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Everything posted by vincegamer

  1. Yeah, the group shot draws out the poses. Still, even alone a couple of them are going to look like they are posing - or like they are bad college drama students. [edit] it just occurred to me that the tall woman in the prissy lady pose would actually look much better if you stuck an R2 droid under her left hand.
  2. Is it just me? or does the starter pack look like a Michael Jackson vidoe? What's with all the vampy poses? Maybe more Madonna than MJ - "everybody Vogue!" The concepts I like but every one has one thing off. That woman in dark has uber skinny legs. The remotes are cool.
  3. Well in that case I can critique it from a purely artistic point of view. I think they royally screwed up with the cloud. From straight on it touches her headdress. It's a visual problem because it looks as if something is reaching up and dropping that thing on her head.
  4. I think the wings are meant to be large enough to actually suggest that creature could fly - unlike almost every other dragon out there.
  5. If you ever don't know what something is, ask wikipedia! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hammer%27s_Slammers
  6. They have vehicles based on the old Hammer's Slammers book series. Cool.
  7. Yeah, but then there's the exchange rate to worry about. I haven't ordered the tacticalminis yet and I see they are now in stock at fozzbozz as are the sci-fi Heresy minis I'm interested in, so that just may be my source.
  8. fantization doesn't seem to have the sci-fi line.
  9. Okay, so if I agree to do this, where can I order Heresy minis in the USA?
  10. Wait, Russian Mortar teams show up in Iowa all the time?
  11. Yeah, I just registered there. Waiting to be accepted.
  12. So the question then becomes: can I use other figures in addition to Hasslefree and Heresy? See I really need police officers but could probably work the security guards into it if necessary.
  13. Nice way to get red and green and not look christmas. Good job, though the browns could be blended more and the mortar drilled out.
  14. Very nice. My first thought scrolling down to #2 was "I got what you need!" directed at #1
  15. Too bad. I've already begun a diorama using a Hasslefree mini, but absolutely nothing by Heresy will fit in. It's modern, not fantasy and I don't see any non-fantasy stuff on the website.
  16. There are probably several painters glad you were disqualified. That's a damn fine paintjob.
  17. So do we get to at least see what you would have entered? Is it in your gallery here?
  18. Sorry about the multiple posts but I only just found this thread. Reminds me of when I slogged through the Silmarilian. See, Tolkein's elves are immortal. I remember reading a passage and some elf pops along and everyone treats him special like I'm supposed to know who he is. I have to go sifting through the beginning of the book to find last time he'd showed up was over 500 years (and over 100 pages) earlier!
  19. It helps to get into him when young. First one I read was Have Spacesuit Will Travel, when I was about 9 or 10. One book that pissed me off was a text book for a science fiction literature class. Lots of great stories followed by a series of commentary and essay questions by Isaac Asimov. Bastard. I'd read some really fascinating Robert Bloch or Ray Bradburry story delving into the human psyche when subjected to extremes and then Isaac would proceed to tell me what crap it is because the actual speed of Deimos, the first moon of Mars, is xxxmph, not yyymph which means none of the story could actually take place.... What really pisses me off though is crappy movie adaptations of great works of literature.
  20. Me either. These days if I find out a book is part of a series I make sure the author is dead before reading any of it.
  21. First one is typical Rackham. Good if you like that sort of stuff. The second, is crap. Until I saw the painting I didn't realize it was female. There's no hips, virtually no bust (rare for rackham) and the face looks just like a GW male elf.
  22. I like the squatting guy. Good lineman for a fantasy football team!
  23. What the heck is that first one? Middle generic and boring Last somewhat characterful.
  24. Choclateer? Does have a Willy Wonka look doesn't she. I also find her somewhat similar to a certain VIP mini.... Eyes put me off too, and can't really make out her nose from this angle.
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