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Everything posted by Isoulle

  1. I must admit, I adore lovecraft and he has been a huge influence on me and my writing (I feel like I'm just parroting what others have said here. Hmmm....) While I do love his mythology I must admit his writing is what captures me. The way he uses words and phrases to express the terror and dread of the moment really inspires me. I've never read words that so properly capture the macabre so. Most people won't find his stuff scary because the equate horror with shock and gore (A product of most horror movies these days). Things ambush people and then vivisect them in the most horrid ways and that's it. Lovecraft writes to express the mood of terror, the feeling of being mentally alone while your senses are being assaulted by things that don't belong in your worldview. Things whose very existence makes your entire life and indeed species an exercise in futility. To murder is one thing, to deconstruct your perception of reality and replace it with one of true horror is far more disturbing. That's at least the way I view it. The only thing I've ever seen do that is a videogame series called Silent Hill. Very good horror, surprising considering most videogame horror is B-movie quality. Though ScottRadom, what do you dislike about his writing? I'm quite curious.
  2. Isoulle

    Hey Gang

    Welcome. Hope you enjoy your stay.
  3. Voids pretty cool. Still around under the guise of Urban War. I like the game but damn do they need better models (Still like them more then rezolutions though)
  4. I love both sculpts. Never really had a thing for hordes but man are those nice...
  5. Lot of good things ships here. I must admit I love overly stylized ships. so I'm going to have to bring up the Andromeda Ascendant and the Balance of Judgment. Not the best show ever but I loved how the ships looked. And of course there's the imperial ships from Warhammer 40k. I mean, who doesn't think giant floating space cathedrals look awesome? ... Also I like the Omega destroyer from B5. Very cool looking in a practical, pragmatic sort of way.
  6. I quite like Infinity, mostly the background/models (The rules are a bit.... off) I love the biker and I've been thinking about collecting YJ so that'll be on the list. Right now though I'm working on my Haqqislam army. There is no god but god and Muhammad is his prophet...
  7. Happy thanksgiving to all you yanks.
  8. Dark City is a fantastic movie. Good to know other people have seen it...
  9. Don't worry, I'll say what everyone wants to but some are afraid... Stupid LARPERS ruining vampires!
  10. The best horror movies are the cheesy ones in my mind. I love old B movies. Monster movie or otherwise the cheesier the better for horror movies. Though honestly Shaun of the Dead is amazing. Love that movie...
  11. Vampires. As long as they're not Ann Rice style vampires. I want less relationships and more BLAU!
  12. Greetings and salutations! Welcome to the boards.
  13. Yeah there's something wrong with the mouth. It makes me think of.. well... nevermind...
  14. Well when I'm really scared I can scream like a little girl. Well, not really. But I love that line from Duckman. (Old cartoon show)
  15. You said it, we didn't? Got something to confess to?
  16. Hey, a few things. 1. Character bios would be great. As of right now we don't know much about much and for players whoa re browsing it is very helpful to have a quick source for what is what. A cool bios can sell a lot of minis and generate surprising interest. 2. I play a card game called Legend of the Five Rings and the company does weekly fictions on their website. This is rare I admit and you certainly don't have the manpower for it but website fictions can really help spur interest and give people something to talk about. It's nice to have a base of stories you can point to for new people and say "Read this" which will get them interested. I don't know how many people you have writing fiction write now but it's an idea for the future to get a story team together to write stories so you can spread the work around and get a lot more done. I think the story is a huge part of any model game and really gives people a feel for the game as they get attached to characters and their stories. Just my two cents.
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