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Everything posted by n0signal

  1. I think my image hosting is struggling with bandwidth or something. Thry're still showing up in my profile, so I'm guessing they'll come back up within 24hrs. :puppy:
  2. The Ortegas had been travelling for days and Perdita's family entered the mine itching for a fight. Word was that strange creatures had overrun the place, causing mayhem with the equipment; and then people had started to die. The miners had evacuated and the train station shut down, effectively sealing the place off; with the precious excavated soul stone trapped inside. The Ortegas had been contracted to raid the mines and clear out whatever monstrous filth had taken residence there. Deep into the mines the Ortegas found a central cavern, rich in soul stone deposits, and it was here that they could see what they were after. Some stones, very pure and very valuable, discarded by the fleeing miners. These were not your normal run-of-the-mill soul stones. They were magically potent, charged, and containing great power. It was obvious to Perdita, upon entering the cavern and feeling the magical energy, why the client wanted them so badly. The gunfighters advanced cautiously into the dripping damp mine and were closing upon their prize, when from the ceiling and walls, gibbering demented shapes started to coalesce and writhe within the shadows. Suddenly, and almost silently, a hideous fish-like humanoid leap from the dark, landing on the stones and scattering some of them off into nearby fissures; the rest it took up into it's clawed hands and savage maw and began to scamper off into the tunnel. “Everyone stop that damned Silurid!” Perdita exclaimed and the crew opened fire on the pitiful creature. It was wily and dived to and fro into piles of excavated rubble, to no avail, as Peacebringer strikes tore into it's soft fleshy hide. The abominable creature collapsed into a steaming heap, dropping the soul stones all over the place. It was then that two other Silurids, creatures from the swamp seeming oddly misplaced in this damp subterranean mineshaft, leapt onto Perdita; flailing wildly at her with taloned hands and snapping at her with dripping maws. Keeping her icy cool, the gunfighter weaved and ducked their attacks effortlessly as she and Santiago battered the vile creatures away and eventually smited them down with well-aimed blade strikes. It was during this time that Santiago began to feel something tugging at the back of his mind, a suggestion implanted by some other force that he should perhaps take a shot at Fancisco. Papa “Loco” Ortega has been keeping out the way towards the back of the crew, watching the rear of the cavern and it was he who first spotted the strange way the slick muddy floor of the mine had begun to bulge and ripple. He gasped and began to twiddle with the fuses of his dynamite as the monstrous form before him dragged itself into existence. Papa's mind snapped. Screaming “Demon-thing!! Bastardo! Come to kill Papa eh!? I'll take yer with me before you do!!” he ran at the creature, fuses of dynamite fizzing away, and threw himself before it. The mineshaft shook with the concussive force of the explosion and the Ortegas all ducked as bits of debris rained down upon them. By some miracle, Papa was still alive, but comically covered in soot and bits of rock and lying dazed on the slimy floor. The huge golem seemed to have shrugged off the blast though, and was regaining it's feet as the Ortegas opened fire upon it, blowing off huge chunks of mud and filth onto the cavern walls. With a savage roar the creature lurched forward and swung its putrid clawed fist at Papa Ortega, pulverizing him into the dirt. As the impact of the mudman's strike hit the frail old man's body it pierced the unstable, nitro-glycerin sweating, dynamite on his belt and once again a massive explosion filled the mine; blowing timbers down and levelling huge areas of the cavern. The golem howled in anger as it's body was all but disintegrated by the unexpected blast, and as it desperately tried to pull itself back together again, reforming from the muddy slime in the cavern, Santiago put the beat down. He grinned with pride as his bullets accurately found their marks, blowing the beast's limbs off and scattering its filth all over the place. He was about to lower his Peacebringer when he found himself urged to point the thing at Francisco again; he stood there with hands shaking before eventually fighting it off and screamed “Get out of my mind!!”. The mines echoed with evil cackling laughter as a large black raven swooped out from the shadows, and snatched the scattered soul stones in it's talons. It's evil glare locked eyes with Perdita for a split-second, as the gunfighter launched herself at the bird before it took flight once more and shot for the mine entrance; bidding to make it's nefarious escape with the Guild's prize. “Curse that witch, we must catch her before she leaves the mine. Follow me!” Perdita shouted back as she took off with all the nimbleness and agility her lithe body could afford her. Santiago and Francisco were about to follow when a demented little doll-shape skipped out infront of them. Santiago once again cursed in pain and frustration as the demonic thing tried to batter its way into his mind; he fired wildly at it and Francisco joined him, but the doll just leap and ducked into the rubble scattered across the tunnel floor. All the time, it continued its psychic onslaught, trying to possess the mind of the gunfighter and cause brother to kill brother. Nino had been patiently guarding the mine entrance, under strict orders from Perdita that no one should enter or leave, and he had found a great spot in some carelessly discarded equipment to camp and wait with his rifle. He had been getting trigger itchy because of all the commotion he could hear deeper down into the mine and it was totally bewildering to him to see a great black bird some swooping out of a tunnel, making it's way for the exit. He would have paid no attention to it had the bird not landed with what looked like a bundle of soul stones and then proceeded to shift it's shape into the Hag from the Bayou. Panicing, his moment of glory approaching, he aimed his repeating rifle at the old witch's head and was about to pop off a shot when something began to tug at the back of his mind. For one reason or another, he just couldn't do it, and his shot went wild. Perdita was rushing towards the cave exit too and paid no attention to the lumbering form of the mire golem pulling itself back into the world of the living. The vile thing lurched itself out of the muddy slime and started it's slow inevitable walk towards the cave entrance, summoned by it's master The Hag. Perdita found the witch crouched behind a wall near the mine exit, furiously stabbing a small doll with pins. The gunfigher leapt over the wall and fired her Peacebringers at her enemy and as one found its mark, doing very little to distract the age-old creature from it's task, the hairs raised on the back of Perdita's neck and she could feel fate itself weave around her. The overpowering force of the creature's magic flooded the mine and destiny itself was reordered at the Hag's whim; the crone charged Perdita and effortlessly jabbed poisoned pins into her eyes; bursting them and flooding her system with corrosive filth. Blind and defeated, the gunfighter collapsed into a heap on the floor. Seeing his sister doomed, Nino opened fire, tears streaming down his face as he tried to take revenge upon the Hag. Once the smoke had cleared, the old witch had gone; there was no sign of the mire golem either and as Santiago picked up the wicked doll in his hands, it felt lifeless and dead in his grasp. -------------------------------------------- This was a 25 Soul Stone "Crew Box" game (with the addition of Zoraida's Voodoo Doll totem of course) that myself and my friend Major_Gilbear played over the weekend. It was a lot of fun!! Encounter: Mine Special Terrain: Soul Stone Vein Guild Strategy: Treasure Hunt Guild Schemes: Raid, Hold Out Neverborn Strategy: Reconnoiter Neverborn Schemes: Kidnap, Bodyguard (Announced) Result: DRAW!! I (Zoraida) didn't bother going for my strategy; with my limited model count I was going to find it hard, so I just loaded up with schemes that could give me 4VP instead (2 for Kidnap and 2 for my announced Bodyguard). I piled Silurids onto Perdita early-game thinking that it didn't matter if I lost them, as long as I could put some damage on her, and then finish her off later in the game with Juju or Zoraida. I also thought I'd use one to steal the Guild's treasure and deny them their strategy, with only having un-announced schemes they them would find it hard to win. I suspected that Nino was camping where he was because of Hold Out but couldn't be bothered to contest it. I kept Zoraida alive for 2VP but failed at my Kidnap. I took 7 wounds out of Perdita with Zoraida's melee attack and the final wound was denied to me from Nino plugging Perdita in the back of the head. So, basically, because he'd wiped out all my minions, and had kept me out his DZ, he ended with 1+1=2VP. I'd kept Zoraida alive, which I'd announced, for 2VP. I'd like to thank my friend tho for a very enjoyable game, as always!
  3. Good catch!! I hadn't noticed that (as I say... I take no credit for all the hard work typing these up! I just "prettified" them), but I'll get it corrected and upload a new one later.
  4. Hmmm. It should display the jumbo-megasized print ready version when you click on the pictures. Is that not working for you?
  5. UPDATE: I've made new printer-friendly PDFs of these, that looks slightly different but are improved for printing. You can download them here: REFERENCE SHEET - PDF ABILITIES/TRIGGERS SHEET - PDF Firstly, all kudos for these handy reference sheets go to MEdwards (for the quick reference sheet) and Larkin Vain (for the abilities/triggers sheet); you guys are lifesavers!! These sheets are extremely useful. However, I've been demonstrating the game a lot recently to new players and I find that the more "tarted up" the whole thing looks, the more likely they are be impressed with the whole thing. So, basically, I've "tarted up" the reference sheets to match my Turn Deck somewhat and here are the results (I recommend printing them borderless and putting them in a clear sleeve with black card inbetween them. That's what I've done. lol): Update: I've made alterations to the Abilities/Triggers sheet, to remove typos that were spotted.
  6. I LOVE the idea of a night time board, it's utter genius!! The houses look great, but I think the board would be better if it was cobblestone. Perhaps using this simple spray template.
  7. It's all a decoy!! She's wearing a halloween fake-robot-arm sleeve on her good arm, while her mechanical one has the whole Terminator "living tissue over metal endo-skeleton" thing going on. Duh!!
  8. Well, Zoraida's Crew is my second for Malifaux, and I have to say Bad Juju's got nothin' on the War Pig!! The swamp bases that I make for my miniatures are a pool of metal repair epoxy with half greenstuff balls pushed in for air bubbles; I similarly just push the models into it to stick them to the base and it seems to create a very secure hold (for voodoo dolls, etc). This crew required a fair amount of modest greenstuffing (gapfilling), mostly on the Silurid's tails to get rid of the otherwise-obvious join. Bad Juju went together with super glue and then I filled in the gaps with greenstuff, using a wire brush to stipple it to make it look like the same mud consistency as his body. All in all, not too much trouble. (The War Pig had a MASSIVE gap between the two halves of it's body, and I had to fill it in and resculpt hair and all sorts!! PITA.)
  9. I hope you brought some moonshine with you to swig those wounds away?
  10. "Take a Swig" is not a spell, it's one of Jones's actions.
  11. Very entertaining and well written story - absolutely hilarious and keeps with the spirit of the Gremlins. Also, your game sounded like great fun - good battle report and always nice to have pics! Thanks for sharing!!
  12. Are they designed to print at 100% and fit into 30mm bases then?
  13. Awesome man, it's good to get the alternative viewing angle on those things too. They look great! *patiently awaiting his Giant Mosquitoes*
  14. Great colour schemes (I'm a big Hellsing fan, so kudos for that!) and wonderful greenstuffing, as always.
  15. Downloaded fine. They're looking great as ever! I can't use any of them yet (I play Zoraida and Som'er Jones) but I look forward to future updates.
  16. Teeth is in the lead!! Go Gremlins!! (I also play Zoraida now.)
  17. Good stuff man, I'm looking forward to all of these, great work!!
  18. These look absolutely brilliant!! Especially Bad juju; mind sharing what paints/colours you used? I love the green/reddy-brown transitions on his mud-form. Love it!!
  19. Hmm. They work okey for me. Is anyone else having trouble with them? BTW, they don't duplex very well at the moment (they're off by about 1mm or 2mm I think), but it's something I'll work on.
  20. Thanks man, soon I will be painting your Silurids too.
  21. Heh, thanks. It's meant to be straw (hence the lighter colour) but I don't think it comes off that way. ho hum. :lollypop:
  22. Thanks , he doesn't photograph very well, something about "That thur dangit eye-box is stealin' ma soul boy!"... Bubba:
  23. Just thought I'd update with my now finished Pig Crew - Som'er Teeth Jones, Hog Whisperer, Warpig, Piglet x4... now all I need is a couple of Skeeters and it'll be quite a viable force on it's own; without the Gremlins. Anyhoo... (please excuse the dodgy lighting, I just couldn't get the glare down, even tho I've dullcote'd them!) Som'er Teeth Jones: Warpig: Aided by his pigs, Jones manages to snaffle a pile of Soul Stones, thought lost in the Bayou: Meanwhile, the Hog Whisper desperately tries to stop his piglets from staring at the Mysterious Effigy... there's something just not right about it!?
  24. Hehe. Yup! Never idly give me a suggestion for something that can be photoshopped! LOL. I'm gonna go back and tidy these up a bit (redo the logo at the top of the cards) before I print them tho. (EDIT: Done!!)
  25. UPDATE: I've made new improved print-friendly PDFs of these, that should hopefully duplex the back better (Print at 100% on normal A4 size card stock). The links are: FRONT - PDF BACK - PDF I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post this online or not... (if not then I'll take it down - no problem). :dontknow: Basically, I usually use a D6 for keeping track of turns, my friend commented on this the other day joking that with it being Malifaux we should be using cards instead of dice. So... me being the sad person that I am, I've made a Malifaux Turn Deck; just a very simple and attractive set of cards to keep at the side of the board to flip through as you play the game. EDIT: I realised these cards need a back too really, so I've made a back as well. I'm not sure if these will duplex okey tho. I'll try it when I can get near a printer that duplexes. Enjoy!!
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