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Posts posted by Omenbringer

  1. And we are very thankful for your leap of faith Eric (and also of course Mrs Eric for being an understanding wife).

    Oh and I guess I should answer the original posts question...Biggest decision was joining the military...biggest correct decision was getting married young and starting a family while in the military.

  2. @ Silver Chocobo:

    Yes I didn't have access to my book when I did it and couldn't remember what the hell the currency was called. Credits seemed right nice catch though. I might get around to fixing it eventually.


    I printed it on plain old printer paper then applied a wash of GW Gryphonne Sepia. The only hard part was playing with Power Point and figuring out how to get the Poster the Size I wanted it. Printing handouts was the method I used in the end.

  3. ... but am also very disappointed with many balance issues that still plague this game, several years after its initial release.
    Just for clarity the Malifaux game really hasn't been out that long. It was released near the last quarter of 2009.

    I can get on board with most of the rest of your post (except maybe Hamelin the Plagued I dont find him that broken actually).

  4. I think erratas are a bit of a double edged sword for gaming companies.

    Is it taking longer then we think it should as they push for one perfect release, perhaps. The alternative though is a constant strema of corrections that forces you to have to check and re-check the forums for the current ruleset and updates every time you play. Either way you are going to get complaints.

    From what I have seen it is a normal period in the life of a new game system. Fans are rabid for the new hotness and corrections. The small start up crews can easily become overwhelmed. Privateer was no different during the early days of Warmachine. I bet if you look far enough back you'll see a similar thing happened with Games Workshop back in the 80's.

    In regards to the errors in book 2, would you have been happy waiting say another 6 months for a final product or would we be seeing a similar thread complaining about how long new product development is taking?

    In the end "it is what it is"

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