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Posts posted by Omenbringer

  1. Only criticism I can offer has nothing to do with the painting (which is amazing by the way especially the Convict) more the photography. Though it looks like your using a light box it doesn't look like your using enough light. I would recommend placing a few more lights around the box, perhaps the right side and the bottom front.

    Also I rather like the way they look with the metalic paint and agree that NMM doesn't always look so great.

  2. This thread has been very helpful! So is the general consensus around here to use a gremlin heavy army over a pig heavy army? I am still working on building a 25ss and 30ss list and working out which swarm is better for which scenario.

    I prefer a more balanced Gremlin list than most around here and rely heavily on Som'er producing more of whatever I need at the moment, whether that be piglets or gremlins. My Gremlin play style really depends on each squad (for lack of a better term) doing only what they are good and mutually supporting each other.

    As for the new stuff, it does add quite a bit to the gremlin game, though I still believe Ophelia is a bit to good for her cost.

  3. That said, I'd also like to see an intermediate pig model. Something in between a piglet and a war pig. Maybe a sow? She could have a spell similar to Som'er Teeth's ability to summon piglets.

    Great minds think a like. I also have home brew rules for a Sow model. What can I say after the beta test I was going thru withdrawls. As a matter of fact I have 10 completed home brewed gremlin models and another ten in the works.

  4. I want to see Dress a Gremlin: a special kit including a naked gremlin, several accessories and a strip of putty. I think it would be a good seller. It would certainly inspire some very interesting contests.

    I actually made up some rules for a similar model, course to be a little more PC I called her the Gremlin Debutante. I could post the house rules if anyone is interested.

  5. ...the Gremlin Gunline is awesome with the fact that most of the Kin are able to overcome "Woops" so the Gremlins don't die quite as fast as they do with So'mer

    Not to mention that if she takes only Bayou's (in a thirty point game) she can take up to 18. If they dont focus fire and use reckless they can make up to 54 ranged strikes a turn at up to 12 inches. Not to many models are going to be able to weather that storm.

    Granted it's not all powerful or unbeatable, but it is funny as hell (especially the first time an opponent is on the recieving end of it)!

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