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Everything posted by Coil

  1. He's standing on a base from Micro Art. http://www.shop.microartstudio.com/power-plant-bases-wround-50mm-p-250.html A big cool machine like the Peacekeeper needs something steam-punky to stand on.
  2. Looks really good. Inspires me to get back to work on my Dead Justice.
  3. I thought I'd post some pics of my painted Malifaux minis. I'm always happy to hear any comments and criticism to help me improve the next lot if I can. First up we have Lady J and her crew. The Ortegas Lucius and his Lawyer Peacekeeper and Guild Guards Next, moving on to the Arcanists. We have Collette and the girls
  4. Very nice indeed. I have the exact same mini on my painting table and have beeen working on a brownish scheme but wasn't satisfied with it at all. I'll probably copy your scheme instead. Very nice work on the face and hair.
  5. Thanks for the kind comments. I am quite happy with it overall (apart from the hazard stripes on the weapon). It is a quite old mini (from the 1st edition era of Warzone), at least 10 years old or so. I still feel that it is quite nice though. There is just so much character in the sculpt.
  6. I had planned to this mini in Total Testosterone, but I have been really lazy and got almost no painting done this entire spring. So I missed the deadline, but I painted it up during my vacation. I suppose I could wait until the next Total Testosterone contest but I just cannot wait to show it off to the world. The mini is Vince Diamond hero of Cybertronic for Warzone. He is a total badass full of testosterone (the extra strong blue kind pumped into him. The pics of course could be better but I tried to tweak them a bit in photoshop. I am quite pleased with his skin and face. This is also my first try at object source lighting (from the grille he is standing on). He can be removed from the diorama and be used in games (I mainly plan to use him in Siege of the Citadel). The diorama is made from Hirst Arts spaceship tiles. Let me know what you think. As always the camera shows all the mistakes I do not see irl but hey that's life. The metal on the top of the gun isn't that shiny that's the rather strong lamp I used.
  7. A mix of what previous posters have said. Time to paint, better brush control, practice, not rushing things, practice even more. What I would really like to do is to sit down with a great painter (or even someone who is just a bit better than me) and learn from him or her. Articles online can be quite good and I've learned a lot from them but I feel that the real life class would be better.
  8. This is the Epic Skarre I painted for Rotten Harvest II. I'd like to ask all the good painters around here for some pointers on what I can improve so that I can submit something better for the upcoming contest. Since some thought the pics were a bit dark I went back and looked for better pics and from other angles and this is what I could find. Unfortunately I cannot take better pics of it since I painted it for a friend's army and he's got it now.
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