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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. some good elements and some really bad elements. Nice female figure sans weaponry and gadgets. Left hand in an odd angle, hard to say what she's doing/holding. Weird pants, though not too weird to be unbelievable. One prob is that they puff below the knee, kind of like bell bottoms - but then there's a knife strapped around the puffy part, making it look like she's got deformed calves. Love the smooth, slightly plump face - good break from seeing so many WK heroine addicts.
  2. I'll jump on the "hate the weapons" bandwagon and add that I hate whatever is coming out of her head (horns?).
  3. #3: Aaaargh! Banananaaaa Peeeeeeel!!!!!!!
  4. love their robots and aliens. Don't care for their humans. In at least one instance they succumbed to the old "put bumps on the front to make it female" school of sculpture.
  5. The last two with the bamboo are a little TOO Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon for me. Like that frog there though.
  6. the snow on his body is great. I'd just suggest putting more pink into his skin so he looks more like his face is cold.
  7. not my style of mini but really great metallics. The prob I have with the wings is just the join and the fact that the armor points at them instead of giving smooth room. Makes the wings look like an afterthought.
  8. Funny, I was about to comment about the length of the legs before I read your comment. Like the elements but they don't look good together to me. Perhaps if I knew of the concept art or the theme of this upcoming game.... I'm not into post-apocalyptic S&M stuff, so the facial piercing and prosthetic, and the costume don't appeal to me in the least. I LOVE the teddy bear though! Will he be available solo? "I always do what teddy says"
  9. Like: Constantine, Construct, Disciple. Dislike: Neshal, Minmax, bottom half of Bodyguard, Archon Withholding Judgment: Udamag - need to see more angles. Nice face though.
  10. My mistake (But I blame spacemunkie - Master indeed)
  11. WOW. That guy has quite a sense for color as well as a fine hand with a brush.
  12. Yuck to the first one. Someone has a batman fetish. It looks like she's holding a "batarang". The skeletons are okay. Actually rather like the first one.
  13. Oh you would like that one, wouldn't you.
  14. I like them. Would like to see the female painted with as much depth as the male though.
  15. Middle one looks all right but frankly can't see buying any of them.
  16. good for you! Now that would be a funny way to paint her. Put a tiny Hershy logo on the ground behind her from the package.
  17. Yeah, well I picked up a pewter model of "the druggist" by Norman Rockwell in an antique store for $1. He's exactly 59mm tall and I am just itching to paint it.
  18. I think I said before that I have nothing against any particular scale. I am disappointed that some of my old favorites are puny next to modern minis, but I've come to accept it. As to liking the slightly larger scale, I have to say I really like the challenge of painting something smaller. Painting shoulder logos on epic space marines is FUN!
  19. I like them. A bit stouter than most prior Syntha. I like what they have done with the exosuits except the legs look just like terminator legs.
  20. now that you point that filigree out, I looked more closely at the whole mini. It doesn't look so much like he's casting a spell as having one cast on him. Notice his hand is turning to wood and there are vines climbing up his arm. That could actually make a nice part to a diorama where he's being turned into a plant.
  21. so I got out my ruler and just measured a few minis. My 1977 Ral Partha axemen are 25mm from foot to crown. My 1983 Grenadier female warrior is 25mm from foot to eye, 27 from foot to crown. So scale began to grow 20 years ago, but seems to have stabilized at 28mm for some time, with figures frequently pushing 30 for several years, lately consistently there or slightly above.
  22. to each his own. Besides, when is the last time you saw a mini that was in fact proportional? I think she looks like something designed to frighten, not like an actual corpse that has somehow had flesh removed from head and hands but remaining elsewhere. The classic death is not the skeleton of some real person, but a face to fear. This is what I think death would look like if the Elizabethans had personified death as a female instead of a male.
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