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About mquarmby

  • Birthday 06/14/1961

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  1. I picked up a set of these at Sydney MOAB convention. They really are nicely done - and the price - just when you thought you could resist, check out the unit pack price.
  2. I say 'mehhh': - If a private source is used, publish it (already being done to my satisfaction) - If its a general manufacturer news - we know where it came from - Is this forum cluttered with junk? Absolutely not. I find Wyrd to be the premier site for knowing what is happening with new figures and ranges (no insult to other sites intended). In this section there is rarely any 'junk' - excepting perhaps this thread. All in all - a great job being done for those of us without the time.
  3. I have them. Some of the models are in excellent poses. The Ninja apprentice and the kneeling samurai are superb, as is the Geisha. It is nice to see stylish Samurai type models that are not over-burdened with heavy armour.
  4. Eduhin Morning Star - new mini - Enigma - can't speak - can't post photos - best work yet (and not just because of the subject) - help someone - make the pictures happen here
  5. Those are the nicest Spy minis I've seen - I'm not a fan of the extremely thin waist and these are the type of figures I like. Consider them bought.
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