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Posts posted by Omenbringer

  1. Aside from the textured wall paper that was already suggested, a couple of other ways you can get that type of effect;

    1) for smaller areas, peel off the paper from one side of some foamcore, score the surface with a pencil in the desired pattern, then press gently with a stone (crumpled tinfoil works as well) to get the random variations between bricks. This is very tediuos and time consuming but gives a very good result.

    2) With christmas coming up you should be able to find some of the following http://www.michaels.com/art/online/displayProductPage?productNum=ch0895&channelid= at a local Arts and Crafts store such as Micheals. Much easier for large ares but will look very precise and artificial.

    3) Another easy solution for large areas is textured sheet styrene, this can be a bit harder to find although train stores seam to have it most often. Evergreen used to make a brick/ cobblestone version but I was unable to find it on their website.

  2. I like to use minwax polyshade. It provides a very durable finish and is available in several tints so can be applied over a white primer coat with satisfactory results. You can see an example of it here at this link http://http://www.privateerpressforums.com/index.php?showtopic=168271&hl= The miniwax polyshade did all the shading on that board without obscuring the texture beneath.

    The static grass is a bit harder to get to stay on unless applied sparingly with lots of wood glue and spray sealants (even then rather ineffective if the board will see heavy use), if you want to have large expanses of grassland you may want to consider using the fake fur techniques as shown at the following link http://http://www.elladan.de/002%20fur%20mat%20WiP/002.htm

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