great wealth and influence in mastering the dark arts of necromancy, and now all would gather to see his finest symphony... Jimmy E.Quinox :thrasher: Reserrectionist Master Wk/Ch HT WP CA DF WD 4/6 2 6 7:crows 5 10 Totem : Undead Groupie Minions : Great Unwashed Young Hipsters Coffin Roadies Abilities Hard to Wound 1 Undead Master - Can hire undead from all factions for no additional cost. Casting Expert (+1) Wall of sound - When enemy models charge Jimmy they must pass a willpower 12 test, which can be cheated. If failed, model receives paralysed. Triggers (:crows:masks)Surge (:crows:crows)Bleeding Eardrums : Models damaged by a Screaming Riff attack receive slow. Axe Base Rg 1: () Cb:6 2/3/4 Screaming Riff Rg 10" Cb:5:crows 1/2:blast/5:blast:blast Spells Medicinal Purposes? (1) Ca 14/RST -/Rg 6 Flip a fate card. Target friendly model receives following benefit. Till start closing phase. Red joker : [+] on Cb and Dg flips. Severe : Model receives fast + Eat your fill ability Moderate : Model receives fast Weak : Model receives +2cb Black joker : Model receives paralysed. Solo (1) As per Nicodems decay but 1/2/4:blast for DG on enemy models. Summer of Love (2) 17/-/12 If cast and two great unwashed are within 12" of Jimmy AND 6" of each other, summon 1 Young Hipster to b2b (with one of the great unwashed). Feel the love(1) 16/-/8:aura Friendly models receive Hard to wound 1 but become easily influenced. Possibly thinking of replacing a spell or just adding another 1. Melodic Harmony as obey. Not sure if he would then have too many spells though? I have ideas for his totem and minions but will wait to see if this thread takes off and edit them in if required. Edit: Totem for Jimmy Undead Groupie SS Cost: 2 Insignificant, Totem, Undead Companion (Jimmy E Quinox) Voice cuts Glass. () 4 1/1/2 Un-natural sycophancy (1) 14/-/6 If cast, raise Jimmy's Cb, Wp & Df by 1 until start closing phase. Please sign here (1) As per Rotten Belle's undress. Encore (1) Magical Extension
  3. Not a submission here but just saying I like the idea so intend to try and come up with something! :idea:
  4. Freebooter have Faeries coming out of their ears, but the steampunk ones in particular are the 2nd and 3rd pic on the following link. http://www.arcaneminiatures.co.uk/freebooter-miniatures.asp?offset=80 They also have faeries, bad fairies and faeries of the wood. I don't play their game. Too many faeries.
  5. Welcome to the forum. Get those zombie hookers on the table and the players will surely come to you. What Neverborn did your boyfriend buy, because Teddy has the same result?
  6. Just to run with the idea, some sort of ability such as objection. Once per turn the lawyer can prevent 1 Spell/Attack/Action being carried out by an opposing model. Contempt of Court - Some sort of spell where the target model receives paralysed. We do already have a judge though...
  7. Indeed, I think you are preaching to the converted here. Welcome to the forums. Also, how are you finding Nicodem? I think he is next on my list...
  8. Have to agree on the faeries, there are a number of games and manufacturers doing such things, including steampunk faeries as mentioned earlier.
  9. And he can take some really evil looking mini's!
  10. Yes, the Ortega's are the Guild Neverborn hunters. I would say that of all the Neverborn Masters they have the least advantage against Lilith. I say this because they have a lot of boosts to willpower, and Pandora and Zoraida are a little more WP orientated.
  11. You are quite right, she is indeed a powerhouse. Have found myself having a lot of success with her recently. In terms of your specific questions they seem to have been answered above. As stated her defence is excellent AND she has a defensive trigger which drops an opposing models CB by 2 if they miss a melee attack. I tend to find I use transposition a lot and the combination of it, the cherub's companian, and brood mother, can set up some very interesting plays. She burns through a lot of soulstones, so make sure you have plenty at the start of the game. I have tended to take a mature nephilim but it draws a lot of attention very early so I would recommend taking a young neph or making the growing of a tot into one a fairly early priority. Sounds like you know she is the one for you but just so you know, she is a lot of fun to play.
  12. I really like them. Your Nicodem reminds me of someone/something but I can't quite put my finger on it.....
  13. A nice consistent look. I particularly like the way you have done the tot's blades and the basing is also really good.
  14. Makes perfect sense when written like that. :notworthy
  15. Have always wondered about that one myself. The way I have played it is that the slows don't stack but that the construct can't cancel the slow on the turn it is summoned. Summoned models do produce corpse counters.
  16. My understanding is that it does not create a forest terrain piece. You would target a forest terrain piece within 2" of the waldgeist and then move it to anywhere within 5" of it and walk the geist up to the terrain piece. As such you require to have some forests on the table, unless of course you are using him with Lilith who can create an illusionary forest for the waldgeist to take advantage of.
  17. http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-whi2.htm I hardly understand a word of his explanantion... :hmmmm:
  18. Welcome, personally I think you picked a cracking game to start with. Which Faction/crews have caught your attention?
  19. Whilst I love the teaser poster here, Misaki is just about the only mini I have no interest in. So whilst I can see there being a link between them, I genuinely hope not. Unless she is the master and misaki is her minion and that you don't HAVE to take a minion.
  20. There have been strong strong hints that an RPG will follow at some point. Eric even posted about Malifaux :The RPG so whilst I have no inside knowledge I would say this is almost a certainty. Haven't heard anything about a character creation system, given that it has come up before and Wyrd's record of listening to the players I wouldn't put it past them. Heck, I wouldn't be overly surprised if it was a feature of Book 2.
  21. Well whoever she is she can consider herself purchased! Also, my money is on reserrectionist. Not because of thematics but simply the colour of the poster. May be reading a bit much into that tho...
  22. A very nice job indeed. Really like the white coat. The only thing I don't like about her is that she blew up my Mature Nephilim... :blowup:
  23. Well, although not a Malifaux novel, if you have an interest in the resserectionists this novel by James Bradley is worth a read. A very Malifaux feel to it. I thought it was a lot better than the two stars suggest, but don't be fooled by the length, approx the last fifth of it is a excerpt for his next novel. [ame]http://www.amazon.co.uk/Resurrectionist-James-Bradley/dp/0571232760/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1275812156&sr=8-1[/ame]
  24. Got to hope. I'm already looking forward to book 2 even though I am in no way finished with all the models and fun to be had from book 1. From the limited description of the art I can safely say it ticks a number of boxes for me.
  25. There had been a number of threads dealing with how easy or difficult it was to find opponents for this great game. I was therefore just wondering how successful the game is becoming now it is a bit further on. My games club had no Malifaux players when I started but now has 7 players with another 2 casting envious glances! Any successes/stories in relation to converting the unbelievers?
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