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M2E Advertisement. A Little Bit of Fun.


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Hi All!


One of my work mates, David, is currently building a special effects and CGI portfolio as he's trying to break into the industry. Recently he asked me if I had any ideas on how to add to his portfolio. After a little bit of thought I decided to (with David's help) do up a little M2E teaser for a bit of a chuckle, just to see how it would turn out.


The footage we shot was at a place called Dogs Rocks near Geelong, Victoria, Australia. After the footage was shot, and with the help of David, special effects whiz, we played with the footage, added some snow fall and this is the finished product. From start to finish it took about 4 hours. As a disclaimer, all images are the propety of Wyrd Miniatures.


I would like to do this again so any feedback would be greatly appreciated as well as invaluable for David's portfiolio.




Also, here's some David's other work.







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I really liked the visual but wasn't a big fan of the audio of the M2e clip. It just seemed a little busy. It seemed like both some sound effects (maybe wind blowing) and some music. I think separating the two out to various parts of the clip would be more pleasant to the ears.


Just my 2 soulstones worth.

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