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Everything posted by Gargathor

  1. So I scored a sweet 28mm terrain set that cries out 'Malifaux!' to me. It's a Spanish mission, with a tower and several outbuildings and walls. Can anyone point me in the direction of some good color photos of 'Southwestern/Mexican' architecture? I've already got a base sandstone color picked out, and am now more interested in 'trim', roof and secondary colors. One roof is thatched, the other brick. Thanks for any input.
  2. Nope. Someone at PP (Kevin?) stated that they are not Cygnar or Khador jacks.
  3. Mine is on order at my FLGS, and they've told me the distributor has it. I borrowed some old Mathbox cars from my brother in law this past weekend, so I can compare scale and start kitting.
  4. About a month ago I bought the Dragon lady (sans Dragon), the German officer with gas mask, the Russian lady and the gravedigger (Jeremiah?). Just gorgeous. Haven't hit the painting table yet. Maybe when my Perdta box arrives:gurney:
  5. Yer on! I'll shoot you a PM with my phone # sometime b4 the Con.
  6. Like I'm falling for that. I wait by the flagpole, only to find out you ARE the flagpole. Not a chance. I'm just gonna sit here and wait for my Perdita box to arrive. I did indeed badger my FLGS to badger their distributors, but then got impatient and ordered 'em direct from Wyrd. Can't wait to look for some pick up games at GenCon.
  7. LOL! sKeTCH! Is there no corner of the mini gaming world safe from your nefarious machinations?:peep: Thanks for the warm welcomes everyone. Yeah, if the local distributor doesn't come thru Ima order me some direct. Then , on to Gen Con!
  8. Hi all. I've been waiting for this game since seeing the figs at GenCon 07'. I tried putting in an order for Perdita's crew today, but my LGS told me one distributor didn't have Wyrd on file. She's going to try ACD later today. Hope to see you at a gaming table one day.
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