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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. I'd recommend the HongKong classic trio Swordsman, 1, 2 & 3 http://www.lovehkfilm.com/reviews/swordsman.htm
  2. The superimposition of the actors' faces over HeMan action figures in the credits was very clever. My favorite detail though was the pile of empty Mountain Dew cans in their game room. Thinking back, I don't think I've ever met anyone who drank Mountain Dew and was not a RPG player.
  3. very much like the elf archer. May actually buy it, which is saying a lot for me.
  4. I wonder why our modern soldiers don't wear huge honking boxes on their shoulders. Judging by minis, all future armies will for some reason. Okay, sarcasm over, I don't care for the individual soldiers (other than the quality of the sculpts of course). They just don't do anything for me. On the other hand I really like the mecha things - very original twist on an old concept.
  5. In no particular order: Bladerunner -yes! The Thing -this time it's okay to see the remake, but you should still see the original with Chuck Connors (the Rifleman) as the monster The day the earth stood still -Yes Forbidden Planet -may as well (and while at it, also see When Worlds Colide and for a twist Fantastic Planet) Papillon -Absofrigginlutely!!
  6. Sorry for the double posts, but there's so much to comment on.... Broderick has the best line in this movie, and it's the first line of the movie. I have often over the years found myself quoting it and I always chuckle at the thought. I'm chuckling right now. You should definitely see Nightmare Before Christmas - now, don't wait for the weekend. Okay, I recommend Labarynth just because it's one of my 2 favorite movies (someone already mentioned Princess Bride). I am fond of quirky old black and white films so I suggest The Man in the White Suit starring a very young sir Alec Guinness. Tight little Island is a hilarious WWII movie. For fun you could watch the Seven Samurai and the Magnificent Seven back to back and compare. Die Hard always good for an afternoon. I saw and loved Eric the Viking, but then I suggested someone else see it and on watching it a second time I felt embarrassed for talking her into it. Oooh, that reminds me of Yellowbeard. Odd but lovable film. Anyway I think we've filled up about 4 weekends.
  7. Forget the movie, read the book. It's fabulous!
  8. Too many to count. I have a nice dryad from some euro company. I'll have to look in the CMON Mini Exchange 5 thread to see again the source.
  9. Um, they are all in platform sneakers - except hat guy is in tabi. Vike I am pretty sure wants the skirt chick. I'm afraid I don't want any of them. Maybe if I saw them unpainted I'd think better of them, but the hair is really putting me off. On the second link, the painting is a bit better. At least it's more congruous. I think the flying girl is kinda cool, but not overall impressed. Mainly though, I am impressed that the guy painted computer mice and called them vehicles. :thumb:
  10. Could you post links? I'd like to see what you and Jim are talking about. maybe we'd all want different ones and could split the set?
  11. I like the female Orc and the hospitaller, but the rest suffer from emaciation. I don't find them boring though. I think the details are very cool, just need some meat on them bones.
  12. Um, Dionne is awfully like a particular movie poster out now. Some good stuff. Don't care for the schoolgirl. Like the pun names - and Sigourney Weaver wishes she had that figure. Is there an armored libby available without the football? I'd like to give her an SM backpack and add her to my army.
  13. Well, from the perspective of the plastic, it's time that bends. Einstein hurt my brain.
  14. That's exactly what I thought when I saw it: "Oh my god, it's Cohen the Barbarian!" In the original paperback art I believe Cohen was depicted as wearing loincloth and horned helmet. Too bad you can't see his dentures in the mini. p.s. if you haven't read them, read the first few books in the Discworld series. Cohen, a legend in his own time. "it's not hard to be a legend in your own time when you live to be 150"
  15. Yeah, the troll guy is pretty cool, though I think he looks more frog than troll. I'd have painted him green.
  16. love the face and hat. Hate the skirt (looks like it's made of lead).
  17. The last 2 look very realistic, though I'd like to see more angles on the bottom one. The first is too like a PP mini I used to have, and the head is as large as the torso from waste to shoulders. I'm not sure the head is too big or the torso is too small, given the length of the legs.
  18. I'm with Anders. The first one looks pretty good at first but when you notice the details, you see it's off. I just don't like the arm imbalance.
  19. I just love the fact that before the rise of the Nazi party in Germany, the Swastika was the symbol of their gymnastics team.
  20. Don't know. Quick google search reveals that : "In the 1800s, countries around Germany were growing much larger, forming empires; yet Germany was not a unified country until 1871. To counter the feeling of vulnerability and the stigma of youth, German nationalists in the mid-nineteenth century began to use the swastika, because it had ancient Aryan/Indian origins, to represent a long Germanic/Aryan history. By the end of the nineteenth century, the swastika could be found on nationalist German volkisch periodicals and was the official emblem of the German Gymnasts' League. In the beginning of the twentieth century, the swastika was a common symbol of German nationalism and could be found in a multitude of places such as the emblem for the Wandervogel, a German youth movement; on Joerg Lanz von Liebenfels' antisemitic periodical Ostara; on various Freikorps units; and as an emblem of the Thule Society. On August 7, 1920, at the Salzburg Congress, this flag became the official emblem of the Nazi Party" Shadow over Innmouth was written in 1931.
  21. I say bleh to all but the ape. And Ms. Guthrie, you've sculpted him a couple of times before. The pose is only slightly different, but it's the same damn guy!
  22. It bothers me because it is a violation of copyright. On the other hand, had the supreme court ruled the other way on the sony bono copyright extension act a couple of years ago, it would not be, and even with the extension, the copyright expires next year. However, I'm all for promoting great reading. (note - due to his fans, EVERYTHING by HPL has been printed: this means stories he wrote when he was 12 like The Beast in the Cave. Obviously not everything he wrote is good.) One thing to point out to the new reader is the repetition of names. Note that the expedition in At the Mountains of Madness is funded by Pickman, from Pickman's Model. Lovecraft crossed everything over, and he and his friends would often include each other's names in their stories, sometimes in modified form, but Clark Ashton Smith shows up as himself in At the Mountains of Madness. Then when you've read all of this, read Terry Pratchett. He has quite a few Lovecraft references in his first diskworld books - I particularly like the book the "Necrotelecomnicon".
  23. just noticed these 3 are all in the same pose. That's disappointing.
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