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Posts posted by Rathnard

  1. Why would you want to use Silurid in a Treasure Hunt when you already have Pandora?

    With her Fading memory I've had her easily zipping up to the treasure token turn 1 before making an interact/walk. Once she's got the treasure she has the advantage of expose fears with soulstones and/or a sorrow to prevent her untimely death. She can then trundle off back to her deployment zone on turn two, or pass the treasure to Kade or Candy while she holds off the enemy crew.

    Once, I used Pandy to grab BOTH treasure tokens (mine and my opponents) before Rasputina had a chance to do anything (making her fall back was useful). She then snuck back to my deployment zone while the kids ran up and took ice blasts to the face.

    Seriously, Pandy is the Shiznit. :D

  2. I enjoy painting - it's a relatively brainless and relaxing diversion from my work.

    That said, what tends to help me get things *finished* is tournaments - a hard deadline that gives me something to aim towards.

    Failing that, I've always been fond of the idea of challenging a similarly unmotivated friend to a paint-off, with each of you trying to get a given army finished over a period of time.

    P.S. ******. ;)

  3. Where I am, I'm pretty sure every Malifaux player I've met has had their own copy of the rulebook. Personally, I like having a physical book to hold, rather than a PDF.

    I really don't see anyone being driven away by the cost of buying the Malifaux rulebook. For starters, it's a great quality product for what you're paying, from the ruleset to the background and awesome artwork. Malifaux also happens to have a VERY cheap startup cost. I spent AU$100 on my crew, the rulebook and a deck of cards and that's all I'll need for a while until I decide to get another 1-2 models (although I gotta figure out Pandora first ;) ).

    By comparison, it costs about the same just to buy the rules and an army book for GW's Warhammer/40k. Warmachine is cheaper than GW's games of course, but at a guess I'd say it still costs a good AU$150 to buy your battlegroup + rules? And that'll probably require some decent expanding too. I'm sure there's still cheaper tabletop games than Malifaux, but it's still definitely at the low end of startup costs.

    Just a final anecdote; When I was playing Malifaux at the local club last Tuesday night, we had 2-4 other people sitting at the table reading through my and my opponents rulebooks. They were all impressed with the game and I'm pretty sure at least 2 of those 4 will be picking up a crew of their own.

    So there ya go, just having the rulebook around can draw new players into the hobby. ;)

  4. I'll be playing my first game with Pandora tomorrow. Got the boxed set plus Teddy almost completely painted up (just some details on the bases to go).

    Obviously I don't have any advice on using Pandora but I do have a suggestion about the Doppleganger. Due to the lack of model, I'm planning on just buying another Pandora and painting her up like a sorrow. But I suppose you could buy any model from the malifaux range and do the same.

  5. No clowns.


    Even just a clown minion would fit wonderfully with Pandoras Crew!

    Going further along the Pandora line, how about some 'children of the corn" minions? Sort of like Candy/Baby Kade but cheaper, non-unique and sort-of melee oriented (WP-based melee attacks?). Honestly, I just wanna swamp my opponent with creepy blonde children. :D

    Other Suggestions:

    Some kind of Spider Master


    Ned Kelly

    Either an Undead Samuri Master or Undead Electric Guitarist Master (to go with the punk zombies...either will do ;) ).

    More Steam Constructs!

    Crazy Wizard-Hobo (it's exactly what you're picturing right now)

  6. If it was an Itouch/Iphone application I'd be all over it. Having a portable app for keeping track of the crew you're using, as well as activations/wounds would be great. The same goes for Win/loss records and stats for given crews, minions and/or masters you've used. Hell, I'd pay good money for something like that.

    If it was a standard computer application I'd be much less keen on it, even if it was free. Given the simplicity of building Malifaux crews compared to armies in other game systems, I'm not sure it's worth it, so the draw for me would be in maintaining a record of wins, losses, kills etc. Then again, I could do that on an excel sheet in 15 seconds.

    Basically, portability is what I'd want from the sort of program you're proposing.

  7. Pink. They're all pink.

    The Sorrows are completely pink,

    Candy has pink clothes with blonde hair and white frills,

    Kade is normal baby colour with a pink teddy bear,

    Pandora has a dark purple coat, white belt and lilac corset/skirt...with a pink flame emerging from the box,

    ...and of course Teddy is a giant pink carebear.

    I really, really wish I had a camera right now. :/

  8. Yep, the Malifaux population seems to be rapidly growing in sunny (and blisteringly hot) Perth!

    My name's Adrian. I've been playing Games Workshop games for 13 years now - mostly 40k and WHFB, but also Necromunda, BFG, Mordheim and Epic 40k on occasion. I'm president of a local gaming club and have been running or helping to run tournaments for around 2-3 years now. In real life I'm a researcher studying the genetics of heroin addiction, which is pretty interesting, if also frustratingly slow at the moment. :rolleyes:

    Anyway, I've pretty much been recruited into playing Malifaux by Massaen, who's been plugging the game down here for the past few months like nobody's business! I've played one demo game and after a bit of umming and ahhing (and research...gotta do the research!), I've now ordered the rules, along with the Pandora Crew and everyone's favorite stuffed monster of doom; Teddy. :D

    I'm still waiting on the minis though, so hopefully it won't be too long before I can actually start painting and gaming with the suckers.

  9. Hmm, well of those mentioned I'd say that Pandora seems to most appealing - she sounds like she's got alot of trickyness with trying to deal damage in a very non-standard way. The fact that I could still eat face with a giant teddy bear is a nice bonus though. ;)

    Hmm, maybe I should just buy the rulebook first - it might give me a better idea of the options available to each master than reading through these forums trying to 'guess' what each of them do. :rolleyes:

  10. So after playing a demo game last night (courtesy of Massean) and doing some research of my own I've decided to jump on the Malifaux bandwagon and get a crew of my own. :D

    I'm not interested in getting a simple-to-use crew that just beats people over the head until they're dead (eg. Lilith ;) ), so what crews would offer the most tactical game?

    My initial instinct is to go with the Viktorias, since the array of specialised mercenaries seem to offer alot of possible options (plus the added bonus of only a few models to paint ;) ), but maybe I'm missing something? Are there any other crews that offer a wide array of tactics, or should I stick with the Viks?

    And yeah, I'm aware of the abomination that is Levictus - that learning curve may be a little too steep for me at this time. :rolleyes:

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