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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. A friend of mine was the lead expansion designer for Silent Death. It was a very fun game actually, with some really nice minis. Everyone who played it seemed to have the same complaint though: You could roll a critical hit, and when you did, you had like a 1/6 chance of rolling "cokcpit" and basically taking the ship out of the game, no matter how big the ship was. There is absolutely no reason to have a cockpit on a massive interstellar battleship. Everything would be remote cameras etc, with the pilot actually way down inside, safe from nasty bulletses. But I meander. It was a fun game but I don't recall any specifics beyond that. It was like Starfleet Battles shaved down to something you could actually play in an afternoon. But ICE went bust and Donald was out of a job.
  2. Machinist is kind of neat, and certainly unusual. Wu Ming is pretty cool. Nothing against cat-girls in general, but is the Playboy pose really necessary? Dogboy kind of reminds me of Liono.
  3. They really knew how to make a codpiece back then.
  4. I found Nemo . . . and you won't believe what he's been up to with whom.
  5. Normally I hate what UW did with the junkers going for that roman gladiator thing, but I gotta admit, that red-haired guy is very cool.
  6. Never got creepy? Door? the Elf whose sole existence was to psychically open a door? Other elves essentially enslaved to keeping the mountain floating? Coccooning the dead/soulless elf? Lots of creepy my friend; lots of creepy.
  7. Legs look exactly like space marine legs. Helmet looks like an old fashione Sylon.
  8. Actually, the way her arms are posed, she might make a good choice for the fiddle player I've been looking for. I just don't like the way her dress runs between her legs and she looks like she needs to pee.
  9. The original elfquest series was great, but I wasn't very thrilled with the later stuff. It was brutal, creepy and still, it was full of a love of life.
  10. Really? Why? How does it end? To be honest, that was a crappy preview. And is it anything like the Charleston Heston movie Omega Man?
  11. I'm not a hugge comic fan, but I like a good story. Last one I remember really enjoying was the Astro City series. Some of it is very retro, and I just love the concept of a world where superheroes are fairly normal and it focuses on their daily lives, marital relationships etc. Sometimes even stories about ordinary people living in a world full of super heroes. Plus there's some killer artwork. How's that for NMM
  12. love those stockings and goggles. Is that pre-done concept art or your own work?
  13. Cards look nice, as do the spirit/strength chits and dice. Board, meh. Character pieces? horrid.
  14. For zombies I pant the eyes completely white and put a tiny black dot in the center. Sort of pupil without iris. I think it looks creepy.
  15. 1 is coolest to me. 2 I don't like cause I never like dragons wearing armor.
  16. The mechanical aspect of closing it is what confuses me.
  17. I remember that guy. He claimed the ambiant light created enough shadow on the mini already. Anyway, I say "Hell yeah" but disagree with the rest of that choice. You shouldn't paint difficult stuff just to show off that you can paint difficult stuff. Painting the eyes makes the mini complete. I haven't spent too much time with tabletop gamers, but whenever I have, people come by and lean in real close to look at the minis. Like Callumrice said, if you get real close, you will see if the eyes are painted. If they aren't, the mini just won't look complete. And the eyes don't have to be detailed. If they are small, sometimes all I do is paint the socket black or brown and put a tiny (pink or gray or bone colored) dot on the left and on the right. That is the simplest method I know, and on the smaller stuff (and I do this on 10mm minis) it makes a big difference.
  18. I like them all, but they should back up a bit with the camera.
  19. I still think she looks like she is hanging from a helecopter strut.
  20. Well if you really need less miniatures, I know where you could send a few....
  21. Sorry, Jim, but if you can't keep instep with the theme I'm going to have to cuff you.
  22. Crewbacca! Man, coming up with sock puns is hard. Maybe this article will provide inspiration http://www.aapsm.org/socknov97.html
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