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Everything posted by Clousseau

  1. Base is a resin one - actually a free 'miscast' sample I got with some others! Painted separately from the model which was then pinned on. Model was origianlly going to face the other way, but it looked better with a claw up on the kerb. @Pankake - assembly isn't too bad, as there's plenty of metal to enable pinning with 1mm pins, though I had to replace the piston rod on the harpoon arm to get enough metal to drill into. So, overall just patience - which is why it took 2 weeks to build at 1 joint per night! @blakeh1 - main body is Citadel Tin Bitz drybrushed on - other metallics were Brass (pistons), Boltgun (piston rods, etc.) and P3 Runic Gold for the claws.
  2. Following the successful participation games at Salute (with 2 or even 3 simultaneous games), there will again be the opportunity to have a quick tryout of the game at UK Games Expo in Burmingham. It'll be the first time I've demoed Malifaux, but help will be at hand from NewbiefromHell. More detail when it is confirmed with the UK distributor nearer the date (which is 5/6th June).
  3. Here's my attempt to paint the new Peacekeeper model. Took me ages to assemble as I had to pin every joint, but after spraying it black it was painted very quickly. Basically drybrushing various metallic colours, plus some 'normal' colours for the head and 'eye'. Still needs a little more work, such as the 2 pistons I forgot to paint! The strange thing is that I've been taking so much longer to paint the smaller models! More pics by link http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m44/clousseau/Malifaux/IMG_0732.jpg http://i101.photobucket.com/albums/m44/clousseau/Malifaux/IMG_0733.jpg
  4. That's the place! We meet on Monday evenings in the university social club if you're passing. I've bought the Viktorias Outcasts and Sonia Cridds' Guild, purely on the basis of those are the figures i liked to look of. Currently part way through painting them all ready for a game on Monday. My son is also interested - he'll be ordering some Resurectionists shortly. There is also 1 other player (Newbie from Hell), but I can't remember which crews he has (certainly some Neverborn).
  5. Thanks for the demo (I was the guy over at the AT-43 demo). Ended upwith 2 starter sets which I assembled last Friday and started painting tonight. Will be playing Newbie on Monday night
  6. Hi. Greetings from the Midlands. Small group starting to play in Cranfield (well 2 of us plus my son who keeps borrowing my miniatures) and hoping to stir up some interest. We may be down at Gamesfest (though I'll be demoing another game) so pop by and say "Hi".
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