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Everything posted by Chucklemonkey

  1. if anytimg can it will be a Yorkie, although it may need some McCoys back up!
  2. They have now been put to the sword by noodles!
  3. Gah. Desperate for a sandwich but still 20 minutes till lunch.
  4. Only a small one part story this time, I promise. Not too much else to do when you can't sleep in the middle of the night. ------------------------------------------------------ General Stanley T Kowalski considered the operation a huge success. Despite his initial fear about the odds he would have to overcome, he had deployed the right resources in the right positions at perfectly allotted times, ensured that all those under his command for the day had been provided with sufficient knowledge of their role in the greater drama, and that they had been equipped adequately for the tasks that had befallen them. There was no doubt in his mind that he had given his boy a perfect sixth birthday party and that this time even his biggest critic, his wife Julie, would have to give him the credit he deserved. He felt sure that if the same high quality of organisation and success could be taken forward in his career then he would surely garner another one or two medals to add to his already glittering collection. He sat alone now on the leather couch of his drawing room, positioned perfectly in front of the glass wall he had demanded from the Architect years before when having the house designed. It afforded him a perfect view of the Chicago skyline; a skyline lit only by the windows of others at this time in the evening. He looked down to the glass in his right hand before raising it to his lips and draining the last remaining brandy it had contained in a long solitary gulp. General Kowalski did not believe in the merits of alcohol generally, he thought it a refuge of the weak. It had been a long held tradition of his however, to enjoy a single brandy when a plan had been carried out precisely to his orders. He let his mind wander back to earlier in the day and enjoyed the memory of Christopher, his only son, and one he had long thought he would be unable to sire, smiling at the selection gifts brought by family and friends alike. He had ensured a good turn-out of his military colleagues too, together with the one or two politicos Stanley knew had to be schmoozed along the way. Everyone had been impressed with the entertainment, a troupe of renowned French acrobats. The boy had initially asked for a $$$$$$$$$$ but Stanley hated them with a vengeance and could hardly even bring himself to call them by name. What an absolute waste of time he considered them to be, they had no practical merit. A crease formed in his brow, he had almost forgotten that one moment in the day he was unsure of. At the time he had told himself to ask Julie about it later but it was too late now, her having long retired to the bedroom. Still, he felt sure that he had never seen the woman before. She had possessed long flowing brown hair, with hazel eyes and had certainly walked directly enough amongst and through the other guess to suggest that she was perfectly at ease in her surroundings at the time. He knew she wasn’t Corporal Hightowers new girlfriend and he thought that he had managed to control Julie’s attempts to add to the guest-list to the point that only her friends he considered to be of sufficient social worth were invited. Well, in any event, the day had passed without incident, so what was the point of worrying about it now. He used the right arm of the couch to raise himself and felt the familiar ache in his muscles, his body telling him that it would not be long now before he had to retire. Still, his plans for a cushy political role at that time were well under way. He wandered through the house and in a moment of weakness decided to step into Christopher’s bedroom. Stepping towards the bed, the feelings of doubt washed over him anew. The boy was a wimp. Stanley knew this even at Christopher’s early age. The blond hair and blue eyes also troubled him. Given the length of time it had taken Julie to conceive surely the doubts as to the boys heritage were justified? He had heard the whispers of others proclaiming similar and in the days of Stanley’s youth he would have reacted violently to their sniping. Now though as he looked down at the sleeping boy, he truly didn’t care. What was that? He had told Julie a hundred times that no son of his would have such frivolous toys, and yet there it was bold as brass, held tightly within Christopher’s embrace. If someone at the party had given it as a gift he would have known about it, surely? He carefully lifted the toy bear from the bed and retreated from the child’s room. He headed towards the granite floored kitchen and with a mere three steps had cross the room and placed the bear next to the bin. Julie had better remove it from his house completely in the morning. Turning back towards the door, he turned off the kitchen lamp and decided it was time for him too to hit the hay. He took a final look towards the bear before making the journey to his bedroom. He could have sworn he felt the bear's glass eyes follow him from the room and felt a chill pass through him as he took his final steps of a long day.
  5. Mr Charles le Monkey made his way through the doors. The other guests turned to see him enter and no doubt wondered what the slightly dishevelled new arrival was doing in a place of such granduer and finery. Mr Le Monkey was a short man, in his late forties, with tousled black hair. He had ensured that, in accordance with his invite for the evening, he had brought with him a Viennese style mask, but this hung by his side as he wandered the room. He initially took a position standing in front of the band and let a lop sided smile emerge from his lips. It was not his style of music, he preferred jazz. In truth, he did not enjoy what he was hearing, he could only assume it was music for people with finer tastes. He turned and observed the two other guests present. Seeing one of them through an adjacent doorway tucking into a plate of food, he made his way slowly to the buffet table and was quickly disappointed to note that no chilli was on the menu, although they did have crackers. He hoped the one who invited him would arrive soon. After all, his wife's sister was at his house now visiting and he had promised that he would not be out too long.
  6. And a little bit of fun http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?p=278609#post278609
  7. As some of you may know I have been writing a few stories in the writing room forum with a character by the name of Stryder. Sitting bored this evening I decided I would like to see how I could translate him into an actual game peice. His backstory very much makes him lean towards being a utility peice and I would love to hear thoughts as to whether the profile I created would be at all useful in game. I was thinking somewhere in the region of a 5 or 6 soulstone cost (leaning towards 6). Graeme Stryder Mercenary, Unique Wk/Ch Ht Wp Ca Df Wd 3/5 1 5 5 6:tomes 6 Sturdy wooden Cane Cb 4 1/2/3 Abilities Hidden knowledge: While in play, increase the hiring crews control hand by one card. Finders Keepers: All interact actions taken by this model are counted as a (0) action, ignoring the listed cost. In addition, interact actions involving this model but not taken by him also become (0) actions. Protect the lost: This models Willpower is increased to 7 if any of the following models are in play: The Stolen, Malifaux Child, Candy, Baby Kade, the Dreamer. This models willpower is reduced to 3 if any of the listed models are killed or sacrificed. Guild Friend: Crews containing this model may hire one Guild Guard model at base cost and ignoring all other hiring restrictions. Companion: Guild Guard Harmless Triggers Quick Learner (DF): (:tomes,:tomes) If a model fails in a combat duel against this model it may not use the same weapon to make any further attacks against this model during its current activation. Not on his watch (DF): (:tomes, :rams) A friendly guild guard model within melee range of the attacker may make an immediate strike against that attacker Spells No threat (1): Re-activate harmless (Ca 12:tomes,Rg:self, Df -) Re-enforced confidence (1): Increase a friendly guild guard models Wk/Ch, Ca, WP or CB by 1/ (Ca 16 :rams, Rg:8, Df-)
  8. #wakes up and rubs eyes. 'Say, has anyone seen my hat?'#
  9. It had been Charles who had managed to convince Becker to tell them everything he knew about the box man, letting him come along to have joint credit on the collar had been what clinched the deal. Becker had told them that on occasion, when the box man needed some inside information from the Guild, he would contact Becker. Regular payments had been made and received over the years, the meeting always taking place at the box man’s suite in the Day-dream hotel on Grand Boulevard. Elliot knew exactly where the hotel was, not just because it was the oldest hotel in Malifaux, but it was also where he had recommended his mother and her photographer boyfriend stay. He had barely managed to see her during this year’s trip but was now hopeful he could resolve the case, save his career, and maybe even be able to take some vacation time for the last few days of her visit. They had reached the hotel twenty minutes later, delaying only to translate the name required into Italian; ‘Scatola’. It was late in the evening and the hotel bar and lobby were busy enough, numerous patrons milling around ordering cocktails and champagne. Elliot had demanded the concierge provide them with the number and spare key of Scatola’s suite and now he stood holding his Peacebringer pistol low down to his right side within the fold of the red trench-coat he was wearing. His left hand motioned Charles and Becker to follow him up the curved hotel staircase as he started to ascend towards the third floor of the building. As they reached the third floor landing Elliot stopped and sucked in a deep lung-ful of air. He had approached armed suspects hundreds of times in his career so far, despite this he had never felt this nervous before. He stole a glance to his companions and it was evident that they were experiencing the same sensations. In the case of Charles this could be put down to the fact that he was still a rookie. Becker though, well, he would normally be described as gritty, even by those who detested him, and Elliot could see the beads of sweat forming on the brow of the seasoned murder detective. Elliot leaned back and spoke quietly to his young partner. “Maybe you should evacuate this floor? Let Becker and I go after Scatola.” Charles returned his gaze and Elliot was surprised that in spite of a moment of doubt that was clear for all to see, the younger member of the team replied that he would be doing no such thing. They edged around a corner and approached the doorway to suite 303 at the end of the corridor. ................................ I was not the world’s greatest runner and my newly acquired running mate seemed able to keep pace with ease. He managed to explain how he had been hired by April’s mother to travel to Malifaux in an effort to find her daughter. He told me that she had been visited several times by a woman claiming that April was possessed of magical abilities and that she would be best placed to nurture those abilities to the full. April’s real mother, Kathryn, had re-buffed the offers each time they had been made, until one day her choice in the matter had been forcefully removed. There was more to his tale, but quite frankly not all of my effort was focused on listening. I struggled to reconcile how I could possibly have been so complacent. I had asked for nothing to confirm that I was being hired by who they said they were, and now I had delivered April straight to them, not knowing what their intentions truly are. If, as it seems, they were the people who kidnapped her initially then I had no idea what they would do to the girl. A fleeting thought of the worst case scenario flew through my head. Had I delivered a seven year old girl to her death? All I could hope is that they would all still be at the hotel, and alive. At full speed I turned onto Grand Boulevard, my companion who had managed to inform me that is name was Oliver, remained right on my heels. ..................... Elliot inched along the left side of the corridor towards suite 303. The dark mahogany panels covering the lower parts of the wall together with the deep red crimson paint above, prevented the dim lamplight from illuminating the hallway effectively. Elliot, despite fighting it, had to admit he was spooked. His eye-line crossed the hallway. Charles and Becker, weapons drawn, were also moving slowly and silently towards the doorway. Moments later they had no-where else to go. Elliot, his heart pounding violently in his chest, placed his ear to the door. He wasn’t sure what exactly he expected to hear, he knew Scatola wouldn’t be expecting them so there was no reason for the feeling of dread that was engulfing him now. His resolve wavering, it took a withering look from Becker for him to slowly reach out his free hand towards the circular brass doorknob. He turned it towards him and felt it give; the door was unlocked. He nodded to his companions and at that Becker held up the middle three fingers of his left hand and, taking what seemed to Elliot like an eternity, lowered them one by one, when he held nothing but a fist aloft in the air Elliot mustered all of his remaining courage and threw open the door.
  10. I will let others answer re the official fluff but Necromoprh wrote a very nice little Collodi story over in the Writing room forum. Here it is http://wyrd-games.net/forum/showthread.php?t=19897
  11. I know it's bad form thread-o-mancing my own thread but they have now released some art of what I can only assume to be the enemy in the first game to be released in the setting. Known as The Strain, images here. http://studiomcvey.blogspot.com/ Models will apparently be debut-ed at Gen-con along with some early rules for the game which appears to be a tile based board game in the first instance. I'm actually getting quite excited about it, as I seem to be drawn ever more to smaller and smaller scale games.
  12. Wow, you sure know your fluff. Much obliged. @ Keltheos: I look forward to it if it ever happens. I know you and your like enjoy teasing us minions with doublespeak. :
  13. Thank you Silver. Any chance you could point me in the right direction for a reference? Although I am perfectly willing to take you at your word (and indeed, already have).
  14. Given the ability of some Neverborn masters to take human form etc, what is the feasibility that they could make the reverse journey through the breach to Earth? I can see nothing that would stop it, have I missed something obvious?
  15. #Peeks into thread, sees no-one is around, removes hat and settles down on the couch for a nap#
  16. Some very nice work. I have just been moaning about how I can't write action and combat sequences, then I head over here and see how it should be done. Looking forward to part 3!
  17. Glad you have enjoyed what you have read so far. It is nice to have fleshed Stryder out somewhat and without giving too much away the ending will take him even further I hope. @DKS : Also thanks for your feedback. His vulnerable side will be developed still further soon enough.
  18. Thanks very much, I hope this twist wasn't too badly telegraphed. Only trouble with the ending is there is some action to be had. I have managed to mostly avoid writing action scenes so far. Real life had slowed down the story recently but hoping there will be another part finished over the weekend.
  19. After the somewhat unsatisfactory end of a couple of recent investigations I had to consider the day a success. Granted the case had resulted in the loss of Thomas but at least his final actions would see a mother and daughter re-united. April had not seemed too unhappy with her life of travel and performance, hell, she had been their meal ticket and with the abilities she so evidently possessed it was unlikely they would have ever risked treating her too badly. It had taken some persuasion, but despite her being in a somewhat shocked state April had managed to ensure that she be allowed to leave peacefully. I had to admit I do not think it was the persuasiveness of our argument that won them over, rather, an extension of the talents she displayed to the world during her act. It was truly frightening for one so young. In any event, that was not of my concern. My work here was done. I had quickly booked a room in the same hotel that Todo and Scatola were residing in, got April settled in, and then went to get my invoice settled. There were no standard 30 day terms for my services. I had expected tears of joy when I told them that I had found her precious girl. I was disappointed. There was nothing but a beaming smile on the face of Todo, and as usual, Scatola gave nothing away as he counted the scrip to settle the terms of our transaction. In the end I handed them an envelope with the door key and they handed me a valour sack with enough scrip to see that I wouldn’t have to take on another job for a few months. Hopefully there would also be enough to win Jessica back over. It was when I turned the final corner before reaching home that I felt something amiss. It’s hard to explain the feeling but I could tell that someone was watching me, and that they were not far away. I took a stab in the dark and spoke loudly into what appeared to be an empty street. “You killed Thomas didn’t you? The boy in the alley. Why don’t you step out here and explain to me just exactly what it is you are doing?” A man stepped out from between the two houses on my left. ............... “What’s up Crudballs? I hear you two got another reaming. Something about letting killers through your grasp, again!” “Shut up Becker” replied Elliot. He had taken enough abuse from the Captain for one day and was not in the mood to take more. Especially not from the knuckle-headed Becker. Becker raised his hands in mock surrender but the grin that spread across his face did take the edge off any sign of contrition he was trying to display. “Just tellin’ it like I hear it boys. Word on the street is you two are done. Captains just getting the go ahead from on high and if you’re lucky you might just manage to hang on for a position shovelling manure from the stables.” Becker tilted his head as if trying to see past Elliot. “Say guys, why have you got a picture of the box man.....?” “What are you talking about Becker?” Becker pointed to the notice board directly behind Charles and Elliot, on which hung the black and white drawing they had commissioned in the market square. Elliot’s head turned to face the drawing before turning back. “You know this man?” “Sure, that’s the box man. He has a foreign name I struggle with but he once told me it was Italian for box so I just call him the box man. We’ve done some business together the last year or so, but keep that to yourselves you hear.” “I don’t think that’s going to be possible Becker. You had better tell us everything.” .......... He was approximately 40 years old, a tall thin man, with a dark moustache. He had the look of a Northern European, although if you asked me to explain why I would probably struggle “I think you had better explain why you’re following me, although let’s be clear, I will be contacting the Guild.” “It should be me seeking the explanation” he replied. “Why was one of your snitches carrying a picture of April Steden around in his pocket? Why is it that wherever you have gone recently so too did some rather unsavoury characters wielding hidden weaponry. Just who exactly are you working for?” My stomach started to weigh more than the bag of scrip in my trouser pocket. “April Steden? I think you have it wrong, you mean April Todado don’t you?” “I mean this girl” he answered passing me a small sepia coloured photograph. It clearly showed April as a four year old, her blond hair tied in bows. She was held in an embrace by a pretty young woman, also blond and who I could make out, even on the aged photograph, was heavily freckled. A smile was passing between them, together with a look that made it clear to me this was a mother and daughter whose image had been captured. I looked up to realise he was still talking. “So? Who hired you to search for April, was it her mother? I made it quite clear that if I was taking the job and having to travel to Malifaux that I would not be looking to share my cut with anyone.” I struggled to speak as all the moisture in my mouth seemed to have evaporated in an instant. How could I have been so stupid? I had known something was not right from the beginning but I hadn’t been able to place it and had ignored the doubts calling to me from the back of my mind. They were here now, screaming into my face. If Teresa had been unconscious on the floor, how could she have known where the intruders would be taking her daughter? “Follow me” I screamed as I turned and ran back towards the hotel.
  20. The monster in the art has been confirmed to be on the base by Eric in the gencon thread.
  21. Welcome aboard. I'm sure you'll enjoy both the game and the forum.
  22. I tabled a player and lost the game as he had completed more of his strategies and schemes than I had. Still a very enjoyable game. The game does technically go on I think though; so you may have one or more turns to complete your tasks. (I may be wrong on this last point though, it has been a little while since I read up)
  23. Gah, I wish you had been looking to sell this stuff before I had seen Wyrd's Gencon releases. If you have no takers on the SOB stuff and you still want rid of it post gencon PM me and I might take some of that stuff off your hands.
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