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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. Thats nothing until you hear the butchering of Reconnoitre.
  2. Not as far as I'm aware. Computer gaming and visiting the local public houses are more his scene. Still, good Luck expanding your group.
  3. Good day to you sir. One of my very best friends lives in Stornoway - alas though he is not a wargamer. Enjoy the game and the forum.
  4. It was Juenet and Caro who directed lost children. Will keep an eye out for vidocq though.
  5. Great miniature, really like it. Have now seen the alternate hooded version and in truth the one pictured here is nicer.
  6. The tactica will prove useful no doubt. I am assuming it is Karn's tactica you have but I am sure there are others out there. In case you haven't seen it, here is a link http://pullmyfinger.wikispaces.com/Pandora Also, although she isn't beginner friendly as such, if you like the styling of the crew and the theme behind it I find this will give you some patience for the few losses you may incur right at the beginning. In a general sense though I would just say that Malifaux is all about knowing your crew, read and re-read your cards so you are pretty sure you know all of the abilities your crew can perform. Hope you enjoy the game and Pandora.
  7. How could I forget about my very favourite soul singers version of satisfaction [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYSFEfeC3Ro&feature=related[/ame] I also kinda like this one [ame] [/ame] @ Ispep: I hadn't come across Reel Big Fish before, I like it.
  8. The crowds were starting to settle back into their chairs after the half time interval. I too did the same, setting my glass of beer onto the floor; the refreshment stand had no port, or indeed red wine of any kind, which I had found disappointing. To my right was a gaggle of society children, I imagine a trip to the outskirts to take in entertainment of dubious nature would be a thrill to them. To my left was an older woman in a blue pastel dress and hat. She appeared to be accompanied by a gentleman friend. It had been a day since I had held Thomas in my arms as he passed. I would miss him. He had a lot of potential that would sadly now never be realised. He had however left me with a gift. In all likelihood, tonight I would meet April. I had bought my ticket that afternoon and had waited with baited breath for what I might find. The first half of the show had been wearisome. A juggler who liked to play with fire, a very lithe gymnast, and someone who seemed to have an un-natural affinity with bears had been the highlights. Despite the lack of talent my excitement was growing to almost fever pitch for what was to come. If her position on the posters was anything to go by, the star of the show was a girl, maybe seven or eight years old with blonde hair and most importantly a smile that did not age. A smile that looked familiar. A smile that I thought beamed back at me whenever I looked at the photograph that was currently in my waistcoat pocket. I couldn’t tell from the composition of the poster what her act would be, but I had heard whispers from others in the crowd about how much they were looking forward to the star attraction. I did not have long to wait. The curtains by the entry to the ring were drawn back and a portly man in red strolled, no, strutted into the middle of the ring. He took a moment to survey the crowd, perhaps calculating the likely gate receipts such a crowd would bring. After a full three hundred and sixty degree turn he drew back his head and began the sales pitch. I won’t bore you by relaying it all to you but suffice to say it started with Ladies and Gentleman and portrayed him as being very excited about the next act. Towards the end of his routine a number of men started to bring apparatus into the ring. There were large boxes, water tanks, and locks of many kind. I assumed I was to watch some sort of magic or escapology act. The crowd however seemed swayed by his demonstrative enthusiasm and tales of how wonderful and dangerous the next act was to be. A few moments later he had said all he could and exited stage right. The lights dimmed and took on a pale blue hue, the curtains parted and she walked into the ring. It was hard to tell if it was April, the lighting giving her a ghostly pallor. I heard a gasp from the lady on my left and some vague whispers about ‘how she had been the one she had told him about’. Her slow deliberate walk to the centre of the ring adding to the strange atmosphere. The next ten minutes will stay with me for the rest of my life. From the moment she started to perform I could feel a pressure emanating from her. The closest I had ever felt to it had been the waves of energy emanating from Ramos or Collette whenever I met them. This was something else entirely, raw and powerful. Her act was also mind-blowing, transfiguration and transpositions the likes of which I had never seen. If this was simply all a magic act then I struggled to think whom she could have apprenticed with. The act appeared to be coming to a climactic moment, the music and lighting taking on an ever decreasing role in the atmosphere that was created. She sat and with one hand pointed to a spot painted on the floor. The audience now fully in the palm of her hand followed her directions with their eyes; and then it happened. I could feel it immediately and there was no trembling or shaking from the chairs beneath us as they were lifted a foot or so into the air, women around me screamed, some fainted. I had a feeling that despite my elevation my jaw was dangerously close to hitting the floor. I had been in the presence of enough masters to know that this was one very powerful – and dangerous – child. The chairs started lowering and settled into their original position. She took a bow but the audience were too startled to applaud at that point and she retreated sombrely back through the red velvet curtains. The circus master returned, bidding everyone a farewell and goodnight, at that point the audience erupted with applause and a smile spread slowly across his mutton chopped face, clearly he had seen this reaction before. The show was over, some ran from the tent, some stayed and inspected the seating. I didn’t move, paralysed by the thoughts running through my head. Why would she have been kidnapped for a circus show? If her kidnappers had known of her powers why use or sell her on as cheap entertainment? Was this the limit of her powers or was there more she was not putting on public display? Had Todo been aware of her daughter’s power before coming to see me? Had the whole kidnapping thing been a ruse and her daughter had simply ran away to the circus? That would be horrifyingly clichéd. I left the tent and approached the nearest member of the circus crew. I waved a roll of scrip in his face and demanded that he bring me his boss as I had good money I wanted to spend on seeing a repeat performance from his star turn. Twenty minutes and some routine negotiation later I entered her private caravan. Whatever the situation was it was clear she was being well looked after, the caravan was decked out like you would imagine it would be for a small female child, I even spotted two of the puppets that had been on sale in the market earlier in the week, I had no doubt I would be seeing them everywhere soon enough. My eyes came upon her. She was sat cross-legged on the bed, any fear she may have felt at a stranger approaching did not break through her mask of indifference. “What can I do for you sir?” She asked. “I told your boss I wanted to pay for another performance like you just carried out. That’s not entirely true though, although it would be worth every penny.” I replied. Her head tilted to one side in curiosity as I continued. “I’m here because I have been hired to find you.” What was that? A momentary glimpse of panic seemed to surge through her, that was until my next words “by your mother.” I handed her the photo of her as a child. A warmth started to emanate from her that I could feel in the very air. She looked at me with a broad smile and began to cry.
  9. Thanks, the feedback is appreciated. The shoe thing is something I regretted putting in. In my head they were placed at the same time as the body was dumped so therefore not causing inconsistencies with the grinding. I could see fairly early it didn't work. It's something I hope to keep in mind when I get round to writing a third one.
  10. This may not get much traction here, and as much as I like the NIN version this song no longer belongs to them. [ame] [/ame] It has been known to bring a tear to my eye.
  11. I like the Woldwarden. Looking forward to seeing more. Especially Cassius; I love that model.
  12. She's not actually blind. She's just giving people a chance.
  13. A couple of new miniatures from Raging Heroes Not so keen on this first one http://www.ragingheroes.com/blogs/news/3524902-sci-fi-asharahs-master-part-1 Two slight variants one I particularly like: http://www.ragingheroes.com/blogs/news/3477962-kapitan-ivanka-kurganova-our-first-sci-fi-model http://www.ragingheroes.com/blogs/news/3505112-another-sword-for-kapitan-ivanka
  14. I had spent the morning trying to extricate myself from the shit that two very pissed guild officers were trying to rain down on me. The day had started well, with me receiving word that Thomas wanted to meet to discuss his search but as I reached the door it had become apparent that things wouldn’t go so easily. Apparently I had been spotted entering Everwood’s property mere minutes before the officer’s who had been on a stakeout there had been attacked. I found the information they provided very interesting indeed. Granted, it may have had nothing to do with my current task but it certainly seemed like fortuitous timing that not only was she getting staked out by our local finger wagglers, but that she had also gained the attention of some other disreputable characters. Of course, I was savvy enough to know not to be sharing my information with them. It had taken me nearly an hour to convince them that I had merely been there to collect a debt and knew nothing of their attackers. They had left un-satisfied and vowing to ‘break all my little limbs’ if they were to find out anything I had told them was untrue. Upon their departure I hurried towards market square for my meeting with Thomas, knowing I would be late. ....................... Thomas was getting tired of waiting. He was excited, both about the fact that he had managed to complete Stryder’s little mission, but also, and perhaps more importantly, he had managed to spend the last few days using the photo of the girl to clean up. He had collected and stashed fifteen wallets, twelve ladies purses and six pocket watches. All in all, including the scrip held in the wallets and purses, he was well pleased with his work considering the amount he had been required to pass to the master to avoid suspicion. He could have used having the picture for perhaps another day or two but the more people he hit, the more dangerous his ploy would become. Also, knowing Stryder, he was pretty sure he might see nearly another thousand scrip for this one. Of course, he would have to pretend that the task had been a little harder than it ended up being. He was not sure what story he would tell but it would not be the truth. Whenever Thomas thought about he had found April’s location a laugh escaped. Where was Stryder? Thomas had despatched word nearly two hours ago and yet there was no sign of him. Thomas scanned the milieu of people; there were plenty of potential marks as usual and if Stryder wasn’t here what harm could there be in having a little fun? The majority of those in the square did not look ripe for plucking. And then he saw him, a prime target. A well dressed man in a three piece suit, he seemed to be moving through the crowd with purpose. Despite that he did not seem to have a specific destination in mind, perhaps he was looking for something. Thomas decided not to use the photo trick as he probably wouldn’t even bother to take the time to look at it. Still he looked rich enough, so Thomas hopped off the wall he had been seated on and started traversing through the crowds, his eyes never moving from the man like a Cerberus circling its prey. At least twice as he approached he was required to duck behind a bystander as the man’s gaze turned in his general direction. He was nearly upon him now, close enough to make out the contours that told him which pockets were filled. He started to reach forward but just as his hand was about to dip into his mark’s trouser pocket he turned suddenly. The man swung swiftly and ferociously and Thomas felt his wrist snap immediately. The man managed to grab his arm and with the other cover Thomas’ mouth so as to stifle the scream which had so nearly emanated from him. Thomas was swiftly dragged into an alley. Thomas had felt fear many times in his life. He remembered being young and alone on the streets. He had also taken enough beatings from his master to have built up a healthy level of fear and respect there. He knew now though the true meaning of fear, it seemed to crash over him like a wave, it left him near paralysed unable to scream or attempt to run. The man leaned in towards him. “I believe you have something I may be interested in seeing? Despite your trade young man you hardly make yourself inconspicuous” Thomas tried to bolster his courage but when he mustered the spirit to respond it felt like he was speaking through sandpaper. “I don’t know what you mean sir.” “A photo, you have been flashing it around town and I want to know why” Thomas didn’t even consider the options, he started to blurt out everything “I was hired by Graeme Stryder to help him find a girl, the picture is in my inside pocket.” The man pulled a knife from his belt and used it to part Thomas’ jacket before slipping his hand into the pocket and removing the photo. “It’s her alright. Why did he hire you for this, what does he want with April?” “He was hired by her mother to try and find her, she’s been missing for years.” The man went silent for a moment, but whatever information he was processing did not help his mood. “That makes no sense, you’re lying to me you little piece of scum.” Thomas decided that if there was any chance of escape it was now, he slipped from the man’s grasp and ran towards the square. He had made it the twenty yards or so to the beginning of the alley. Just a few more and he was sure he could disappear among the crowd. Suddenly his forward motion stopped, he could feel the hand on his collar. The fear returned, it was the last thing he felt other than the cold steel of the knife entering through his back on its inexorable journey to puncture his kidney. ................... I had reached the square minutes ago but Thomas was not where I had been informed he would be. I had started strolling around the perimeter hoping he had merely been distracted by the stalls or a pretty girl rather than him having given up on me. I was nearly ready to give up hope and return home when I saw him from across the square. He suddenly dropped to the floor. A man standing behind him turned and ran. It took me a moment to realise what I had seen but as soon as I did I started running. It took mere seconds to reach Thomas, he was lying there bleeding. I tried to bring him up into a sitting position by leaning him against the wall and in doing so my hands became covered with his blood. I could tell immediately he was not going to make it. He looked at me and a smile almost seemed to force its way onto his face. He tried to say something. He was fading fast and I couldn’t make out what he had said. I lowered my ear to his mouth. He gripped my hand tightly. “I found her Stryder.” “Where, where is she?” He seemed to look right past me, or through me. I could feel his grip on my hand loosen before he managed to say what were to be his last words. “She’s right here” and with that his hand slipped from mine and he was gone. I turned and vomited into the street my hands resting on the wall at the other side of the alley. A crowd had started to gather so I slowly raised myself to my feet still using the wall as support. Sure enough, Thomas had been right. She was right here. Hiding in plain sight all across the city.
  15. As a Lilith player I was really hoping they would go that direction with her. Anything else would have taken her into Nekima territory. I just hope there will be one or two more spooky forest type minions to go with her in book 3.
  16. Welcome aboard doctor. The pics are in with the smilies, so just go to edit signature and then you should have no problem. A resser eh? Every choice is a good choice round these parts.
  17. Well after hearing all the positivity about McVey miniatures I ordered my first one today. Sharro, a very nice female sci-fi sculpt IMO.
  18. I think he meant nobody had mentioned it.
  19. It was not often you could see stars from the streets of Malifaux. The clarity of the night sky did nothing to lift my mood however as I made my way through rat infested passageways to the very edge of the quarantine zone. The day leading up to this point had been un-successful in almost every way. The morning and most of the afternoon had been spent on a second day of searching for April. Nobody I asked had seen her, or at least nobody was willing to admit they had. I was not sure why I was surprised, it was not like two days was a particularly long time on the hunt, especially if you compared it to the 18 months Todo and her companion had been looking. Despite that fact I found myself increasingly pre-occupied and agitated by my lack of leads and indeed that had been noted by my dining companion that evening. I pushed thoughts of the argument we had had to the back of my mind as I prepared to make the final turn onto Old Cooper Street, where my final destination was situated. As it turned out, calling it a street was a stretch. It was a small lane with maybe eight properties per side and from the looks of it, if you reached out of one window you could shake hands with someone doing the same from the opposite house. Maybe I couldn’t, but that’s different you understand. The safe house of Ms Nancy Everwood was much like any other on this street. A two level abode constructed of stone and adorned with oak beams. If my experience was anything to go buy, then the upstairs would be a suite of relative luxury where Everwood herself, together with obligatory bodyguard, resided; while the downstairs would consist of two rooms, one being a bare walled kitchen area where meals were prepared and eaten and where a doorway in the rear would lead to a small outhouse. The other room would likely be converted into a residential dormitory sleeping anything up to twenty children. In the case of Everwood, girls were her weapon of choice. She would grab them young and use them for the usual scams and such. In their teens she would have them used in honey traps in an effort to extort the not so great and good of the city, then, when they reached sixteen she would sell them on. Thomas’ suggestion made sense to some degree in that a large number of girls would pass through her door. It was still a long-shot however; why would someone go earth-side to recruit into a street-gang, there was certainly plenty of easier options for a kidnapping and sale on this side of the breach. I had decided on my way over here that as I was without my usual muscle, him being otherwise engaged, I would play this on Everwood’s weakness and appeal to her sense of greed. As such I looked quite the pretty picture in the very finest clothing I could muster from my wardrobe. Sabine had commented before she left that I was looking very handsome. This despite the argument we had been having. Given how I intended to play it there was no point in skulking so I made sure to march straight up to the front door in plain sight before knocking loudly. It took a minute but eventually the door opened. The man behind it looked to me more like a lumbering beast. He was clearly amused by my size and saw me as no kind of threat; as a result he let me in. ...................................................... It had taken Elliot a good half a minute from his vantage point across the street to realise that it was not a dressed up child standing at the door, it would have made sense given the nature of his latest quarries line of work. It had not been long since he and Charles had set up their new camp, A new location maybe, but like every other room they had been using over the past few months it was still a cramped damp little place that did nothing to raise his spirits. At least something was happening; this would ease the battle he had already been having with his heavy eyelids. Only five minutes later the dwarf exited the property. He started making his way back the way he had come. Elliot noticed that he took a few glances over his shoulder back towards the door, and then he was gone. Charles had only just given the all clear that Everwood was alive and well when two men entered from other end of the street. Although it was dark and there was still some distance between them, both Charles and Elliot knew immediately that these were the two who had evaded them previously. “Right” whispered Elliot “No knocking me over this time, we can’t afford any mistakes here. Let’s move downstairs now and grab them as them as they pass the front door. I don’t want another race.” Charles nodded and they made their way quietly downstairs and positioned themselves on either side of the door. A few moments later they heard the men approaching on the street outside. Elliot raised his hand holding up three digits indicating a countdown and three seconds later they rushed out onto the street. The two men, while clearly surprised did not panic. The taller of the two, stepped back slightly, allowing his cane wielding companion some space. Elliot began to charge hoping he would reach his foe before the sword could be removed from the camouflaged scabbard, before he could reach him however a great malaise seemed to envelope him. At first it felt like his legs were merely tired from all the sitting and watching that he had been doing over the past few weeks, then as he drew ever closer he realised something was not right. It was as if he was running through thick oil or treacle. He turned his head and caught sight of Charles already lying on the street seemingly unable to move. Returning his sight to his quarry he realised that he was too tired to fight, by this point he was barely moving, so he sat down on the cobbles. All he could do was stare as the man slowly approached him, a smile spreading across his countenance, as the sword was slowly withdrawn from its casing, twinkling in the moonlight. Elliot hated himself, why could he not have kept running, why was he unable to do his job. He knew then that he was about to die, and quite frankly he deserved it. He lay his head down to the ground and immediately lost consciousness. ..................... The eyes that peered down the street that evening knew these two men would hold the key to his task. It was clear however, that they had a power beyond his comprehension. They had put two full grown men, charging at full speed to sleep in a matter of seconds. He did not want to face them alone, and he certainly did not want to face them now. He saw the two men approach the prone bodies and realised that he could not watch two innocent men being killed. He started to make as much noise as he could, speaking to an imaginary companion while tapping his feet to imitate footsteps. He was unsure it would be enough given the men’s power but sure enough they turned their heads to locate the source of the sounds and then retreated back into the darkness.
  20. Just wanted to say that this thought really tickles me. Maybe the beat up crew are skulking in a booth round the back.
  21. It's highly unlikely and I have a terrible memory for the fkuff cannon - or previous entries on this thread - but Perdita possibly from Shakespeare's Winter's Tale? Unknowingly the daughter of a king who was taken in and looked after by another family. So Abuela isn't really her mother. Or Abuela just got jiggy with the Governor.
  22. Not a funny story but I always remember a game where my Dark Eldar Wych cult was up against a space wolves force. A great match up for me you hear me say. Agreed, until he pulls out about three whirlwinds and all other manner of ranged options, parked them in about 1 foot square in the corner of the board with the most free space in front of it and refused to come out. To be fair he won the game, but I can't imagine either of us found it fun.
  23. This would make me very glad I haven't yet ordered other Teddies for my dreamer crew.
  24. Re-necroed, but I saw these and thought of you. http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=zen_nem_noa_trp_111_000 http://www.maelstromgames.co.uk/index.php?act=pro&pre=zen_nem_noa_trp_112_000
  25. Congrats on the Mini-egg!

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