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Basement Dweller

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Everything posted by Basement Dweller

  1. I think I will be buying this as well. I was very happy with my last order. I'm not a big fan of resin but the models had a lot of character and they tossed in a lot of extra stuff in my order which was nice...
  2. Looks good to me. I agree, you may have to accept that it is fantasy with his stubby weapon...its only for emergencies when someone manages to not get eaten by the bear...
  3. Going to need that crossbow for my GI Joe Scarlett conversion...woohoo...my fantasy conversions have been weak so far...
  4. Another one? Crap...I think I need a second job...
  5. I have been pretty busy with life, but I want to pick this up. I have a lot of West Wind stuff that would fit in just fine for minis...
  6. I love sport miniature games...I think I may have to get this. I have been PP free for a while, but this one will be tough to resist...
  7. Sign me up for one...have to support the local boys. For $25 it is worth it just for the reading material I am sure.
  8. So I am looking at the picture thinking "hey, that guy looks familiar". Then I look at the location and it's Calgary (basically where I live). It's Mike! Is Breten Brett? I haven't seen you guys in years...new job, a baby and move out of town and you never get to the games shop anymore... A game with minis and book? It looks awesome, congrats. I will have to buy myself a book and take a look...small world... Elton.
  9. I love the demon models for this line. I haven't bought any so I hope the line continues on so I get the chance to get a hold of some. The line is very well done and I always find it sad when a miniature line disappears...
  10. I'm always a sucker for a new necromunda gang. Now the question is what model to use as a leader and for scalies. GW models could be used but I was trying to think if models exist out their that would fit in well with these... I really want to buy these models as I really like them...but if I ever want to paint them they will need a purpose...
  11. I think I have a couple hiding in my bits box...I will see if I can find them and then send a PM.
  12. I am a miniature collector first and a gamer second. I love the Mutant Chronicles universe and wanted to like the minis...but didn't. As everyone has stated, the 54mm scale was an odd choice. I was unable to get past that. I still have lots of my old Warzone minis...now if I could convince some of my friends that the giant heads and shoulder pads are cool, I might game it again someday...
  13. They look sweet. I love the Russian look...very cool. I am a sucker for dwarf models however... I would buy a couple...depending on scale and price I would likely buy an army...
  14. Thanks for the welcomes everybody. I will remember to keep an eye open for the Bug King and his "welcoming" oil. I have a Nicodema and three samurai punk zombies painted...how could I resist samurai punk zombies? I will attempt to get some photos done...nothing award winning, but finished which is enough for me these days.
  15. Hello, I have lurking around this site for a while as I really love the character of the Wyrd minis. I have picked up some undead and some other random minis that I liked and even painted some of them. With a game on the horizon, I am hopeful that it will do the minis justice. I fat fingered the keyboard and lost my first post...so this is an abriviated post. This forum seems to have a postive and open community and I am hoping that I can contribute to that with my sparce posting. Just wanted to say and that I am looking forward to the rules and more background/story for these great minis. Elton aka Basement Dweller.
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