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Dire Hoarcat Snuggler

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Everything posted by Dire Hoarcat Snuggler

  1. Cool! You've just convinced me that these three-form models can be converted enough for my satisfaction to have 6 or more instances of them using Wyrd's models only (e.g. your Punk Zombies). Regarding your paint jobs, those Punks are looking very Punky, and Nico is just AWESOME and curmudgeony looking. ~J~
  2. Those are all looking pretty sick! The paint scheme is true to form (though I might not have gone so literal with the Leprechaun look, myself, but that's me!). I absolutely love the gracefulness of the colors for the Belle's dress, in contrast with her deathly grey skin. Makes a very stylized model look appropriate for the setting. ~J~
  3. No problemo, man. Check here for pics of the table, but more importantly, pics of the Wil Wheaton Rock Band special. ~J~ ...EDIT... by which I mean here: http://wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?p=96756#post96756
  4. By the by, in addition to the above demo table pics, here are some snapshots of Wil Wheaton playing Rock Band with the gaming crowd at night, including some pictures of our humble-but-grizzly LGS-owner-operator destroying a tiny set of drums with all of his intense focus and power. http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115557172_10101536_45441607_841304_n.jpg http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115582122_10101536_45441610_7143245_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115587112_10101536_45441611_8129154_n.jpg http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115597092_10101536_45441613_6696716_n.jpg http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs222.snc1/6930_772115537212_10101536_45441603_8311382_n.jpg http://photos-g.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115542202_10101536_45441604_396541_n.jpg http://photos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115547192_10101536_45441605_561570_n.jpg http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115552182_10101536_45441606_2473903_n.jpg Enjoy that tidbit of off-topic pictureness. ~J~
  5. Here are my pics from the table, how I set it up before my event: http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs202.snc1/6930_772115507272_10101536_45441597_3517960_n.jpg http://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs222.snc1/6930_772115512262_10101536_45441598_2001897_n.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs222.snc1/6930_772115517252_10101536_45441599_749248_n.jpg http://photos-h.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs222.snc1/6930_772115522242_10101536_45441600_3599867_n.jpg http://photos-d.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs222.snc1/6930_772115532222_10101536_45441602_1076877_n.jpg In order, that'll be a picture of my demo rules, a picture of a spread of the book and a "coupon" I spread around (even gave one to a very perplexed Wil Wheaton!), a picture of my partner's models, a picture of my models and a box of one of our friend's unassembled crews, and finally a picture of our 3x3 demo terrain area in which we hosted many games and rules demos (including some return business from one customer who bought 2 boxes, a few blisters, etc.). All told, we (by which I mean Hat) sold tons of Malifaux that day, including to the San Diego Warmachine crowd, and people from Phoenix, Marana, Sierra Vista, and of course Tucson. ~J~
  6. I was among those who picked up several tons of Malifaux minis immediately after they became available, so I can relate here. My first box, the Order of the Chimera, came with a coupon, so that was easy to take care of. Later, my purchases of Silurids, Papa Loco, the Molemen, Killjoy, Baby Kade, Candy, and the Sorrows all came without cards - auk! However, in call cases, Nathan was accomodating enough, and I've already received shipment of the Chimera crew cards, and I'm just now waiting on the others to arrive by mail this week! Now that I'm buying newer product, nothing has been missing so far! I'm confident this will continue in the future with little error. ~J~
  7. Hat's Games is the ONLY certifiably awesome mini-games store in Tucson. And board games in general... and RPGs... and most card games... Nemesis closing didn't have an effect on the gaming community at large, per se, except to funnel more Flames of War, 40k, and Warmachine business into Hat's. Not to mention, Hat's is the ONLY place in Tucson who has Malifaux... Game Daze can suck it!!! ~Hoarcat~'
  8. COME CRUSH WESLEY CRUSHER AT BEATLES ROCK BAND!!!... and then stay for a Scrap or two. Here's how and when to get there... doors open at 1:30pm tomorrow! http://rincongames.com/location.php This Friday, 2pm to 8pm (Greenlee room, I think???) I'll be showing up between 4 and 5 to take the second shift, but my pal Larry will cover from 2 to 5. Saturday from 10am to 2pm (Larry) and from 6pm to 10pm (myself), followed by open gaming at our table from 10pm until 2am or later! We have a 4x6 table set up to our LGS's display of Malifaux minis and products, as well as our weekly painting coach, who has been collecting Wyrd minis for a while and will be learning Malifaux this weekend. We have a pre-set batch of terrain (abandoned settlement with a spooky tree) already set aside, and some masking tape to mark out our 3x3 area on the table. This will reside on the left side of our demo table, with a 1' deep bar up front where we'll have demo card instructions, character cards, books, summary sheets to be handed out, and other relevant goodies (i.e. fate decks & measuring tape!). On this side is where we will manage any demo gaming during our scheduled times, using our painted crews (Zoraida's, Lilith's, and Somer Teef's). On the right half of the table, we'll also have a 1' deep area for relevant gaming materials, a small area where people can learn each aspect of the game using two opposing models, fate cards, and a series of lesson cards to learn how to use each aspect of the game. Towards the back end of this side, Larry and I will set up models in progress while we paint them, and display any finished models here as well. After 10pm on Saturday, all we'll be doing is running games, not teaching, but anyone who stops by with their Malifaux crew should feel free to have a battle on our 3x3 against their friend's or one of our crews, or may even want to battle it out using one of ours (Mercenaries, Gremlins, Sorrows, Slaves, Nephilim, Redchappels, Undertakers... and feel free to playtest with, or against, my painted Killjoy - he's great!). See you guys there if you're going to be around! I'll be the crazy guy in the bowler hat screaming at people to play Malifaux. If you can't find me, listen carefully for someone screaming "zombie hookers" in the background - it's my two-word pitch for the game for those with short attention spans. ~Jeremy~ P.S., YES that odd statement above did indicate that Will Wheaton (now pronounced Hwil Hweaton) will indeed be there, not only for signings, but to play games with all of us!... But be nice to Hwil Hweaton - Hwil Hweaton seems like a nice guy! {Brownie points to all of you who caught the above reference and are either laughing or shaking your heads}
  9. Good news is that we're on the printed schedule now. The website is terminally somewhat inaccurate, but I can assure you that we will be there at teh following times for demos and open gaming: This Friday, 2pm to 8pm (Greenlee room, I think???) I'll be showing up between 4 and 5 to take the second shift, but Larry will cover from 2 to 5. Saturday from 10am to 2pm (Larry) and from 6pm to 10pm (myself), followed by open gaming at our table from 10pm until 2am or later! We have negotiated our table size to be smaller (i.e. 4x6 instead of 4x24!) so that our LGS can put up a display of Malifaux merchandise nearby, along with other store merch, and so that our local painting sage can sit alongside us and paint some of his early-release Malifaux/Wyrd minis. We have a pre-set batch of terrain (abandoned settlement with a spooky tree) already set aside, and some masking tape to mark out our 3x3 area on the table. This will reside on the left side of our demo table, with a 1' deep bar up front where we'll have demo card instructions, character cards, books, summary sheets to be handed out, and other relevant goodies (i.e. fate decks & measuring tape!). On this side is where we will manage any demo gaming during our scheduled times, using our painted crews (Zoraida's, Lilith's, and Somer Teef's). On the right half of the table, we'll also have a 1' deep area for relevant gaming materials, a small area where people can learn each aspect of the game using two opposing models, fate cards, and a lesson card to learn how to use that particular aspect of the game. Towards the back end of this side, Larry and I will set up models in progress while we paint them, and display any finished models here as well. After 10pm on Saturday, all we'll be doing is running games, not teaching, but anyone who stops by with their Malifaux crew should feel free to have a battle on our 3x3 against their friend's or one of our crews, or may even want to battle it out using one of ours (Mercenaries, Gremlins, Sorrows, Slaves, Nephilim, Redchappels, Undertakers... and feel free to playtest with, or against, my painted Killjoy - he's great!). I'm hoping all the missing info cards might show up by today or tomorrow in the post, but if not, Larry has a list of the missing ones and will make index cards for those who are missing their cards. See you guys there if you're going to be around! I'll be the crazy guy in the bowler hat screaming at people to play Malifaux. If you can't find me, listen carefully for someone screaming "zombie hookers" in the background - it's my two-word pitch for the game for those with short attention spans. ~Jeremy~
  10. @BM: Yeah, I've sen that damn thing disarticulated... and un-filed... and un-fixed-with-boiling-water... *shudder*... it's most unfair that they don't pay YOU to acquire that model. ~J~
  11. @Keltheos: You stole my thunder with "Slimepede!!!" ~J~
  12. To check if I wasn't just being a complete paint-snob/@$$hole, I looked at your painted mini gallery... and I just now realized that you're the one who painted my favorite interpretation of Forgeworld's Keeper of Secrets! So take that as a sign that I don't just hate you for painting really well!!! ~J~
  13. I hate to be a bum, but ... The skin tone is brilliant. YET, I don't think it's appropriate for this model The eyes are very lifelike... and yet again, I don't think it works for the theme of the model. The dress is very vibrant, and doesn't fit the theme either. I'm not usually one to be so negative about paint jobs, especially when considering your obvious skills and GREAT sense of detail (and good taste in paint!). However, in this case, I would agree with you that this wasn't the one to enter for the contest! Let me say though, I LOVE the theme and coloration of the base work. That alone is brilliant and worth commendation. ~J~
  14. HAT'S GAMES 29th & Alvernon Just south of 22nd St, and around the corner from the Eegee's. 520 514 2960 It's the only game store in Tucson for Warhammer, 40k, Battlefleet Gothic, Mordheim, Necromunda, Blood Bowl, Flames of War, and ESPECIALLY Malifaux. We also do Magic: the Gathering, innumerable board games, Legend of the Five Rings, Pokemon, Hordes/Warmachine, you name it. Check out the RinCon site for news on what you'll see at the convention: http://rincongames.com/ Hopefully one of us will post info on Malifaux gaming soon (by Wednesday?)! ~J~
  15. The way this game seems to be appealing to us down in Tucson, it almost doesn't matter what hits the shelves. When everyone got their first look at the range available, even just what has pictures in the book, everyone immediately knew the game was not only balanced, but that it appealed in at least a few ways to their own fantastical sensibilities (whereas they only hated one or two of the faction options, they loved three or four others, and their selection varied person to person). For instance, when the game was first described to me, I thought I'd probably pick up the Gremlins, but even though they were in the first shipment, I gravitated elsewhere. The first shipment that hit the stores incited me to buy the book, The Viktorias box, the Order of the Chimera, Lilith's Brood, and to pick up the Undertakers Crew for my friend. I had a great deal of luck with the remaining limited stock for my last order, which consisted of Molemen, Silurids, Killjoy, and the Redchappel Gang (that was for the same friend). I'll be picking up Zoraida and Bad Juju for the girlfriend this upcoming Friday -- she loves how non-objectifying the image of swamp granny is of women in fantasy/sci-fi games, so congrats to Zoraida's designers for that (even when bearing in mind Lilith, Perdita, and Lady J!). I'm still waiting on backorder of my 2 Hoarcat Prides, my Arcanist Blue theme deck, the Ortega Family (that I ordered for a different friend). Later, when the stock is looking more consistent, I'll be grabbing the box of Pandora's Woes, as well as The Cult of December, an Acolyte, a Wendigo, and Pandora's Avatar (even though I have NO idea how that version of her would function in the game... SO COOL ANYWAY!!!). That and my first-mentioned friend will most likely have me pick her up a box of the Body Thieves. Turns out she's a Resurrectionist fanatic (it all started with Nicodem's vulture!). Well, back to painting up my Neverborn, Killjoy, and Silurids! Let me know in this thread or by PM if there'a any news on how best to be a Henchman! ~J~
  16. Yes, I got the e-mail! Our LGS's Wyrd distributor has a big shipment of the stuff we didn't get last time coming in this Monday - excitement! ~J~
  17. OK - I'll keep a watch on this thread in case there are some other fellow proto-Henchmen out there with good experiences under their belts. In the meantime, I'll be kind enough not to make a banner for the booth that says, "Malifaux: It's coming, I promise!" ~J~
  18. Considering how well Malifaux is catching on in Tucson, I think I want to make sure it sticks by acting as a community organizer / press-ganger for Wyrd. On the weekend of October 16, we have our local gaming community convention, RinCon, during which well-known and new games designers and gamers alike will be gathering to share their favorite hobbies, and probably also to contest Wil Wheaton at Rock Band. Another Malifaux fanatic and myself want to put up a booth for Malifaux and run demos. From what he told me, in order to "press-gang" (or, insert Wyrd-ish term here) for Malifaux, we'll need a couple of painted and assembled starter boxes, the rules book, the Malifaux decks, and our knowledge of and enthusiasm for the game itself, which both of us have by now. Between the both of us, we can demo using the Gremlins, the Guild (the Lady J & the Deathmarshals), the Resurrectionist Redchappels and Undertakers, the Chimera Arcanists, Lilith's Neverborn, and Viktorias' mercs. We're thinking that the Guild should be on display for basic mechanics' sake, but we're wondering which of the other groups would be most appropriate to display the theme and workings of the game. Probably any of them, I guess, but then we're not the game designers or marketing experts! Is there anything else we need on hand for demoing and spreading the gospel of this wonderful game? It's already going to be quite successful at our local game store, but I want it to pick up elsewhere in the Southwest as well! ~J~
  19. I found that the guy with the long hair was missing his right arm, and I searched everywhere, but then I realized that when I opened his baggie... only one arm. So I guess I had the same problem. I sent an e-mail along with my request for the info cards for my Order of the Chimera, and hopefully I'll see a response soon!
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