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Everything posted by Isoulle

  1. Sadly rules take a long time and a lot of work. I mean, I haven't even yelled at everyone yet on the Beta forums, just most people. Gotta keep those people in line. Seriously though, we're working hard and hopefully we'll get it ready for Gencon. As for the Canada thing, hate to break it to you but I'm a newfie. Living in good old St. John's.
  2. Don't worry, we've already got Canadian feedback. I'm currently taking that job...
  3. I must admit I love this companies stuff. It's right up my alley. The designs they have up for the other factions look fantastic.
  4. Gotta admit, not huge on the paint scheme. But the level at which you paint is fantastic, I'm very impressed. You have a lot of talent I must admit....
  5. Loved the first game, definitely the best gameplay/writing wise. After that the story was good but the gameplay was meh. Especially Soul Reaver. If I have to push or flip another block by god! Seriously though, they really need to do one more. There was supposed to be one more to finish the entire thing off.
  6. I must admit I'm very happy. I really like Warmachine, it handles the best out of any mini game I've played. It just needs a rebalance to move away from infantry/solomachine...
  7. You know, I really like the anime take on western fantasy but anima's models just haven't impressed me. They tend to have posing problems, have problems with the ultra-high detail the style requires, and tend to be lacking in the face department. I really want to like them but every time I see the models there always feels like there is something wrong. Just my opinion.
  8. To crush your enemies see them driven before you and hear the lamentation of their women. Awesome model all around. Wish their was a Conan model game. That'd be awesome.
  9. Awesome paint job both of you. I quite like them... I caved and bought the rulebook. I don't know why but something draws me to this game...
  10. Wish their models were a bit better. I love the theme they're going for. Hopefully they'll get better as time goes on...
  11. lol, I think I know a few things there. Got any tones or even better characters?
  12. I will NOT get into another mini game. I've been resisting Hell Dorado but these Immortals are beautiful. It's so rare for there to be a Chinese faction in a model game. All the Asian factions tend to be Japanese... All of this French scares me.I don't know a word of it, and I'm Canadian. But Mandarin, Mandarin I can do. Wo Shuo Zhongguohua shuo de bu hao!
  13. Nice previews. Wish there were new units but hey. CA really needed it's doctor/mechanic, and as a Haqq player it's good to see my favorite djanbazan get a sculpt. Though I still dislike the Haqq sniper rifle. BTW, where did you get these previews. The Infinity site hasn't been working for a while. At least for me.
  14. Words cannot describe the amount of sexy that model is.
  15. I actually like him. Not big on the pose but I like him. But the I really like the Skorne style.
  16. You guys are horrible, I'm so sad. I'm going to go write about this in my livejournal.
  17. That story is terribly... arousing... Alright there goes everyone's respect for me. Back to my dank dark cavern...
  18. I like. I gotta admit I hope it has some western cyberpunk feel to it. There's a serious lack of good minis with that feel and Infinity is Japanese cyberpunk so...
  19. Oh well.... this is awkward >_> Hey! Look over there! *Flees*
  20. Really? No one dislike Lovecraft in your discussions? I find myself being the defender of Lovecraft against a storm of people. Where I come from I have to defend Lovecraft. Most people say he's slow and boring. Actually they say the same thing about Lord of the Rings. Most people I know don't like the classical writing style. If you're branding yourself as a non-intellectual then I am branding myself as a pretentious arts student. I could never get into comic books in a serious way. Comedy ones I can read but I find the serious ones lack a degree of maturity. But perhaps that's just me being pretentious. I mean, the stack of books next to me contains a Lovecraft book, "The Picture of Dorian Gray" "Atlas Shrugged" and "Withering Heights." So yeah, I'm a strange one... Oh yeah, and I like NMM.
  21. Very impressive. You're a very good painter. I really like the blending job especially along the blades...
  22. Redstripe really hits the point on the head. You did a much better job then myself in describing how I feel (An impressive feat. Perhaps you have infiltrated mine dreams like some unseen lurker, crawling across the edges of my psyche... I'm getting off topic I believe). He very much summarizes my point of view on both Lovecraft, and the works derived form him. On a similar note, I must admit I have noticed that modern media is almost completely focused on characters. The other three elements seem to have taken a back seat. This is very much a reflection of how people think as well. Everyone I talk to about books or movies or etc talks about the characters and how they were good and bad and thus the story was bad. Has anyone noticed this trend towards characters over all else?
  23. I should be going again this year. Back to where this all started. Curse you guys for getting me into another mini's game! Also, I think hanging out some night at a restaurant would be pretty awesome.
  24. Well, I must admit that when it comes to all media forms I am quite different from most, even from most Lovecraft fans I've met. I mean, I think Neil Gaiman (I've only read a bit of his work, gotta read more before making a full judgment) and Terry Pratchett are very uninteresting writers. A statement that I believe is considered blasphemy amongst the geek community. I can't argue that his characters are uninteresting, but I must admit it never bothered me. I very rarely like or care about characters and when I do they usually are the antagonist. Most media I find has very dull and cliche characters and even when it does not I must admit I often have trouble understanding why they do everything since in most situations it is the exact opposite of what I would do. But then I am of a peculiar sort. As for his endings, what sort of ending would you like? I mean I don't see a problem with the crazy indescribable in comparison to anything else. I think I can count the media I've read/seen that had a good ending with just my fingers. Lovecraft's endings bother me no more then the "Happy ever after ending" or the "Bitter ending because I've read to many happy ending stories" or any number of cliches. And who cares what a 5th grad teacher says. They have a terrible lack of imagination... I must admit I consider lovecraft better then the horror writers of today. If you can find a horror writer better then him in the modern era I would like to see it. Most horror I've read written in the past twenty years is dull and trite. I must admit, it does appear as if we are quite opposite. For example most people I've seen use the Cthulhu mythos outside of Lovecraft I tend to havea distaste for. They have an annoying tendancy of attempting to normalize things. They try to explain things, propose solutions, and otherwise turn the cthulhu mythos into a bunch of regular old monsters. That and the character focus saddens me. Unless they focus on the character going mad in which case it's good times. But to each their own. I'm sure there's plenty I don't like that you do. And I'll be sure to tear holes in it the moment you mention. I'll be waiting, watching, and then strike when the moment is right! I mean, have a good day.
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