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Everything posted by Csonti

  1. I see it differently. If HD is out, Jakob is in dire need of cards to get a pair, without it, the crew's potential is ruined. So in these cases the ability to get 2-3 cards is more than charming. Even at a cost of giving the opponent some card recycling chance. (One of his Master specific sheme also needs a lot of cards to achieve.) And if you are able to push/Heed My Voice a victim within Mr. Tannen's aura then it is nothing but party time. Fill your hand and drain the opponent's -> win. But I agree with you that this later use is situational.
  2. Because they are different Abilities. Lynch's +AP can't be used for casting spells. (The intent was probably to limit the Dead Man's Hand spell potential.)
  3. Bump in hope to get these answered. ---------- Post added at 04:00 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:51 PM ---------- I think I have found an infinite loop that is also legal with the new Hamelin rules. It is a very special setup but I guess these kind of stuff should not exist. So here it comes: Alone in the Dark special event is active. Avatar Seamus has cast Succumb to Darkness twice. And Gorgon's Miasma is also in effect. Malifaux Rat activates within ASeamus range. Terrifying -> 17 with -2 Wp means it will always lose the duel. Rat is killed because of Alone in the Dark. Hamelin player gets a new Rat and places within ASeamus range. Rat activates and takes the Terrifying test. Rinse and repeat.
  4. It is not an aura. Every friendly model is affected within 6". A model is always friendly to itself and always within any distance to itself. So Nix is Significant. And also Hamelin btw.
  5. I see it very differently. That was a powerful ability that let Hamelin move and then charge any target with straight flips and an almost guaranteed 9 points of damage. This change takes care of that 5+8+2 threat while there is still much room for that action. For example Focused strike is not a better option against HtW models, even without HtW a draw will yield damage while Fate is Meaningless works just fine in case of ties. Also you can't Focus a Charge, right? I'm very glad about this part of the Errata.
  6. Still not working here. Is there any news from the backend?
  7. I wish somebody would post the exact answer (quoted from the official FAQ which referenced page 33 of the RM) to this on the bottom of the first page of this thread... Wait...
  8. I think this is covered in the FAQ but with Spirits: The situation with the above flying model is quite the same ruleswise. So I think the last legal position (b2b with the other model) would be the spot where the flying model should be placed in case a disengaging strike hits it while the model was flying through another model.
  9. I'd like to inform you that I'm more than ready to help you out with the first steps into Malifaux. I usually play at Cantina Klub during the evening of Wednesdays but my shedule can be flexible. We can play at another day of the week and even in another club if that's more preferable. I have plenty of crews to demo with therefore you don't even need miniatures to try a game. So if you need some help to get started, just contact me here in the forum or send an e-mail (csontpet@gmail.com) and we will arrange a demo game. Sidenote: If you are interested in what's going on with Malifaux in Hungary you are more than welcome to join our Facebook group. És most magyarul is: Aki szeretné kipróbálni a játékot, azzal nagyon szívesen összehozok egy bemutató játékot Budapesten. Általában szerdánként játszom a Cantinában, de sem a nap, sem a helyszín nincs kőbe vésve. Rengeteg csapatom van, amikkel ki lehet próbálni a játékot, így első körben figurára sincs szüksége annak, aki tenne egy próbát. Demóügyben kereshettek itt a fórumon, vagy levélben is a fent megadott címen. Aki szeretne többet tudni a hazai Malifaux-életről, azt várjuk a népes és aktív Facebook csoportunkba is.
  10. Gremlins as a way of handicap? Most probably you never faced them vs an adept opponent.
  11. I did the same but for me, not even the paying options work. They are as frozen as they were before.
  12. It is still not working. And as somebody else mentioned not only the shipping calculation is dead but the paying conditions are also frozen on the page. I think the best way to test this is to setup an account with an European address and juggle with it to see if something gets better or not.
  13. I think it is still a general and massive problem. My Hungarian account doesn't work out shipping either whatever I put in the basket.
  14. Actually he is too slow for even that.
  15. Big no. You can only cheat fate when it is allowed. (RM pg. 24)
  16. Dear All, We will have a small(ish) club event in Hungary during this weekend on Saturday. The details can be read HERE in Hungarian but any interested foreign player can contact me for infos in English. Cheers, Csonti
  17. I think Dead Man's Hand is resolved on a card by card basis. So in my interpretation the opponent only draws 1 card after every even card is flipped not a total of 0-3 from the 3 drawn cards. Therefore he can't draw any under the effect of Tannen's aura. But an RM answer regarding this would be cool.
  18. While this could potentially shut down Hamelin's ability, the problem is that you can't keep Tannen alive long enough. To get the aura, you need to activate him and then a few rats will easily deal with him. Or Hamelin himself will club him to death in one swing. But I guess this is not the proper place to discuss in game tactics.
  19. Gunfighter is pretty different since that ability explicitly states that you can make disangeging strikes with the (normally ranged) weapon at 2". (RM pg. 116)
  20. I guess you refer to the situation when the opponent is in Tannen's Dampen Fate aura and Jakob targets it with Dead Mans Hand. In this case the opponent can't get cards from the spell. This is actually the main essence of that ability.
  21. Rules about Disangeging on page 48 give a clear answer to that. The model's controller may interrupt the active model's movement when it leaves the longest melee range of the passive model. Since 3" only applies when the Rail Worker makes an attack, during the opposing model's movement he only has the normal 2" range. So I'd say a definite no to this.
  22. Actually the term defender is pretty clearly defined in the RM: under Attacks on page 18. There you can find the reference to Resist Duels.
  23. THERE you go. Please note that Ropetus was a Rules Marshal at that time, so his answer is offical.
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