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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I've done this too. But when I started to play Leveticus, I was forced to use a single colour to make my crew look coherent. As for the posted models: they all look great but the pics are a bit dark unfortunately. Keep up the good work!
  2. Nah, that's all right, keeps our brain fit and working.
  3. I can see the point of your reasoning but I'll play the devil's advocate here and make same points about why Levy SHOULD be played as Slow. - The last errata with the Place rules was very quickly killed. Maybe not just for make it more clear. - WS noted that the intent is to play him Slow and the wording of Summoning will change to make it clear. - I'm not a librarian but as far as I can recall almost all Masters has 3 AP's to spend. Melee/Casting Experts, Fast or through other special skills. If Levy wouldn't be penalized by Slow he would have 4 AP's to spend every turn. Slow rule makes him just in line with the rest. - Being summoned comes with Slow in case the model is activated in that turn. Ropetus mentioned that Levy would be penalized in view of other summoned models to get Slow in the next turn since he can not activate in the turn he was summoned. Actually, the opposite is true: Leveticus already had an activation in the turn he is summoned back. So it's logical to "pay the price" next activation for being back in play. I see it as a shock effect on Levy after crossing the gate of death. And stuff...
  4. So again: I share the same logic as you do, but WS last official ruleing about the issue says otherwise. And since he has a badge and we have not...
  5. Wrong! This was discussed on this forum many times but with a different result you mentioned. Since that time a new errata appeared but was officially canceled. So as far as I can understand the situation WS previous ruling is the way to play Levi right now. PS: I had assumed the same as you did Ropetus about the issue, but playing according to the rules (or the intent of the rules) is not about how we assume things, right?
  6. I beg you to STOP THIS! I need to feed my children...
  7. Not to mention that her totem can give even to Lady Justice herself the priceless Blind Justice thingy.
  8. You miss this trick. It's kinda lame tactic but works RAW. On the other hand I can hardly imagine the picture when incite/pacify "carry her around the field like a rocket" vs Wp6, Stuborn Ortegas who has LoS to the Governorn's proxy, backed by a Wk6 Fast caster who can shoot Pandy at will even behind cover and walls. So the OP's game was either unnaturally lucky or the opponent didn't use the full potential of the Guild forces.
  9. Hmm... I can't comment this without hurting your ego. So yes, you are right in every aspect!
  10. But if your opponent pressing hard, you are forced to make a new Waif, just to be sure that Levi will have a place to resurrect when he dies. Making a new Waif is also a good method of moving Levy around the board. So I think this new rule will not change the game mechanics too much. Provided your usual opponent was not a defensive turtle... Levy got rid of the Slow, so the extra AP is there. And as I said before, even playing with the old rules a good opponent has forced you to summon new Waifs anyway. And yes, Corpse Counters are very good for this.
  11. Really? That's very interesting because I experienced the opposite. Maybe your partners are not too erm.... agressive. For example a pair of Silurids, Lureing, Perdita and a tons of other models can make short work on a Waif on most cases. 1 Waif vs a good player is suicidal. You have to try to get the second one as soon as you are able.
  12. Indeed it is official. That's why WS has a nice badge above his lovely picture. A rules question was asked and WS informed us about the intent of the rules and how it should be played even before the wording will change to make it more exact.
  13. The official answer for the summoning confusion.
  14. With the new errata rules I think the Totem is rather a must. Because of the mobility it gives on the cruicial first turn based on your very own idea.
  15. All good. The best color concept medal goes to the Bette Noire.
  16. That's a very solid idea. I just don't like the taste of it fluffwise... Casting Dementia on Pandy by her own totem is awkward. I'm always sad when you have to bend and squeez the rules to get some advantage. I wish there would be another option but I can't see any... On the other hand, using Incite/Pacify on your own models for movement wasn't better either. And yes, the Mature could carry her but this is very pricey way. You are commited to use that 10 SS model who needs to stay in the back for turns instead of going upfield to look for some destruction.
  17. Lure is not really a viable choice imho. Firstly it needs a 8+:crows from Kade or the Sorrow. That is only 6 cards and the RJ in the deck. You can hardly build a solid strategy on this. Especially that you need the Lure in the first few turns. So you have 1-2 draws to get the right card. The other problem is that Kade will lose Harmless. In case you do this with a Sorrow then the problem is that he (it?) must be close to the frontline and that's usually not good in case the opponent has some long range options. Candy's wail could work but a Black Joker can hurt the plans of moving and Pandy herself too. And again, Candy will lose Harmless, so you need another successful cast to make her safe again. The most useful option is the Poltergeist with Tantrum or Persistent Distraction. That'd work I think. Btw: anybody played games with her? Theorymachine is fine and useful but real life experience worth much more. (Edit: Satyrwyld's post came meanwhile I typed. Thx! I would love to hear more.)
  18. I've just finished a game with her playing according to the newest errata items. Most notably with the no incite/pacify on friendly models rule. I played against the Viks with the diagonal setup. Strategy was Assassinate for me, and Slaughter for my opponent. Bodyguard and Hold out were chosen by both sides. My 30 SS crew was: Pandy, Teddy, Kade, Candy, 2x Terror Tot and Primordial Magic. The opponent brought the totem who gives Fast, Taelor, a Ronin, Convict Gunslinger and 8 SS or something like that. Special terrain was soulstone Vein which was a small piece at the middle of the right edge of the board. I didn't have an above avarage hand during the whole battle and lost all important initiative flips (turns 4-6) despite the use of 2 SS. Besides that I have made the mistake of taking a small detour with Pandy and spending a turn to get 2 SS from the vein. All this added up to a whole scale loss. However I had a glimps of experience about the new Pandy what I would like to share with you. She is certainly more playable now, compared to the old, godlike way. On the other hand, she is very slow now, so you can't afford such silliness that I made with the vein. She needs all her mighty 2x3" to get into action in turn 3 or so. However certain things ruin her play quite considerably. The diagonal setup is a nightmare, so is any rough terrain piece, not to mention special circumstances like forested and stuff. Certainly it was just one game and I didn't even play well but I think the 3" move is a bit too harsh for her now. She is as slow as Nicodem or Ramos but the gents are support casters and Pandy is definetely not. 3" was more than fine with the possibility to incite a friendly modell but now its way too slow. Bringing this up even to 4" would make her a bit more in line with the rest of the masters. This is just my first impression and I'm very curious about your experiences with her. (I'm not in the beta tester group so I don't know whether they focus on balancing old models or just the new rules and stuff. Maybe they have come up with something too. We shall see.)
  19. He doesn't even need Corpse Counter to get a Waif. He can cast one from any living or undead model.
  20. That would be quite lame tactic anyway. At least for my taste.
  21. Her offensive spells won't move her since those are Ca-duels. As it was already pointed out earlier in this thread...
  22. I guess tossing her with Teddy is a bit painful alternative movement.
  23. :clap: Now that is something! Time to grab Pandora again from the shelf and see how is she working in this way. Very good decission, thumbs up for Wyrd! And thanks for the info islyfe!
  24. Right. 1 separate point for each Sorrow and Pandy in range to use Emotional Stress/Trauma.
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