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Everything posted by JonasD

  1. I really like the sculpt and the paintjob! Really great stuff!
  2. Okay! What a nice THread this is! Without: - Coffee. Jonas not work without coffee. I am clearly addicted to my morning-cup (which is a cereal bowl - no honestly, it IS). As I had a sore stomach after massive black coffee- abuse during civil service (Some preferred my coffee towards LSD) I came to put loads of milk into it. Until it's almost cold. Imagine a 5-stories Espresso with a quarter liter of milk, there you go! - Water. Munich's public water is one of the world's best. They even had scientists proving that. I go up to 3 liters a day. I need that. - Apple juice or Grapefruit juice mixed up with water. Most of my time i put that into my neck. - Tea. Peppermint. Yammy. Big Cups! With acqua vitae: - Beer. I'm from Munich (Oktoberfest yadda yadda). Favourite is Augustiner Bräu, a beer that is brewed in the center of Munich. Outside Bavaria this one is hardky known, but a party ihn Munich without that good stuff ain't much worth of a party! People will leave... really. I cannot stand mixes. I only love Wheat-beer, but outside Germany it's commonly unknown. - Ouzo. After a nig meal I like this stuff to clear my stomach. And tasty it is, too! - Mai Tai: If going for Cocktails, I go for the sour/ fruity ones. - herbal liquors: See Ouzo!
  3. Hmmm these never make it over the big water inbetween. But in this time of the year I prefer Glühwein to drink. That is Red wine with cinnamon, sugar and other sweet herbs, then heated up. If we now also had snow, we could really enjoy that! But does its job also without snow.
  4. Well, let's see... o no, I spent my 175 pounds on food an rent! Means I have a living! Sorry, but FW's prices just keep grwoing and growing... for being resin figures. (yeah I know detail gna gna, but really...)
  5. I also own this mini, but I never tempted to paint it. Great job!
  6. Seems I missed on those, when I was over there, Besides, a bavarian is really very special about beer, try Augustiner (speak: Owgusteena) and you know what I am into
  7. Well I do not mind, because after having tried the American stuff, I have to agree to Monty Python: Anerican Beer is like having sex in a canoe! F****ing close to water!
  8. In Germany it's slightly above average - I think 6' to 6'1" is average height here. Teutronic Giants! *growl*
  9. I am "only" about 1,90 m tall, the frame and the extinguisher were about 2m back from us. Behind the Emergency Exit there really was the place to get selfdraught beer. Was a hotel actually
  10. Yes, that minis IS holding another mini. The larger one is 28mm. Beer is good! But now I'll have some ouzo with my girl...
  11. Okay, here we go! I am Jonas (Group: Hallo, Jonas!) and I've been addicted to miniatures for almost 10 years now. *sigh* Besides being a student for becoming an english teacher, I also am a freelance sculptor. Yes, I started to make my own stuff! It NEVER ENDS! *snif* Right now I am working for overall historical companies, but I also try to make some stuff for SciFi, Fantasy, SteamPunk whatever companies. My other hobbies are: My girlfriend (she deserves it), playing guitar, music (METAL) and drawing. I also like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain. And Beer.
  12. That's me and my girl. We were at her uncle's birthday with a real huuuuuge family, so they decided to give us shirts with name and status on them. Hers says "Jenny, Achim's niece" and mine, well, says: "Jonas, Jenny's boyfriend". At least now I know, who I am. She's the best! Without her I'd be that screwed up, so I wanted to show her.
  13. I'll take some asap. Thanks so far for your positive Response!
  14. It's abut 4,2 cm from foot to Staff-Tip. Eyeheight would be ca. 28mm.
  15. Hi, I just want to present you my latest piece of work. I did her between some commissions I am recently doing. She's not completely done yet, but I think you'll get the idea.
  16. The Green os the Spearman is never going to be produced, Felix only did it as a training piece. The other minis- well, they are niceyl sculpted, but I wouldn't want being given them for christmas.
  17. I changed my sculpting mostly concerning usage of tools (what when where), basic dolly making (for some of them) and also a little bit of style changed (away from the bulky towards a more filigran look). The style change happened when I was working with a couple of histrical mini-painters who guided me through their concept of miniature. Right now I am making 20mm miniatures as comission, that's where you cannot afford being bulky at all!
  18. Yes, they are really good. I once did a dwarf for them, but it didn't really suit their style, so it was never really published.
  19. Hi! - I bought my Clay shapers in a German arts-store. http://www.boesner.com - I will post an orc concept as soon as I get one scanned. I just kind of lost my whole computer data in a serious breakdown shortly ago, so I don't have them handy. - Sculpting: True, true. First the Detail issue: I personally like more the down-to-the-earth minis, but I develope more and more interest in highly detailed things. My future Minis will tend in this direction. No neck issue: As to the Orcs, that's a wanted thing. They simply are that bulky. There are still some othermijiatures, that suffer from that disease I shortyl changed my way of sculpting, so I can avoid that. - The picture os the mini: I will post it, as soon as I can take a proper picture. The ones I was able to take weren't really good. Oh, EDIT: Concerning the Con Stand: I got news that I would come to DUZI about 3 days before I got into the train. I had no real infos as about how much space I really would have etc. So I tried to make the best out of the situation, ususally we do have a fully concepted stand with displays etc. I changed the wrong impression you (naturally) had the day after by adding prices to the miniatures.
  20. I'd like to introduce myself: I am Jonas, the sculptor mentioned above. Thanks, cindy, for writing your impressions! It's true: Our website still is in German, but I'm in the middle of translation. So the english version should be up within near time. We are indeed pretty new, meaning we produce things now for few years, but we were mostly into terrain-making. The miniature line is being extended now, I am working on some minis that will be produced soon. That will include some new orcs, too. Packing: Yes, that's our normal way of doing it, although we are going to switch to blisters asap. The Photos on our website wil be retaken as soon as we can. We know that these pictures don't do the paintjob justice, (poor Markus) wo we will change that along with better detail shots. Comments on our work is always welcome for we want to improve it as you like it.
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