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Everything posted by v22TTC

  1. I've experimented with cans for such things. I've found that Fosters cans are some weird plasticy metal that gives really blunt edges so you're very unlikely to cut yourself - useful for pieces that might get picked up by others. But, it reacts badly to spray primer (kind of goes a bit rough) so I'd use brush on primer for those bits. I can see Rob's suggestion about tomato puree tube being the winner though - cheers for that!
  2. Duende: Linky would be to:- http://phildeb.wordpress.com/ Since he's usually more up to date than the English site. Man, I've been checking every day for over a month for St Hazael. Nathan: Thank you. I tried the thing and it did nothing except make one of the links look a bit different (the one I tried it on). You haven't explained it to me, by the way, though you have answered other computery questions, cheers. Just never this one (though you have edited my news posts to make this happen - again cheers). Everyone: The underlining in my edit wasn't mine, by the way - I was asking (again); not shouting.
  3. EDIT: Really wish someone would tell me how to convert the links into images directly: I've asked about six times on different forums and no one will tell me. If I've transgressed against web etiquette in some way, I hope someone will educate me ... I'm like a lost little kitten when it comes to such things (except that lost kittens usually receive help...). St Hazael not really what I was hoping for - again that lack of detail that I'll end up having to sculpt on, that should be there already. Apparently the photo is terrible and really fails to do justice to Bren's paintjob.
  4. That's good to know - quite a few minis I want to buy individually (though not for anything as uncouth as gaming...).
  5. I really like this one too, with and without tentacles. Without, it's another mini I've been after for ages (like the Blademaiden) - I love Chinese swordsfolk! I can see me getting at least another two of these for conversions/dioramas/competition pieces ... I can foresee some activity in the Swap Shop (hope so anyway - don't want to buy three boxes!..).
  6. Lady Lilian, Knight of 5th Heaven Become the Lady of chalky, rubbish painting To be reborn from a bath of Simple Green (If I can find somewhere that sells the damn thing) And only half finished, on re-sculpting Khaine So glad it's only 'I Think I Can' What you get for all that hubristic braggin' But since it seems there's some spaceship lovin' Going down on this fine forum.... Some ironclad from the Neu Swabian League Funky fresh from GZG! Colour scheme been planned for weeks With freehand medieval heraldry Got loads, so maybe one'll look reet Maybe a Dreadnought, at least a DD (Sorry KatieG: but should still look pretty sweet Imagine - first ship/s painted in my fleet! Hope the ankle's better: Love and Peace! All this rhyming - Peterdita, what you done to me?!)
  7. I like the cape, personally ... but then, I've never seen a mini, or comic illustration and thought anything other than, 'Wish that cape was a bit bigger'. Cheers for getting nearer than most!
  8. Yeah, Dindrenzi totally FTW! IIRC, the bases are for display purposes only and the actual minis will come with different ones, though they haven't decided which yet. Supervike: This is the spaceship site as far as I'm concerned:- http://www.star-ranger.com/Home.htm I'd heartily recommend Full Thrust by GZG - rules and sweet, sweet ships! You can check them out on that site but I'll post a link to there when I've finished ... no idea how to put two links into a post at the same time.... http://www.groundzerogames.net/ You can dowload the rules for free, though there are different versions and the latest rules are in beta, playtest stage at the moment (and for ages!). I'm really, really pleased to see some spaceship love here - been wanting to work on my ships for a while now but thought this forum would sniff at them or something....:)
  9. Really nice - be interested to see the rest of this line develop. And yes, I was verily wondering about the brass rod....
  10. I've had my eye on some of those 'fed' railgun ships for a while now. I love how the news here these days has minis from loads of different sources (tanks and spaceships as well as humanoids and creatures and whatnot). To avoid confusion though, I'd like to mention that the game is Firestorm:Armada and not another game (Starmada) mentioned in the title. I wish the Starmada line had ships that look this sweet!...
  11. Them AT minis sure look the part - Yeah, til you check out Wen-M's art Juan Navarro's a sculptin' genius But why's he keep missin' out them little details?! Senor Perez - What about the filigree on Lilian's chest?! Always the skinny chicks with great ass and breasts Nice, cool, and verily yes! But sculpts one who's built like a Champ of the Empress;) Good strong woman - pose all statuesque But feeble shoulders, like a big jess.... Two too many mananas and cervezas? 'Nose to the grindstone' 'n' all that puritan BS. [Juan, I'm just bustin' your chops - full respect to ya and your minis!] IP clock's tickin' an' I'm messin' with the GS Building details like skirts and pauldrons; But sculptin' don't count in IP as now is And I'm just one of the sad, sorry 'also rans....' So why'm I doing this? Kudos? Build my skills Show what I can do - prove that I can Them tough baby-steps in a new profession? Soon 38, done nothing with my talents But read At the very least, earn myself a shit-hot gaming piece! Ummm ... that is if I can paint them metallics.... And get the digital shit (the embodiment of caprice) To do what the f**k I f**king tell it! Peace - I'm out!
  12. Yeah, been a while since I've seen a mini that I have to buy on the day of release (27th of Feb?). Been after pretty much exactly this mini for a looong time! Luckily the rest of the box set ain't too shabby either.... EDIT: Why have they sculpted detail on only one side of the jian's handguard? I won't be able to leave that alone.... EDIT2: I mean 'why have they cast?..', since the detail's on the fimo. Kind of rhetorical but if anyone knows I'd be grateful.
  13. As good as I hoped but can't see her face too well. So, will you have to buy the Immortals starter box to get her?
  14. Be interesting to see what they do with it - for all those PP fans out there, I hope for nothing but the best! Hope it's actually a cool new system and not some GW carry-on to flog more books (though I actually like and buy the books): I'll be sat here with an open mind and wishful thinking....
  15. Yes! This is the mini I've been looking forward to more than any other Helldorado mini I've seen. Duende: Michelle Yeoh FTW! My favourite actress.
  16. Fantastic - liking this line more and more with every release!
  17. "All these bloody Balrogs - what's the world coming to?! No Balrogs back in my day ... and you could leave your front door unlocked ... grumble...."
  18. Given that it would be a great, simple, obvious and popular idea that would make them money, I think it's unlikely that GW will do it.... Hope they do though - even this GW-hatin' boy would go for that one. EDIT: Would be nice if they made the rules flexible enough that any faction could play against the nids (Tau Stealth/Crisis Suit teams come to mind).
  19. Looks good - hope they make the mini suitably different from the Dark Age voodoo guy (sweet mini).
  20. I know what you mean. There're a few that are stunning and nigh on perfect (and a few horrors!) but for most of the rest I always tend to wonder 'why on earth did the sculptor do that?' about just one bit usually. Maybe it's like the persian rug thing....
  21. I wish to fish they'd show us St Hazael already! [Pulls angry face.]
  22. I went to the LGS today to buy these guys to try my suggestion on (want to build up my portfolio of skillz and speed) but, of course, they didn't have them (or the AT mini I wanted to do sculpting on as well). I'll have to mail-order them, which means, in this benighted country that I'll never get them.... But if I do, I'll post pics. I'm pretty excited about this project, cheers, though the irony of the fact that I'll never play WM and actually like these minis exactly as they are hasn't escaped me. Anyway, I'm sure you don't care, buut if you like what I've done, maybe we could sort something out - so it isn't just academic. And any tourney organiser who doesn't like the fact that you've got minis converted to look like exactly what they are but more in scale with the rest of the range is a tourney organiser you shouldn't want anything to do with.... BTW, do you know who sculpted them? They have a bit of a Jose Roig look about them (ie I like them...). EDIT: And how many mm do you reckon you'd need to add to get them in scale height-wise?
  23. Well, I've just checked out Alessa - measuring height ain't much use because of her leaning back pose but compared to the Cygnar female Journeyman Warcaster, she's exactly in scale (comparing lengths of bits of limbs etc). Hope that helps. Her cyborg legs are chunkier than the PP model's though.
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