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Math Mathonwy

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Posts posted by Math Mathonwy

  1. I'm using cobblestone bases with a worn look for my showgirls so there's a bit of rubble here and there. Now, I wish to magnetize my Coryphees but one of them is standing on one leg and magnetizing that is pretty impossible. So I want to pin her onto a piece of something that is large enough to magnetize so that I can move her from base to base.

    Now, the question is, what would that something be. At first I thought of a simple rise on the edge of some different sort of pavement but since the bases are different sizes, that won't work as a cross section.

    A modest pile of rubble would be the easiest solution, but there is very little of that on my other bases, so I would like to use it as a last resort.

    Which is where I'm hoping to prod the creative talent here for ideas. What to put on a cobblestone base? It should be somewhat thick but not too high so as not to overpower the other Coryphee on the duet base. Maybe about 3mm or so would be ideal. And wide enough to host at least to 2mm diameter magnets with some room in between them.

  2. Dead Rider - In my experience this guy is never worth his points. He has two major issues.

    --snip analysis--

    Summary - Not a bad model by any stretch, simply far too expensive for what he brings to the table.

    Isn't that the very definition of a "bad model", though?

    Great summary though and saved me some money since I'm now convinced that I will be skipping Dead Rider. Thank you!

  3. This isn't even close to being true.

    Group A: Everyone loves big boobs!

    Group B: These stereotypes lack depth.

    I don't suppose that maybe, just MAYBE, someone could think that SOME people like big boobs? Or that maybe you could not especially care about the size of boobs without thinking it's a horrific insult delivered via lazy art?

    Or maybe even think that while Wyrd trends towards a standard fantasy trope, for a range as small as they are they have a higher percentage that diverge from it? Or that we can actually agree that boob size is a very shallow thing - which makes obsessing over it while ignoring and dismissing the strength Wyrd puts into its female characters even more shallow than those who think they should always have big breasts?

    Seriously, if the only options you can come up with are "MOAR BOOBS!", "We're deeply concerned over the stereotypical representation of fantasy women", or your new "Eewwwww, boobies!" your view on this is even more shallow than the "MOAR BOOBS!" crowd (which certainly exists, but is hardly the only option for anyone who disagrees with you).

    It's a weak straw-man aimed at dropping anyone who disagrees with Silveri (and you) into the "MOAR BOOBS!" category, and it's more insulting than anything Wyrd's ever put to metal.

    Nope, you clearly didn't get it. Try reading Silveri's post again and then your criticism. :)

    Also note that Silveri's point (the way the sculptors sculpt boobs makes them look fake) is different from mine as thread drifted (I would like to see as much variety in female sculpts as I see in male sculpts).

    Edit: for a guy complaining about strawmen, you deployed an insane pile of them in that post :D

  4. So these are our only two options then?

    For someone complaining about shallow archetypes in characters, you certainly seem perfectly willing to throw around shallow archetypes in real people.

    The third option would be, in this sort of division, "never big boobs/macho" and there haven't been any people of that sort. I mean, since the division described is "X", "X + everything else", the only thing left out is "everything but X".

    So the only valid way of leveling the particular criticism you leveled is if you are a "no big boobs, no machos ever"-type.

  5. You also could change Samael for The Judge ;)

    then you have a Cache of 8

    True that. I'm just not quite convinced by the Judge. Not sure he is worth the 7SS.

    But 7 or 8 is a lot with Lady J mostly I have between 4 and 6 for games between 20 and 35

    Aye, it is a lot. But it would allow her to act rather boldly. Besides, Lady J loves SS on melee defense flips.

    But yeah, adding a Watcher to the list would likely make it better.

  6. Lady Justice starter + Sonnia starter. Death Marshals and Witchling Stalkers are rather great for four SS so load up on them and then have two damage dealers in the form of LJ herself (with an impressive cache of 7) and Samael.

    Would this work as an all-comers list for casual games? I have Ressers for more serious stuff and more options so this would be a cheap force for something fun (since I have the LJ starter but haven't played with them any). And I could always change Sonnia into the helm if I felt like it (though I feel that this crew complements Lady J rather nicely).

    Guild Crew - 35 - Scrap

    Lady Justice
    7 Cache

    • Death Marshal

    • Death Marshal

    • Death Marshal

    • Samael Hopkins

    • Witchling Stalker

    • Witchling Stalker

    • Witchling Stalker

  7. Says the man with a large-breasted model as an avatar???

    ...and? It's one of my better paint jobs and the first Malifaux mini I painted since I had a good idea for the paint scheme (different shades of off-white for the whole mini with the blindfold in strong red).

    It's not my favourite sculpt of the line or anything. I would like the sculpt better if it had smaller breasts as currently it looks sorta ridiculous. Also, as Tuesday noted, the garb is extremely silly for a warrior.

    Edit: eh, just for you.

  8. There seems to be a curious trend growing here of polarity between players, both male AND female. There are those who assume that all players here like playing with macho men and big-boobed women, and those (an apparent minority) who complain about the lack of depth and common sense in those stereotypes. It's really not an age question either.

    I'll ask you a question. If you are the player of the first type (the assumed majority), do you prefer playing powerful heroes who can overcome all the odds they are facing by sheer power (be that strength, magic, intelligence), or do you prefer playing "lesser heroes", that were thrusted with a job probably way too difficult for them (and what they probably would prefer to be without) but what they have to do since there's no-one else to do it? If of the minority, do you prefer the latter hero archetype more?

    Is this more a conflict of player personalities than of attitudes towards boobs?

    It could also be the American culture and its fascination with big boobs and a tendency to extrapolate specific likes as universal?

  9. All joking aside, you know I'm right.

    Just because women play mini games does not make them the target market.

    And what has that got to do with anything? Your previous "/thread" comment didn't seem to have anything to do with anything, either.

    Did you know that the target market also likes space marines? Why aren't there any space marines in Malifaux? Would you like there to be?

    I seriously don't see the target market being "male 18-35" precluding variation in the female minis as I doubt that people are so desperate for the basic barbie minis that they buy everyone they see and somehow refuse to buy non-barbie female minis.

    I feel that the popularity of Belles is proof enough.

  10. All miniature companies make miniatures that reflect the character they want to represent on the table and, if that person happens to be a buxom wench then so be it.

    An inch high model is not offensive to me.

    Not speaking for anyone else but me, but I do not find the trend in female minis offensive. I would merely love some variation as I believe that there are lots of fun minis to be had by changing things about a bit. Variation is fun.

    The idea brought forward here that I would choose male models as representations of myself and female models as representation of and ideal mate is supremely weird to me. I choose models based on their character (and the quality of sculpting) and there is character to be found in female minis that aren't the usual big breasted barbie doll perfections.

  11. While I don't claim that Dolomyte has not had a fair amount of vitriol in some of his posts, your above comment does not at all help your position. Your posts to him strike me as just as inflammatory and childish as you claim his have been.

    This topic has had some interesting discussion, why do you continue to try and get it locked? If you truly claim to be more mature than him then you would do good to show it.

    Fair enough - I did get carried away. I got frustrated - the line that began that particular tangent was rather a harsh ad hominem from Dolomyte for seemingly no particular reason and stupidly, I admit, I responded in kind escalating it further.

    I apologize for my childish behaviour harsh words. They were not needed, nor justified.

  12. Yes, because guys like picturing themselves as being part of the fantasy, the child in us wants to believe that despite the fact that we are not brad pitt or not a roided out superhero (I am not), that we still have a place. Its called an escapist fantasy, sometimes when I read your repeated personal attacks against me I daydream about a device that allow you to punch people in the face across the internet. See, its a fantasy.

    Your style of play scares me. You say that you feel sorry for killing Hoffman and now you say that you insert yourself in the game... so you really imagine yourself killing all those people represented by minis in the game? I kinda recommend a therapist at this point.

    Im sorry the real world isent fair to you. but you should hold off from making personal attacks. I'm sorry that im not ashamed or afraid to speak my mind. If you constantly want to go to personal attacks, how about I save us all some time, and get the thread locked by telling you to go outside and play a rousing game of hide and go $$$$$$$$ yourself.

    Heh, first of all, when you throw out stuff like "deal with it" and then throw a hissy-fit when someone doesn't just roll on their back you don't sound immensely mature. Just saying. Also note that you were the one who started making ad hominems back in post #48 so I thought that was your preference.

    Second, nothing wrong with being fifteen, you'll grow out of it and look at your former self in a new light pretty soon, I promise.

    Heres a study on attractiveness from the UK, apparently there is a consensus among men that they find women who are thin and seductive more attractive then others. Confidence rated highly too.

    That has nothing to do with what we were discussing, though. I now realize that these random changes and goal-post shifts are par for the course for you, but pardon me if I'm not exactly going to follow you where ever you decide to randomly take the conversational ball.

    P.S. I imagine that every time you write something that the board censors, it was the c-word. You know, the one ending with 'lown' that is not allowed here ;)

  13. Ok,I would say first,that your a bit light on rotten belles. I also think you might do well to not worry about throwing in sybelle,pending how the dead doxies do. Also if your including molly you should definitely put in her totem.

    Aye, change Sybelle to a normal Belle and add in Molly's totem. Molly can summon Sybelle when your lure machine has killed something.

  14. What did I not answer for you. People dont want to paint fat normal women. People dont wait to paint crippled women. Its a fantasy game.

    But they want to paint fat, crippled, and ugly men?

    does that answer it plainly enough for you? I know you don't understand that, but its life. Deal with it.

    Are you fifteen or something? Because I refuse to believe than an adult would spew crap like that.

    You want wyrd to be the first miniature company to shuck the mold of objectifying women (and men), even if they did, no one would care, the thousands of people who play malifaux are a just a tiny tiny droplet of water in the ocean of the world where women, and men, are judged looks first, everything else second.

    ...and this is why you don't vote, right (when you are old enough to do so)? As your vote is an insignificant drop in the ocean of other votes.

    The unfortunate truth is all men desire the shapely figure that is ideal for a genetically good spouse.(if they are of the straightish persuasions, and even then they still have a tendency towards the "Ideal" woman.) So large Breasts for feeding more than one child past 3 and shapely wide hips for an easier child birth. And the skinny hairless legs and arm pits becuase it makes us think they are younger than their age which is good for a mate becuase of a more likely chance they will live till the children are adults.

    All the crazy ideas about sexual attraction can be traced back to our genetic desire to find a good mate. Even if you swear up and down you hate kids it is still the truth of the matter.

    But don't worry becuase women are also looking for qualities that make a good mate too. It just happens a number of their's revolve around providing for the kids.(This is where someone busts out with Gold Digger.)

    Whoah, got a citation for all that? Since beauty standards changing over the centuries kinda, you know, disproves the whole "we are nothing but slaves to our genetics"-type of stuff at that level.

    The unchanging parts of beauty standards have more to do with balance (both sides of the face and body matching the other) and being average (i.e., no abnormalities) than wide hips and a skinny, young look which haven't always been in vogue (and are sorta mutually at odds with one another).

  15. The quality of the sculpts has always been the issue

    No. It hasn't been in my postings, nor in yours (nor in anyone else's) except for these last two of yours where you plucked it seemingly randomly. Check back a few posts if you don't believe me.

    Suffice it to say that you're tilting at strawmen here and not addressing the points I've raised, nor answering my question about your previous statements.

  16. @Dolomyte (can't bother quoting as quoting those bold-tags is very time consuming)

    You seem to have switched the debate to somewhere completely else compared where it started at. The quality of the sculpts was never an issue in this thread and seems to come straight out of the blue and cast your previous comments in a really, really weird light. So I'm not at all sure what good would answering to you further yield.

    Finally, I made the comment on having played with minis longer than you purely because you suggested that this was not the right hobby for me. Well, also because I felt comfortable in making that claim (insofar as I honestly believe so).

  17. I do agree with Dolomyde however that better looking models are going to be bigger in game sellers.

    But only in the case of female models?

    Despite this I do think that Wyrd do ok on the body range diversity front. Granted some ranges are more diverse, but at least there are a few models that we have been able to discuss on this front.

    Comparing the minis where there is a female and a male option, the difference tends to be rather astounding.

    My main point is that Wyrd men have a great amount of fun diversity. I wish that the women had as well.

    I mean, whilst I love the look of Corvus Belli's Infinity females we would have no examples of diverse body shapes to discuss there. (Unless I have missed them, but I don't think so)

    To be fair, Infinity males are all uniformly trim and handsome as well. It kinda goes with the genre, more so than with Fantasy minis.

    But yeah, I'm not saying that other companies are that much better than Wyrd here. And I do agree with your earlier point about this being something that affects the whole society and every medium. But I feel that there have been advances made and I keep hoping that Wyrd might at the forefront of such a change, perhaps.

  18. Men arent the only ones, I pointed out models to you that dont look good, you can keep ignoring them, but your wrong for doing so.

    You pointed out Abuela who I acknowledged and then two more who aren't ugly in any shape or form.

    Molly the model is a bit thinner then molly the artwork, I will give you the model does not look chubby.

    She has a dress with a high waistline. Haven't you ever seen such garments? You think everyone wearing such is fat?

    Im going to stand alone on this ledge apparently, but people dont like to paint and field ugly models. No one wants to see a rampaging herd of fat people racing across the battlefield at them, they would laugh and think its a stupid game.

    Good thing that no one suggested anything even remotely to that effect, then.

    Also, why do you want to see a crippled woman, thats kind of messed up.

    What the hell, dude?

    You use the term hot far too frequently for my tastes.

    You trolling?

    My overall point is that if your offended by cheesecake women and attractiveness, miniature gaming is probably not for you.

    I dare say that I've been in this hobby longer than you, played more games than you and painted more minis than. Yes, without knowing anything about you. So yeah, miniature gaming is definitely for me.

    I appreciate your right to speak up about it, but people like me will come out of the woodwork to defend the fact that we dont want to paint ugly models. I would not buy them, no matter how good they are.

    So you hate Abuela and Zoraida based on their looks?

    I don't play minis games to be sexually stimulated. I thought no one did. But suddenly I'm not so sure any more, unfortunately.

  19. Apologies for provoking your Ire, for what it is worth I was simply seeking to add to Dolomyte's list.

    No no, I should be the one apologizing. In retrospect, I sounded awfully aggressive there. I realize that this has been a very verbose thread and reading everything everyone has written is not a given. Furthermore, since Sybelle is the ugliest woman in Malifaux, adding her to the list seems very tempting.

    So, to iterate what I said before (and further refining and clarifying the thesis), belles are a bad example of diversity since 'ugly' is an intrinsic characteristic in the concept of zombies.

    Similarly, Showgirls should be exempted from the discussion as 'beautiful' is a quality associated with cabaret dancers.

    Now, as for the other female modes, 'beautiful' is not an intrinsic characteristic of a blind-folded sword mistress. Or of hammer wielding worker girl. Or of a homeless rat slave.

    Now, these can be beautiful and there is nothing wrong with that. But when every one of them is, that's when I would like to see more variety.

    So, in closing, my apologies for my previous answer to you. And hopefully I clarified my point here.

  20. The executioner is large, but I would not say he is fat, I think he is more like a strongman. Like have you ever been to ringling brothers circus recently? they have these two huge russian guys who look fat and wear semi-bondage gear, but they lift up 300 pound wooden planks with dancers on them and stuff. Impressive dudes.

    Levi is not athletic, but hes pathetically thin. which works with old age.

    Hamelin, Santiago, and hoffman all are thin guys, they are not muscle bound behemoths, but one dude was a cripple, jesus give him a break. Hamelin is homeless. Santiago is probably just lazy.

    I'll give you the guard captain and the convict, the guard captains typically sit behind a desk and eat, go to a police station and take a look at the sargeant, some of them are fatties. the convict is too busy shooting people to work out.

    Two things

    1) I wasn't trying to list only fat models but rather models that aren't the epitome of physical perfection (like the female models tend to be).

    2) You give reasons why they aren't so. Guess what, those reasons are made up! By the designers who designed the characters. Why couldn't they make a cripple woman? Or a fat woman guard captain? Or whatever unattractive or just less-than-perfect woman minis? Why do only men have these reasons for looking not so good?

    Heck, even the Obedient Wretch, supposedly homeless as well, is hot as hell.

    You have to give me Abuela (chunky in her old age), Zoraida (She was hot young, she is not hot old), Rusty Alyce, Molly (shes not fat, but shes got some extra pounds, and kind of a fugly haircut,

    Abuela I had forgotten, yes, she is an example of the diversity I would like to see more of.

    As for Rusty Alyce and Molly - they are both attractive (well, Molly is a zombie but she could be painted to look attractive). Though your analysis of her is kinda telling of your attitudes.

    Just thought I would pop in to add Sybelle to the list.

    I have twice already commented on this subject. Want me to do it a third time?

    Edit: wait, this one has a few extra pounds? What the hell?


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