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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. Lovely Teddy. In a very pervert way. Btw how did you make the bases?
  2. I do correct then. Pandora can grab the treasure in turn1 (incite her way there and pick up for 1 AP) move back 3" (1 AP) and drop the counter just before a waiting Terror Tot/Silurid/Candy/whatever and then fade back to safety. With this, you will have the counter deep in your half, maybe even in your deployement zone on turn 2. Certainly not the worst model for the task.
  3. @Tonytone: Perdita, Sonnia, Ramos, Rasputina, McMourning, Nicodem, Lilith, Viktorias - usually the crews contain their masters' favorites, sometimes with some additional figs. @n0signal: Yeah, I guess the Gremlins wouldn't last long but that's not a Pandora problem rather a Gremlin one. I see your logic with Levy but IMHO he and his waifs are way to slow to catch Pandy even with a range 12 spell. She fights like a cobra. Lurks behind terrain, comes out (with an investment of 0 AP), hits hard and goes back (from 0 AP) before she ends her activation. Provided you don't play in a desert, a good Pandora player would deny even LoS to her for Levy and his puppets. And the rest can't touch her if you have a high card and SS ready. Of course this is just theorymachine from my part. @Nutcase168: Auto damage and self-destructing things do have a very good threat. But if you don't need to risk Pandy to press really hard forward, then they don't really have a chance. The self-destructing things usually die before they could harm her. Blasting into an own model has the same problem and anyway blasts don't do that much damage. Pandy can survive several before even needing an SS to prevent the damage. At least our Ramos and Rasputina all failed with these tactic.
  4. I think that would be the place for these kind of stuff.
  5. The rules completely cover the situation of out of activation fall back. And those sentences suggest my interpretation is the good one. BUT I really want to hear that I'm wrong, or the intent is different and it will be FAQ-d soon. Since IMHO Pandy is too strong and I don't want to leave her at the self just because I don't find any joy in playing with her.
  6. You are right. I forgot that Ca triggers are activated before defender resists. Thx! Here I still stick to my version. From the rulebook (p79 Falling Back last sentence of 1st paragraph): The model's activation then ends. A few paragraphs later under the new theme Rallying: A model that has fallen back must spend its subsequent activation rallying. To me that means 2 different activations but WEiRD sKeTCH is lurking around this thread so maybe he will say a final word on this.
  7. Only living models can be affected by terrifying. Pandora does not make living from an undead or construct.
  8. If I read this mini battle report correctly you played some things incorrectly. 1st: Mental Angush in itself do not forces models to fall back. You need another failed Resist Duel to make this happen. Ie. cast another spell on them. The one that triggered the trigger (in this case Dementia) does not good for this since the trigger is activated after the victim failed its Resist Duel. 2nd: Out of activation fall back is not an inmediate move. You have to wait for the next activation to do this. Then in the next one you can rally. And just after that, during the 3rd activation can you move freely again. Nasty-nasty trigger it is.
  9. Strange question for the Pandora owners but I have some problem with my favorite emo chick. I win too much games with her. Yes, you got it right. Too much. Most of them is without any real excitement. Usually I just incite/pacify in around turn 2 or 3, drop some linked Sorrows near the enemy, use Project Emotion on the most serious threat(s) (mostly with trigger), cast Self-Loathing on the top gun, incite/pacify the crippled enemy and return to safety. The remnants can be dealt with during the next couple of turns. So far I have played a lot of games and only Perdita with the Governor's Proxy and without Loco stopped Pandora. Anything else was destroyed and/or defeated on many kinds of terrain with every possible strategy match-up etc. I don't want to show false modesty. I'm quite good at tabletop games but so are my partners. For example in WM/H I've never felt that kind of superiority and I was beaten regularly by the hands of the same opponents. Nowdays my friends look at me in a strange way, and I'm almost sure that something evil lurks in those eyes. I don't want to be the victim of a linch-law. Help! So what's the trick, how do you lose with Pandora? (Despite what it looks like, this is a serious post. At least most part of it.)
  10. The way you blended Pandora's flame to make it similar with her hair and cloth is an excellent idea. So is the whole execution. Big thumbs up!
  11. The Doppelganger is also an interesting choice. Just to mention one trick form the dozens: mimic Pandora's Emotional Trauma and your opponent will suffer 2 Wounds per lost Wp-duel from a range of 12". In addition you can mimic for example Kade's Df and you have a Df7 freak (maybe also in soft or hard cover) just near enough to the frontline.
  12. Any chance for bigger pics? They look good but would love to see them in detail.
  13. Wow! Lovely idea and really good execution. First try? Jeeez!
  14. Grats! Absolved with style. My favourites are the jeans on the gremlins and the skintone of Killjoy. Thumbs up!
  15. Very good work on the minis, grats! I especially like the Sorrows. Only negative is that for me these bases don't suit well with the Neverborn. But that's just my taste.
  16. Thanks for the kind comments. I've just updated first post with Pandy, Candy and a nice familiy photo. Now I have a full 35 SS squad ready to rumble. Pandy's eyes looks a bit weird on the photo but I swear she doesn't have crossed eyes.
  17. Good work! A tiny note: just a little bit more highlight could make wonders in some large parts like Sonnia's coat from behind or on the flames. Keep going!
  18. I can just second the Teddy, 2 Sorrows, Candy and Kade list on 30 SS. That worked perfectly for me. And yes 25 is too small for Teddy. There the pure box shines. In 35 I'd go for the same list + a 3. Sorrow and 2 SS that would yield maximum SS pool which is good for casting Project Emotions.
  19. Well, you need 8+ to cast Self-Loathing with Candy and the spell has a very short range. So the 3 perfectly cast SL is rather a dream than reality. Not really. Smell fears triggers on a failed Moral Duel. Neither Pandy nor Candy can force a Moral Duel. Not even Pandy's trigger which forces a model to fall back (but without a Moral Duel). Remember: every Moral Duel is a Wp-duel but not every Wp-duel is a Moral Duel. As Tonytone noted, it's Kade who has the Lure spell.
  20. Very good effect on the Bete Noire. Looking forward to see the rest finished!
  21. I say OP should start with asking Wyrd about legal issues and disclaimers.
  22. IMHO it's definetely not the rules forum.
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