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Everything posted by Tamwulf

  1. I think the P3 White is probably the best white primer I've ever used. Now the P3 Black... reminded me a lot of the Duplicolor Sandible Primer (the one I usually use). The differences: The P3 Black stank to high heaven, and it took longer to dry. As in, I used a blow dryer to speed up the process for my second coat. Funny enough, the white doesn't have this problem... To the OP: Did you wash your mini's before the primer? All parts/minis have a bonding release agent on them that if it's not washed off, your primer won't stick or flake off. Another item- do you wash your hands before handling your mini's in raw form? People with wet, sweaty hands or dirty hands rub that stuff off onto minis. Which, once again, make it very hard for the primer to adhere to the mini. Was there a significant difference in temperature between the primer and the mini's? As in, was the primer kept outside in the garage all night where it got to 50 degrees, while your mini's where inside at 75 degrees? This also adversely affects your primer. Lastly, was it really humid outside? Like 75% or better? When you say a ton of coats... how many are you talking? I typically do 3-5 primer coats on my mini's. I let each layer dry before going on to the next layer. I have noticed that the P3 White does seem a bit thin, but I'd rather have a too thin primer then too thick (like GW or Armory).
  2. Hello everyone! Long time fan boi here of all things Wyrd. First saw the mini's a couple years ago, and bought a couple at Gencon. Just saw the rulebook at Gencon... wow. Just wow. Can't wait to get one!
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