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Everything posted by joshuaslater

  1. Once you go Savage, you really have a hard time going back to Hasbro.
  2. Are the arms separate from the human torso of this model? I plan on buying at least two to be able to do some conversions, and would like to know; maybe I'll buy three!! Any help appreciated.
  3. It seems like such an obvious fit I'm surprised it hasn't been suggested already. Savage Worlds is an RPG that can handle things like firearms in a fantasy setting, and magic or psionics in a modern setting. It plays exactly like their motto: "Fast, Furious, and Fun." I'll be getting Wyrd this coming year in anticipation of the game, but also because every model in the line is ace, and usable for Savage Worlds. It's win-win for me. Cheers.
  4. I'm looking forward to the TTG first, but playing a Death Marshall in an RPG sounds cool too.
  5. I just put this on the Pinnacle forums. http://www.peginc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=224854#224854
  6. Savage Worlds is my latest RPG, and the only one that got me back to roleplaying games after many years. I'm still primarily a tabletop player, but SW has my Sundays, and has stolen my heart. The combats play more like a tabletop game, and don't get bogged down by too many mechanics, but still have the options to really run wild. Players are allowed and encouraged to try more options than just what "feat" they would have in D&D. Character creation is much more fun with a point buy system, and the edges and hindrances let you create your vision of the character, rather than someone else's idea of what your character is. The mechanics are stripped down, but it's an elegant simplicity, rather than barebones. The advantage you have of putting out a Savage Worlds supplement over that of a D&D book is that you will retain ownership of your creation, and have the option to still put out your own book down the road. Also, there is no large expenditure like getting into bed with Hasbro. Of course, this can also be done as a free pdf, with the appropriate marks indicating the Pinnacle logo and giving credit where it's due. Ultimately, the Pinnacle people sell their basic rulebook, and you promote Malifaux to a whole new audience. You could do this with a published hardcover book like Slipstream (pulp sci-fi), Sundered Skies (dark fantasy), or 50 Fathoms (fantasy/pirates). I think this would sell for you, if the quality is on the lines of the Wyrd miniature line. I'm not a member of Pinnacle, but I am a client!! Pinnacle has a very basic approach, and you can find their information readily from their website. I've no doubt they would speak to you personally regarding a partnership of this sort. I'm going to post on the Pinnacle forums to see what others in the community think of Wyrd miniatures, Malifaux, and the idea of Savage Malifaux. Their forums are similar to yours in that it's a very friendly crowd of like minded people who enjoy gaming, and want to help each other out. Cheers, Joshua Slater
  7. Do the folks at Wyrd plan on an RPG as well as a tabletop game for Malifaux?? If yes, or no, I'm hoping they'll consider releasing a Savage Worlds Malifaux setting book. It's non-exclusive and would really be a great cross promotion, ultimately selling more pewter. I'm betting some of the Deadlands players out there are already buying the models for that game. Cheers.
  8. Dig. The Wyrd line is off the hook, and by that I mean every model, from the grunts to the characters is top notch. I like Merv, and enjoy Spinespur for what it is, but I like where Wyrd is going with their thing. I think 2009 I'll be going Wyrd. By the time I get a unit deal or two, a few blisters here and there, the rulebook may come out and I'll be ready to throw down. I'm not in the habit of rushing people so I'll just kick back, budget for the models, paint, and wait. It's all good.
  9. Dig. I've had my eye on him for some time as a Spinespur proxy to add some flavor, but if I can use him in multiple games that's just gravy. Cheers.
  10. One thing about living in a free society is that I can choose to spend all my cash and just buy all the factions. I'm pretty fired up about this game.
  11. It's been a while since I perused the forums here at Wyrd, but from what I'm reading and seeing in the online store, I'm'a go broke buying all the good stuff coming out!!!! I've been playing Savage Worlds for a good stretch now with my Sunday crew, and we're having a blast playing a fantasy rpg. I can see the whole Wyrd line being useful for Deadlands and many other Savage Worlds settings. I've been collecting a few of Wyrd's models over the last couple of years, but now with the Malifaux game coming, the discounted warband packs, and my interest in other genres, I can see this becoming an addiction. I've also been playing a lot of Spinespur, and the crossover of Wyrd's models could see them doing double duty. Sigh.
  12. I'm spending more on bits sprues than I am on models!! I'd rather give my money to Wyrd than Rackham or GW!! If I can't convince you to attach the hands, please make us a sprue of blackpowder and steampunk weapons!! You're worried about the hands fittin'!! Pah!! I may not be able to sculpt hands with greenstuff, but any conversion nut can doctor some parts. Thanks for the reply, and keep up the good work.
  13. Dear Wyrd Miniatures. You've got me collecting your models, and even interested in your Malifaux game. I've bought a few models, and some of your weapon sprues. What I would love to see from you is a sprue of hands holding weapons from the Wyrd range. Examples would be the gun/sword hands from the Witchling Stalkers, the gun/weapon hands from the Gunfighters, and some modern ones would all rock, and I'm sure would sell to conversion junkies like myself. I type this because I don't feel like chopping up your models for parts; other companies I don't care, but you guys seem to have captured my interest. If my humble request has been written before by another forum member, I make no apologies!! I really want to see them. Cheers, and keep up the good work. Joshua Slater
  14. I'm just looking at it from the gamer and mini enthusiast, without the responsibility of running a business. From what I see over on the FOD, it's just a message board where you can check in and see what those four companies are doing, and links to their independent sites. From what you say, it seems the actual coding, software, and organization are more involved and better left to those who know what they're doing!! Anyway, it's nice to get a response from a games company, and a warm welcome on their forum. I look forward to seeing what else y'all come up with, and dread seeing my credit card statements! Cheers.
  15. I have more models than I can paint in a lifetime; the Malifaux game can take all the time it wants. As for shared forum space, I know Bob Mervine is a control-a-holic with his Spinespur game as well, but if four model companies in the U.K. can share one forum, I think two can in the States. The cool models lured me into Wyrd miniatures; the sets convinced me to buy more!!
  16. You guys got me. The faction sets are what have convinced me to buy them. It would be great to have two, paint them up, and wait 'til the game comes out. I've gotten involved a little with Spinespur. It's got some weird models and an adult modern horror survivial skirmish game. I wonder if Wyrd and ComfyChair games would consider sharing a forum, as both lines look like they would complement each other. I'm already buying from both companies anyway. A shared forum like the Forum of Doom in England would keep costs down for both companies and attract a larger audience. I've also suggested this on the Spinespur forum.
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