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Everything posted by NewbieFromHell

  1. started to write a proper argument against the system proposed, why the rankings system chosen is flawed, and why i believe it only detracts from Malifaux. deleted it because i realised it doesn't matter, the system WILL be implemented no matter what. I really hope me and the other nae sayers are wrong and once its put up on RHQ the GT suddenly jumps to 100+ Players (sorry for the headache jo ), but i don't think we are. there are always 3 sides to a "change" like this the few that want it, the few that don't and the masses in the middle that dont care(until it effects them). let just hope it doesn't effect the masses in the wrong way, we've all seen systems grind to a halt over silly things like this.
  2. only because you asked nicely, think of it more as "coming out of retirement" :P
  3. yep for the time being i'm looking at other systems
  4. Crap Broke my promise (not the first time this year) anyway i couldn't agree with 13th More, in the early days there was an idea banded around to do this, it was quashed rather quickly because the system was soooooo new... at the time there were maybe 5 UK henchmen TOTAL (probably only 3), now there are plenty of us, and the system in some ways seems worse for it. I know of henchmen (in the UK) that are only henchmen to get the benefits, the system and how it is promoted is second at best (but anyway i digress) Although i like that hentchmen started this, i Believe it is absolutely the wrong thing for this system.
  5. I voiced my opposition to this both privately and publicly before. I short i think it will splinter the game, and the tournaments, this game is fun always has been, and at tournaments its starting to become a "who can design the hardest crew". Power creep is a major issue with this game now, and there are certain masters that there is nothing anyone can do about. insert a rankings system and people that like to win (we all do don't get me wrong, but i won't sit late at night trying to figure out a unbeatable 30SS list) and its a recipe for disaster. its my 2cents and my only post on this...
  6. have fun, i'll see you tomorrow, i'm leaving MK about 6 so its gonna be fun
  7. Milton Keynes, is the centre of the Malifaux UK Universe there is NO DOUBT...
  8. there are indeed plenty of malifaux players in the area, in fact its our club night tonight at cranfield... let me know if you would like any details
  9. conf 3 was an awesome game (well still is), not sure what was so convoluted but i love it... back on topic though, my least favourite game is probably 40k, not just to pick on GW, but because picking up 100 dice isn't fun for me HellDorado was a good game, but yet again the publishers screw it up...
  10. ok, now your just making stuff up, world rat day... checks out website... mmmm now i've seen it all happy world rat day (one of those things you never thought you would say)
  11. only 1 more sleep to i head up tomorrow BOUNCY!!!! then 1 sleep to the greatest tournament on earth, well for this weekend at least BOUNCY BOUNCY!!!!
  12. shhhhhhh that was going to be my little secret, gawd damn it woman
  13. yeah it looks fun, can't figure out what to take but it'll be good fun if nothing else, while waiting for the Chinese to arrive
  14. it would be both and honour and a pleasure :P now where did i put that shirt...
  15. how the hell did i end up facing 2 opponents, not that there going to care, as i'm going to smush them into dust
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